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Everything posted by Frzninvt

  1. My brother in law just performed the complete Volti upgrade on his Klipschorn's (WOW) and has the entire driver complement, network, K-401K horns and motorboard he is willing to sell. So two K-77M's, K-55M's, K-401K's front motorboard assembly with grill (no badges), AK-3 networks complete with woofer circuit, Klipsch K-33 woofers all in perfect working order. Essentially a Klipschorn sans the cabinet. He is not willing to part it out at this time as the leads from the network are still soldered to the MF/HF drivers. He is in Laredo, TX It will be tricky to ship obviously so pick up is highly encouraged.
  2. They would command more if they had a real finish like Walnut, Oak, etc. Good luck getting $1200 they just are not worth that. eBay pricing is not realistic.
  3. $1200 for butt jointed raw birch Cornwalls in less than desireable condition not a chance. $600 maybe.
  4. Before you start blaming the speakers I would make sure your amplifier isn't the culprit. If it is happening on both speakers my bet is the amplifier is having issues. Try a different pair of speakers and see if the crackling issue remains first before hacking into the Heresy's.
  5. I picked mine up years ago for $400 to play with my other two HGS-15's supporting a trio of La Scala's. The servo in these units ensure extremely low clean distortion free bass as it monitors cone movement thousands of time a second. Yes they are old but even the new Klipsch subs can't dig as deep regardless of what the specifications indicate. I owned one Klipsch subwoofer a KSW-15 that I bought new and it was a POS. Boxed in back up and sold it. The only worthwhile subs Klipsch has ever produced are the RSW line and the THX Ultra's. The rest are mediocre at best and the self destructing plate amp issues have plagued Klipsch for years. However, the eBay asking price is well beyond optimistic maybe $500 to $800 tops if it is in perfect working order. If the servo circuit goes in these getting it repaired will be difficult as the woofer and amp need to be sent together in order to calibrate the servo properly if you can find someone to repair it as Velodyne no longer services these.
  6. Woofer could have been a number of different K-33 versions Stephens, EV, Jensen, CTS. Crossover would have been Type A or the earlier 500-5000.
  7. News to us Big Chief Rog but good news to those needing one. Does Klipsch parts stock them if so how about a part number for our thread author.
  8. The Cornwall II uses the K-34 Woofer not the K-33 the cardboard trim ring is shorter and finished since it mounts flush to the cabinet.
  9. Not for a K-34 woofer that the Cornwall II uses which is not manufactured anymore wise guy.
  10. $3K is Klipschorn territory and I would never pay that much for a fancy cabinet. I have owned two pairs of Belles never paid anywhere near that.
  11. No the KV-4 is timbre' matched to the Epic Series CF-1, CF-2, CF-3, CF-4. The centers for the KG line are KG 2.2 and KG 2.5.
  12. Wrong decade those are from the early 80's like 1982. At least they are not severely over priced.
  13. This setup has no synergy so it really doesn't matter. Nothing matches with all the different series of speakers your timbre will be all over the place until you get all similar speakers. Sell and start over with timbre matched speakers it will be well worth it and will make a tremendous difference.
  14. My Teac R-999X with six motors is my favorite I also have the R-888X. Other favorite is the Nakamichi RX-505.
  15. These are some of the best mini speakers ever produced period. They are no longer in production but can be easily had on the used market. I own many of them. My daughter has a complete 7.1 system comprised of the a/d/s L300E's. The L200E's are smaller with a 4" long throw woofer and the L400E is larger with real wood veneer and a 6" woofer. I am using L400E's with the Sub 6 combo for my front effects and side surrounds these actually replaced Klipsch Heresy HIP's and can certainly hold there own with the Heritage big boys in the system. Highly recommended.
  16. The EV chrome throat screw terminal K-77's are 16ohm as well. Looks like the same internal components that were in my 1962 Cornwalls even the hand wound coils on the networks look the same.
  17. When are people going to learn to steer any from any amplified Klipsch it seems to be their nemesis.
  18. The AL-3 was designed with the K-55M midrange in mind. The K-55M runs about 1.5db hotter than the K-55V.
  19. The CBR is the better choice because it has the larger K-600 horn versus the Heresy sized K-701 horn on the III. ALso those K-51V's are a dual phase plug ceramic version similar to the highly desirable K-55V with the dual phase plug.
  20. Marvel, it is not the same company though. When DBX consumer went under in the early 90's they sold the name to DAK that sold sub par gear via a catalog with the DBX name on it. Sad times. The name was then purchased by Harman International who make the professional gear carrying the DBX name. They only ever offered depot service so parts and service information was sparse. The Head Engineer Gene Raymond serviced gear for awhile in CA then sold the remnants of his operation to the Sound Room in Berkely, CA who in turn resold it to Musician's Service Center, CA no idea if they are still doing any service work.
  21. People have done this with the RC-7 center with great results. Seems like you would be sacrificing a good amount of midbass not running towers in the R & L positions but with some solid subwoofers you should be fine. For the rears something from the same reference line perhaps the biggest bookshelfs and use four of them. Not a fan of the sound sprayer RS line to echoey and spitty sounding.
  22. The correct center or most closely match one is the KG 2.2. You could also use a KG .5, KG1, another KG2 as well. The KV series was matched to the Epic series CF line of speakers.
  23. Don't blame the speaker just yet. A great many movies and TV shows broadcast or streaming are compressed signals that and the movie soundtracks are often poorly recorded and that is the primary reason dialogue is tough to hear depending on the programming. It's better with a DVD or Blu-Ray but even now and then I get one that is poorly mixed and the dialogue is weak. I have a La Scala for a center channel and an AV Pre/Pro and outboard amplifier and I run into the same issues.
  24. The Pioneer EX-9000's sound quality is on par with the DBX 3BX I still have one that I use in conjunction with a BBE 1002 Sonic Maximizer. You can always get the DBX 2015G which is a 2/3 octave equalizer lots of adjusability with no fancy display. DBX also made the 10/5, 10/20, and 20/20, and lastly the pro version 510 computer equalizers. I remember the 8055 I had a silver one, then later on the 8066 that had a sensor grid to adjust the settings that took some getting used to. The DBX DX5 CD player has a 1BX-DS built into it and provides lots of adjustment depending on how well or not so well the recording was done. My 14/10 and 5BX-DS below lots of adjusability between the two units.
  25. Garbage sub with nothing but boomy bass I would not recommend it. There are far better options.
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