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Everything posted by wuzzzer

  1. The only items you can buy directly from Klipsch are their B-stock refurbished items. Some speakers show up now and then on the Klipsch eBay store.
  2. To sound the best you're going to need some serious supporting speakers for those Khorns such as Belles, LaScalas or Cornwalls. Hope you have lots of room! []
  3. If they are in good condition I'd say its a good deal.
  4. http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/search/sss?query=klipsch&minAsk=min&maxAsk=max http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ele/300164297.html KG4 - $220 http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ele/299710866.html KG 5.5 - $500 http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ele/296196246.html KG4 - $200 http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ele/292569762.html RF-3 - $350 None are mine - if anyone would like me to pick them up for them I'd be happy to store them!
  5. Congrats Colter! Considering what the reserve was set at, I'm sure the seller is leaping for joy even though you got a great deal for all 3!
  6. LG was a bargain-basement name brand a few years ago but recently has upped their quality quite a bit, especially in their big screen TVs. No idea what their electronics sound like but I hope it works out good for you.
  7. Actually he states 'Standard Flat Rate' shipping. 10 bucks says that he ships Parcel Post but charges Priority Mail prices.
  8. Discussed here already http://forums.klipsch.com/forums/thread/889221.aspx
  9. They were originally posted at BIN of $3000, then $2500, now $1399. I think it would be interesting to visit the seller and take a listen. I would imagine that they would sound similar to my friend's KLF-30s. http://cgi.ebay.com/The-Ultimate-Custom-Made-Loudspeaker-w-Klipsch-Drivers_W0QQitemZ290098056037QQcategoryZ14993QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  10. I bought this one as a test drive to see if I liked it. I'm not planning to sell it, but its nice to know that if I ever wanted to upgrade to the Super-T its out there and available.
  11. I think now that I know that I love the sound of the little amp I'll eventually buy the upgraded one and resell this one. I still can't get over it! []
  12. Thanks a ton Mike! I saw that AC adapter on partsexpress just a little bit ago and I think it should be the perfect match since its made by Sonic Impact. I'll have to order it quick so I don't burn up all my batteries at home!
  13. I laughed when our mail carrier handed me the package today. I knew what was in there, it was the size and weight of the package that made me laugh. I couldn't believe how small the box was. Then when I opened the box up and saw how small the amp itself was I had to chuckle again. I came home and my wife was gone to the gym so I had a solid hour to monkey around with setting everything up. I connected my system as follows: H/K 3480 as pre-amp, full-range pre-out connected to SVS sub (sub crossed over at 80Hz), sub out to Sonic T-amp amplifying 80Hz-20kHz. I figured it would be good to remove the lowest bass from the T-amp so that it had more power to amplify everything else. The first CD I had in was Chicago's greatest hits 1967 to 1997 or something like that. I didn't know how loud to put the volume knob so I started about 1/4 of maximum. I had to turn my receiver way up to hear anything so I turned my receiver back down and then put the amp at 1/2 way. This allowed for pretty loud music playing -20dB on my receiver. I played one track that I was very familiar with. I was awestruck. I know I've heard different people talk about how their speakers 'disappeared' with certain gear, and now I know exactly what they were talking about. I find it hard to describe things of an audible nature, but what I heard was every instrument playing much more distinctly than I had ever heard before. I could tell where each singer and musical instrument was set in front of me. My system has always had an incredible center image as if I had a center channel even though I have a 2 channel setup. Side to side imaging was pretty weak and it always seemed that anything that wasn't recorded dead center was obviously coming from either the left or the right speaker. Everything was totally different with the T-amp. If I closed my eyes I honestly couldn't be able to tell you exactly where the speakers were. I can't wait to listen to the amp with more music and see how it does for movies. I'm definitely going to buy an AC adapter for it now that I know that it will be a permanent addition to my system. By the way, does anyone have any recommendation as to how high to set the volume knob on the amp? I don't want to damage the amp or my speakers so I don't want to turn it up too high. Also, if I were to get an AC adapter for it, how many amps/milliamps should I get?
  14. I guess my best friend who bought his light oak KLF-30s in near mint condition for $500 got a good deal? []
  15. Those speakers are all from the current generation of Reference speakers so you'll do fine with either ones.
  16. I was able to get my 981 for $183 plus shipping as a factory refurb'd item. I'm not sure how often they do that, but I thought it was a super deal.
  17. On the Oppo players, all the inputs are 'live' all the time, all send a signal simultaneously. You can go into the player's setup menu and set the HDMI audio to 'off' if you want, but the coaxial output will work either way. What TV are you going to hook it up to?
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/Three-Klipsch-Monster-Speaker-Systems-MWM-TSCM-3-Way_W0QQitemZ260095419550QQcategoryZ23794QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Yowza! []
  19. Slight chance? The fact that the seller has over 15 pairs of these Belles listed for sale tells it all. []
  20. Shoot, I could have saved $10 if I had bought it from them! After seeing them on PE I remember looking at them on there a while back. I wish I would have remembered. Funny, after I bought it I thought about asking you if I could bring it along if I was able to visit sometime. []
  21. deepdiscount.com Great source for DVDs and CDs.
  22. Haven't received it yet but I thought I'd treat myself and see if it lives up to the hype. For $43 shipped it will be the least expensive item in my system. I ran across an RCA to 1/8" jack adapter in a drawer and if I like the amp I'll buy an AC adapter for it. So my system will be: HK 3480 as pre-amp into SVS sub (80Hz high pass crossover) into Sonic Impact. I think taking out the bass information under 80Hz will help the little amp from running out of steam a little better than if it was getting a full range signal. I know that it has a volume control on it, so what is the best setting for it? Wide open? Halfway?
  23. I have a feeling that if I was able to get a capable enough of an amp I would have kept the RF-7s. I felt that the midrange in the Forte II was clearer and more detailed. The Tractrix horn really makes the Fortes sing. Speaking of amps, I just went ahead and bought a Sonic Impact T-amp on eBay. I think it will be interesting to hear it with the Fortes!
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