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Everything posted by BigStewMan

  1. Suze Orman says no way. Unless your waking up next to her there is no reason to listen. personally, I’d never leave her side … just so i wouldn’t have to kiss her goodbye. (why am i so mean?)
  2. Everyone NEEDS a good, reliable watch just in case that newfangled cell phone runs out of charge or the battery dies. Who knows?? That watch might save a life in the future!! Remember .... 'Needs a watch.' Hope this helps. Have a great day, gang. Gotta run. if the sun is in its ascendency -- you should still be in bed. Otherwise: Find the Big Dipper and North Star. Locate the two stars in the outside dip of the Big Dipper. ... If the month is before March 7, subtract 1 hour per month. If the month is after March 7, add 1 hour per month. ... Double the time. ... Subtract from 24. ... Add one hour if you are on Daylight Savings Time.
  3. tell me it ain’t so Chuck -- may i recommend a song? Hair by The Cowsills. Thumbs up to everything else brother.
  4. for fun, definitely not … well probably not … we might not … oh crap, why not.
  5. I know you know better than to get in between two raiders talking, about anything... love it.
  6. You are a true Raider … always thinking of others.
  7. i liked this too soon…was reading about the hazelnut coffee; but then i read about the photo offer and … well, is there a way to Unread something? No but once you like something you can then unlike it. true; but, that would be rude. i’m a Raider fan -- we have manners.
  8. play something Thebes will REALLY love ...
  9. i liked this too soon…was reading about the hazelnut coffee; but then i read about the photo offer and … well, is there a way to Unread something?
  10. Totally normal Chuck -- my little finger is so uncoordinated. Reminds me of steve martin trying to snap his finger in rhythm in the movie The Jerk. Stick with it though--one day it will all start coming together and you’ll say “i don’t suck."
  11. i've got a lot to be wildly optimistic about. does it have anything to do with the top tier reference line of speakers? i wonder when they’re coming out?
  12. in each picture you seem wildly optimistic.
  13. I’ve no doubt that you depraved minds can relate that to coffee or cables somehow.
  14. That the original Khorn was actually built by Herbert Hoover while vacationing in Arkansas. He built it one night and after sampling some of the local moonshine he forgot to put it away. Paul Klipsch, an early riser, found it the following morning. Former President Hoover told Paul Klipsch that he could “have it” since there were no good corners in the Herbert Hoover library anyway. The rest is history.
  15. Professional calibre meal there Gary … well done (not the fish…your cooking).
  16. Sugar, Ginger, Lemon Juice (from concentrate), Gelling Agent: Fruit Pectin, Mixed Spice, Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid. So that would be lemon juice since pectin doesn't really count. i would hope it doesn’t count, as pectin is considered GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) by the FDA. I wonder if they classify death as GRAB (Generally Recognized As Bad)? Gotta love the government.
  17. sometimes at the store, i have to bring a product over to the reading glass section so i can put on some glasses and read the label. one time, i was walking through a casino in Vegas and saw this $1 table that nobody was at. I thought that it was weird and sat down … soon found out that it was a $100 table--that’s the day i realized that i need reading glasses.
  18. this elderly couple at my church were about to toss some pristine macintosh mc30 mono block amps…my brother stops them. I may buy them (i don’t want to take advantage but since i’ll have to pay several hundred refurbishing them--hopefully i can come up with a price that will make both of us happy).
  19. Sugar, Ginger, Lemon Juice (from concentrate), Gelling Agent: Fruit Pectin, Mixed Spice, Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid.
  20. pardon me for butting in; but, after reading your post, i suspect you may have an alcohol problem. Glasses of alcohol should remain upright until slightly tilted when drinking.
  21. two guys … miles apart …. sharing the same hair and glasses …. that is weird. Which one of you gets the hair for Christmas?
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