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Everything posted by nannerneck

  1. Has anyone seen Fedex go this long without tracking a package or am I just tripping out ?? It's been 1:30am 7th left Sacramento Cal not heard since??
  2. Yes I believe Malcolm had that avatar. I still don't know where my speakers are since 1:30 the 7th when they left Sacramento Cal.
  3. Well it's been 1:30 on the 7th of July since the last time Fedex has updated my shipment. I know it was over the weekend but I thought they would have updated today. this is why I have waited so long today to post, am starting to get worried.
  4. Your right about this and if something does happen (knock on wood) I'll be kicking myself in the butt for a while. Spur of the moment sometimes can be my worst enemy. I'm holding my breath on this one.
  5. There's another forum member I think has an avatar that looks like the same type woofer as mine. Can't think who it was , he might know about the woofer.
  6. Those woofers have been on my mind since I bought them, I just hope there Klipsch. I will try the foam and I have been talking with BEC, he is going to make me some new crossovers.
  7. You are right about about time, becuase I have worked on the RB-5ll's to get the pretty darn good IMOP. But I just couldn't help myself I had to try Heritage. My problem is with this hobby I go in head first with know where close to listen to Heritage. Most of my friends see the stickers,T's and muggs they thinks a German curse word or something.[:@]
  8. When I set them up they will be used only for 2ch. I'm still going to use my RB-5ll for the rest. I am going to (temp) set the 5's on the Heresy's whitch will be a drop of 5 inches from the stands sort of tight on room. I've already talked to Bob about X-overs and checking the drives. So I guess I am going to have to get a speaker select box??
  9. Well my Heresy's should arive here the 12th. It took Fed-ex 8 hours from San Fran to Sacremento., I don't know maybe thats a good time. but then it set in Sacremento for 20 hours I know just be patient. Serinity Now Serinity Now !!
  10. Thanks for all the info. guys, I never would have thought of all of this. I'll forward the info. to seller but can I be sure he will do it right.
  11. Well I bought these a little while age so excited until I realised he gave no serial # or model. I missed a pair a day or two age on a Bid Now by about 5 min trying to make my mind up.[*-)] http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140132072200
  12. Found this over on this S&V forum. For you Heritige guys.I've been on that sight too for a couple of years and IrritateGuy really Knows his audio. http://forums.soundandvisionmag.com/audiovideo/board/message?board.id=40&thread.id=75758 http://forums.soundandvisionmag.com/audiovideo/board/message?board.id=40&thread.id=76195
  13. I don't have Khorns but listen to these guys talk about them and the other Hert. stuff. If your late friend is like these guys he thought very highly of you and knew you wood enjoy them very much. Just With the stuff I got my friends wouldn't realise what they had.[]
  14. I am looking for one in cherry to match my RB-5II, when I get the funds up.
  15. If I didn't like the guy, I wouldn't watch the show and I sure wouldn't waste my time on this post.
  16. tommyboy, I did a TDY a couple of months there and spent a lot of time at pub off base I think it was called A Bird in Hand? It was a good bar back then. Went in there one night and saw a guy I knew from my hometown, small world. He was stationed at Lakenheath.
  17. Yes everyone should go at least once, for an old country-boy it was well worth it. Stayed at the old Aladin and went to the MGM,NYNY a few times and had blast. For an old country- boy it was well worth it.
  18. I have been checking for another date and I get 2/4 but it does'nt say anything about part 1 or 2. Gives one date lasts 60 min.
  19. I didn't know about last week but I did get this one on TIVO.
  20. Just got through watching Peter Frampton on PBS's Soundstage in Chicago. He put on a great show. Brought back a lot of memories.[]
  21. Sounds like a good trip, run by Indi and time with Dad!
  22. I very much agree with Klipsched with Yamahas, the first concert I ever went to think it was 1978 or 79. My wonderful sister took me and my cousin, she didn't even like Rush. Saw them two more times.[]
  23. For the best song it would have to be two,Tangerine and Hey Hey What Can I Do from Led Z. Went to many concerts but one of the best, my friend his mom and dad took me to see Doc & Merl Watson in a small music hall for my 18th Bday.
  24. Air Force 1985-88 C-130 Heavy Maint. No-Hope Pope.
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