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Me Loves Khorns

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Everything posted by Me Loves Khorns

  1. Oh no! Facebook is going to raise our taxes AND take over health care!
  2. dtel, those look great! And, it is hard to say that MWM can look great in a room. Always no doubt about the sound, but those look great! Probably good to get it thru! Paul
  3. Sorry Coytee, it did Not suggest that you be my friend. And it is apparently All Knowing! Oh well...
  4. Looking back on it it also suggested DeanG as a friend. No other connection other than email that it should be able to find. Paul
  5. It may very well look at the email contacts somehow I signed up in order to communicate easier with my 15 year old while they live in Switzerland. I have 2 friends. Him and my brother. Not wanting to have like a million friends or something. And it suggested to me that I befriend Travis, dwilawyer, and a couple of others from here that I have emailed. There is no other way it could have known that I know him. Weird. Kinda scary really. Paul
  6. Well, if you are ever in the Waco area, give me a hollar! Welcome to Texas. Paul
  7. I am so sorry for your loss. Suicide is so horribly complicated. Leaves those left here with terrible complications, feelings of guilt, anger, the what ifs, whys, etc. It is indeed the ultimate selfish act. Must be so hard to lose a friend in this way. Paul
  8. That really is true. Name a few truly rich and powerful celebrities of his wealth and fame that are truly happy. Truly happy. I can't really think of many at all.
  9. Trey, I will absolutely keep you in my prayers. I cannot even name a pain worse, a feeling more empty, a future that can look more hopeless than when it comes to these matters. Lose a job? Get another one. A chance to do something different. Get sick? Go to the doctor. If it is terminal, everyman, in the end, will afterall die. No one has ever beat death. It is an inevitable future that we all, good, bad, sinner, saint, whatever must and will face. And, I hope that when that part of life comes that I am able to look at it in this way. But there is not much you can do about it. But the pain of the heart is the pain of an entirely different dimension all together. The questions. The choices. The what ifs. The feelings of what now. The lost of the past. The loss of what you thought the future was going to look like. Can be absolutely mind numbingly imobilizing. God Bless You Trey. I find myself sometimes not even knowing what to pray for these days. So, I just try to pray. I figure He surely, hopefully, has got to know what is best, one way or another. He has just got to.
  10. Michael emailed me and told me that he was doing well. Good to hear that he is good. Good luck to you brother. Funny thing how we become friends around here. Some of us have met before, others not. We have some things in common. Other things not. At the end of the day, we hope each other well. Be well on your journey, whatever and wherever it may take you. God Bless. Paul
  11. Sure, he does not owe anyone an explanation. I just think the tone of the letter was concerning. Just want to make sure he is ok.
  12. Absolutely is a free world. And, as a doctor, I sometimes tend to read into what people say. They don't always come out and say they are hurting or want help or what ever. We all hope that this is an indication that you have other things in life going on other than typing in a computer about speakers. There are times I get more and less active around here, thats for sure. Maybe you decided that the world of Bose is where you belong. Maybe you don't like speakers anymore, want to buy a farm, raise chickens and llamas and watch the sunsets at night. Maybe about to travel the world. Or, if you are hurting, need help, want help, don't want help, let someone know. Certainly doesn't have to be here in public obviously. And, if we are all a bunch of paranoid weirdos who are reading WAY too much into your message, tell us you are cool, just need a break, tell us to take a hike! I have never even met you in person, but I can tell you that I hope all is well with you. Paul
  13. Yeah, that does read very concerningly. Is there some context that others are aware of that I have missed? I have been travelling a lot and certainly could have missed something. We certainly do hope all is well. Funny how we find each other truly as more than just someone on the other end of a keyboard around here. Paul
  14. Interesting paradox indeed. When he was alive, I really gave him flack about being a pervert so to speak. Now, as I watch news reports about his deaths, I seem to miss him. Or, at least his talent. Interesting indeed.
  15. I thought the finale was cool. Of course, they had a ton of bands on there that I like. The kids were wondering who some of them were... I really did think Adam would win. I agree that Danny's voters simply mostly crossed over to Kris. I would bet that Adam has more longevity though. Name the finalists who have staying power today: David Cook, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson. The others, honestly, are almost hard to even remember mostly. I liked them both, different styles of music obviously. Would buy both of their albums really. What has not been said, and is rather obvious. There is a large portion of our country who would vote against Adam simply because of his, well, preferences. Cannot be denied. Period. But, alot of famous and well loved artists thru time have been, well, like minded. Sir Elton John, Queen, David Bowie (at least some of the times), some would say occasionally Rod Stewart. And, I like most of them. Don't really mind what they do in their own private time. Not really my business actually. So, there is my .02 worth of opinion. I look forward to what these guys do in the future, along with Danny. Paul
  16. And, look at my avatar. That is her standing by the top horn of the jubs. The smile on her face, a bit of oh my goodness those really are big! The other part was her being happy that I was happy about them! Paul
  17. Too big of speakers? Isn't that like: Too much Love Too much Money Too much making whoopie Too many friends Too much Serenity Too much Health?
  18. That does look like a great player. Even does SACD and DVD - Audio. Poor HD-DVD left out in the pasture... Supports PAL also, interesting indeed. Paul
  19. Sorry to hear about that. Good luck to you. Paul
  20. It actually sounds ok while messing around in the garage. Not quite ready to swap them into the main system...
  21. I think of rich, or upper class, as being able to not have to really worry too much about money. Could stop working, sit back, trust funds send you the dollars each month. As a doctor married to a lawyer, we do OK. Personally think of myself as upper middle probably. To me, rich is like I said above. I quit working. Big problems, no cash coming in just because I happen to have a pulse. I am able to afford nice things, but not unreasonable. I have 4 boys in private schools. We have/had $250,000 in student loans. My med school, residency, Wife's college, law school, graduate law degree.... Pay about 4-5k per month on those. Taxes, about to do nothing but go up. So, I certainly cannot complain. I get to live in a nice house. Take some nice trips occassionally. Have nice Audio gear, most of it bought used... But, I drive a Ford truck, nothing fancy. Could not go out and buy Palladiums right this minute. Would be nice I admit.... At the end of some months, we squeek by. And honestly, money does NOT buy happiness. I have more stress, more worry, more fret in my life now than I ever had. When I was a med student, newly married, not making a dime, paying to go to med school, broke as all get out... Life was much much simpler. And truthfully, much happier. Had a 400 square foot apartment, thought we were royalty. Now, most days are really quite tough. Doesn't make sense sometimes. Quite depressing a lot of the times. Messed up, huh? And, I find myself envious of people who are just weathly by birth or luck. I have to work my tail off for what I get. No handouts. One thing go wrong, whole thing comes crashing down. One baby with low Apgars, doesn't get into Harvard or pitch for the Yankees, all my hard work can be gone just like that. Very vulnerable situation when I think about it. But, what in life is not. I certainly have more than enough to be thankfull for. But, I think everyone probably thinks that the next guy over is the 'rich' one. Trump, movie starts, et. al. probably realize how wealthy they are, but that is a different level all together. And then, how many of those people are 'truly' happy? Not as many as you would probably think. Paul
  22. OK, bound to catch some flack here. But I have a pair of outdoor Bose speakers hooked up to older reciever out there. Some of the first speakers I got, before I became, well, converted to the Klipsch side of audio.
  23. I think the site says it all. Bornrich.org. Not me so much. Work darn hard for each $. And could not/would not spend that kind of scratch on speakers. My Jubs will do just fine! Paul
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