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Everything posted by BigStewMan

  1. i have a pair of heresy I and a pair of heresy II. I got the original heresy back in 1983 and haven't done anything to them. I guess it's time for a tune-up so to speak. what is recommended? and something like crossovers...is that something easy to do, for someone like me that is an "in front of the speaker" guy.
  2. one way or the other the military will teach him a lesson, so that is probably a good start for him. i went through boot camp in 1978 and when i retired from the military in 2003--boot camp was more like summer camp. they actually said that doing all that mean stuff would hurt the young person's self-esteem. but, at least they do have rules and a structured routine. you may secretly be glad he's leaving; but, publically encourage his decision and wish him well. there is hope for him. it does suck to go through life feeling like there is nobody in your corner. i came from a great home. dad was a cop, mom taught sunday school, took us to Church, never missed a meal; yet, i ended up very deep into drugs. took me until i was 23 to straighten up and fly right. but before i did, i remember my mom telling me that i could lay in the gutter and die.
  3. i like grilled onion, so should i rub the grill with steak prior to putting on the onions?
  4. As of Saturday, my Mom has made a significant recovery. Her heart is stable, her lung inflated, and she is off the ventilator. She is still in the hospital; but, looks like she may be able to go home sometime this week. doctor said that dialysis is a certainty at some point in the future; but, not an immediate concern. All five of us children were there the whole time, and that is the most that i've seen my brother & sisters in many, many years. When Mom was off the ventilator and coherent, all the kids were at her bedside, i asked her if she remember anything about the past 2 weeks and she said No. I then said, "well, I just want you to know that I helped you the most." It was then that my siblings remembered what a smart alec that they have for a brother. Regarding my getting nailed by the truck...the ribs feel a 100 times better, still very sore and painful. My foot is 100 times worse. I just left a doctor's appt and they took more xrays. This time, they told me that I have two broken bones in my foot to go with the three broken ribs. Still happy to be alive. oh yeah, the first bill arrived--the ambulance ride was $1350. I think i'll put a cot in the back of my truck and haul people to the hospital in my spare time! Hope you all are doing well. Steve
  5. Tommy--glad to hear that your friend will survive. i pray that his recovery is swift and complete. Also good luck on making E6. I spent 10 years as an E6. It was by choice as my wife had a good job and the kids were getting older and they didn't want to move around anymore. So, I sacrified making Chief, to remain geographically stable. It did get frustrating towards the end of my career--seeing all of my shipmates advance to E7, E8, E9; but, it was my decision and i'm sure my kids were happy that they got to have friends for more than four years at a time. I wish you well my friend, the military really isn't a bad life--at least for me, it kept me living at the beach for 20 years!
  6. i found out that i was allergic to rocephin after getting bit by a spider. as i was putting on my shirt in the doctor's office, she said, "did you have that rash when you came in here?"
  7. a couple of weeks ago, i wrote about my being hit by a truck while walking across the street. by the way, THANK YOU for all the well wishes. Recovery is happening; but, still extremely sore. the broken ribs are no longer my greatest pain (although they still remind me that they're broken from time to time). my foot is hurting more now than it did the day of the accident. the doctor said it's not broken; but, i think another xray is in order--something definately ain't right. ANYWAY, while recuperating at home, my mom has a massive heart attack. unable to drive, my daughter drives me an hour and a half down the road to where my mom lives. the doctors got her heart is semi-decent shape again; but, then her lung collapsed and kidneys failed. Things started looking up and they removed the ventilator and she went into respiratory failure a few hours later. Back on the ventilator again. Doctor said bad things start happening after 72 hours on the ventilator--we're past the 72 hour mark; but, they are leaving her on it for a few more days. Her heart is acting normal and her kidney function has improved, if she will just start breathing on her own. Not meaning to start another emotional thread; but, this is where 60 years of smoking got her. My Dad died from lung cancer 29 years ago and as I sat in the hospital yesterday i said to myself "why didn't you quit smoking when you saw dad going through this?" My biological parents both died when i was eight years old, i was adopted by my uncle & aunt. So, this is the fourth time I've been through this with a parent.
  8. this comes as quite a surprise. i had no idea that these were the only presidents with left hands.
  9. pouring out beer? isn't that considered alcohol abuse? on second thought, you are talking about beer in a can, so i guess that isn't real beer anyway.
  10. ned flanders is also left-handed. he was also president of the left-handed store.
  11. and if she has won the kentucky derby...then you've really found something special.
  12. i'm a big fan too. son-in-law got me interested, as he is friends of tito ortiz and also i lived in huntington beach so it was like supporting the local guy. my favorite is georgies st. pierre
  13. marty, didnt think of that one, but at the hospital a nurse asked me how i felt and i said "i feel like i got hit by a truck." i'm noticing more pains and bruises; but doctor said that would happen. i'm trrying to wean myself off the pain meds, that is probably why i'm feeling these other pains.
  14. i have four girls--all grown up and on their own (well, after my accident, one is back taking care of me).
  15. very sorry to hear that you got laid off. i work for Orange County (Southern California) and we just layed off several hundred people. Fortunately, my department is heavily funded by the feds, so we haven't laid anyone off. I hope you find another full-time job real soon. Steve
  16. thank you guys for the good wishes. I'm 48; but, today feel about 184.
  17. 86 in southern california, in fact, i have the air conditioner on. hang in there folks, spring is a comin.
  18. I wrote a thread the other day speaking of how many fortunate things were happening to me (pay raise, etc...) I logged off this very forum sunday evening and started to walk across the street to get some dinner. I was in the crosswalk and got hit by a truck. He was making a left turn and didn't see me (legally crossing the street). No brakes, no nothing just slammed right into me. i heard the paramedics say that i dented up the front of the truck. BY THE GRACE OF GOD, and only by HIS GRACE--I'm alive (in more pain than I've ever been in before) with three completely broken ribs, and every part of my body is either ligament damage, muscle strain, or road rash. Ultrasound of abdomen showed all organs normal, CT scan and Xrays showed NO spine damage. Pretty bad whiplash and I could move my head side to side, but could not lift it off the bed. left the hospital yesterday. my daughter is over taking care of me. i had to yell for her at 2:30 this morning when i couldn't get out of bed and needed to use the bathroom. It has given me the chance to see that I really do have caring children. so, even though this event is not something that I ever want to endure again, my blessings are still here, as I know that I could very easily have been killed. did i mention that three broken ribs really hurt? Steve
  19. I hear you loud & clear my friend, I gave over 20 myself...some people just don't get it--oh wait...maybe it's US that don't get it...I guess these whiners have a right to never hear or see anything that they don't want to. well, mr. complainer (and all those that defend him)...i remember calling home one day while duty separated me from my family, and my daughter was about three or four years old, she got on the phone and asked me "daddy, are you ever coming home again?" I'll take a fly by over my house everyday at the crack of dawn to never have heard those words or miss out on a day of my children's life. i don't think i can behave myself in this thread, so i'll quit now. And yes, THANK YOU my fellow soldiers, sailors, and airmen.
  20. It just got better! HR folks just told me that I was entitled to a payraise last May and my former boss just turned in the paperwork--they owe me $1470.40 back pay, which will show up in my next paycheck. perhaps, you folks can help me decide...pay some bills or buy more speakers? So far, speakers are winning.
  21. Got a promotion at work, got raise in my retired military pay, renewed my lease on apartment with zero rent increase; and now just found out that Howe, Squire, and White are coming to Southern California at the end of next month. Tickets go on sale tomorrow morning. I plan to see them at the House of Blues in Anaheim. everything i've heard said the current show is fabulous. Yes was my very first concert back in '79 I think. Absouletely love seeing these guys--I can't wait! This year is starting off pretty darned good.
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