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Everything posted by BLSamuel

  1. Custom 10? Maybe it's the absolute top of the line Professor Thump is feverishly working on for Jay and Bill? Maybe meant Custom 1? Maybe hadn't named them yet? Getting your choice of the available models would be sweet. [H]
  2. There's a good chance that I won't be able to attend in Hope either but would love to visit Hope. That is where it all began after all maybe more of a true Pilgrimage. It was hard enough to get to Indy with our girls being so active. I live about an hour north of Indy so I'd prefer that the Pilgrimage be in Indy most years, at least logistically. Wouldn't have had the time to get to Hope this year. Indy may be the most sensible location from a logistics standpoint for Klipsch to organize and with the main engineering facilities in Indy it may be better to see what's in the works. In any case, I think the Pilgrimage should be in Hope at least every few years, maybe every 3rd or 4th year. I only wish I'd have found about the Pilgrimage a few years earlier. It's too much fun to pass up and it's refreshing to see people as excited and passionate about their work as the Klipsch people. They love what they do and it shows.
  3. Colterphoto1 hit the nail on the head. We don't take soccer very seriously in this country so probably shouldn't expect a serious PA installation, even at a Big Ten university soccer complex. I suspect it is also possible that they do have a compressor/limiter on the announcer mic that is set wrong. Things sounded great otherwise. They didn't seem to be pushing the volume too much during the music. Loud enough to hear but able to converse with the other spectators and fans. I was pleasantly surprised to see they were using Klipsch speakers. I pay attention to things like that and have for years, long before I joined the madness here.
  4. drool drool Dtel, That's too cool. Bet it was a fun trip to pick them up too.
  5. I'm thinking a pair of the larger AW speakers would sound pretty good out by our above ground pool or patio....
  6. My family attended a Purdue women's soccer game this past Sunday (not really a Purdue fan) but the Purdue women are having a very good year. The PA used 8 Klipsch outdoor speakers on the field in use, 4 at the press box accross the field, 2 on a pole on either end of the bleachers and I think the same arrangement for the other field. The sound was really good for such small speakers in a large outdoor space. I couldn't read the model number but am guessing AW 650 size wise or maybe AW 525 or KHO 7. Black enclosures, approximately 12 - 16" in height. The sound did get kind of garbled when the announcer would yell into the microphone - sounded like the microphone and/or preamp was overloaded to me but sounded really good otherwise - don't they listen to themselves? I remember reading a post a few weeks ago about someone looking for some used industrial La Scalas for his daughter's high school field. Now that'd be cool. My daughter's high school actually finally built a press box with a servicable PA this spring but kind of smallish (Community?) speakers, 2 per field that work ok for voice announcements but are really puny on music, very easily overloaded in the bass on the The Star Spangled Banner at a rather low level. Hope he found them something. Good tunes at the soccer field improves the experience and can help get the crowd fired up. A thought for potential marketing would be to supply the speakers and maybe electronics at such venues. I'm not sure how much advertising is allowed at NCAA events, but for the "lesser" (non-revenue generating) sports, I'm sure many athletic departments would welcome a way to improve their facilities in exchange for some PR, maybe a banner or sign or two (if allowed) or ad in the program). These events don't draw huge crowds, maybe several hundred?, but some students do attend and they're pretty rabid fans. Could maybe even give away a Klipsch product now and then. And if Klipsch ever wants to try out some outdoor speakers, I'll volunteer my daughters' high school. Those anemic speakers at our soccer fields just don't do much for getting the crowd pumped up. I'm afraid to ask how much they spent on the sound....
  7. Very nice choice of speakers. One can never go wrong with real wood. Dtel. I really like the pictures of the Corwalls being made. Are these pictures of your Cornwalls? That'd be even cooler.
  8. JJ, I know what you mean. The literature gets kind of confusing. My understanding is that most of the sprays are usualy 5% DeoxIT and that most of the small applicators are pure DeoxIT which is why a small pen can cost more than a large spray can. But that still doesn't tell us which to use. The sprays can be different as well based on info from the PDF files at Parts Express 5 oz spray: Part No.: D5S-6 Formulation: 5% DeoxIT D100L 75% odorless mineral spirits (64742-88-7) 20% hydrocarbon propellant (75-28-5, 74-98-6) Container Size: 142 g 2oz spray: Part No.: D100S-2 Formulation: 20% DeoxIT D100L 80% DIFLUOROETHANE (75-37-6) Container Size: 57 g 15 gram mini spray: Part No.: D5MS-15 Formulation: 5% DeoxIT D100L 75% odorless mineral spirits (64742-88-7) 20% hydrocarbon propellant (75-28-5, 74-98-6) Container Size: 14 g The 5oz and 15g sprays flush things out and are flammable until the mineral spirits evaporates. The 2oz spray doesn't flush and is non-flammable. It would be nice if they'd create a table that included suggested uses. I had a 15g of the DeoxIT and ProGold and need to replenish. I suspect the sprays with mineral spirits would be best for cleaning out gunk while the purer stuff would be better for protecting things that are clean? I've attached a PDF from Parts Express for the 5oz spray. I will wait for some opinions before I order more. It is very usefull stuff. I hope I didn't confuse you more. DeoxIt D5S-6.pdf
  9. Way cool! I wonder if they had a student AES chapter at Ball State when I was a student?... and if they would've let a non-engineering type in? I was an architecture major to begin with and wasn't aware that Ball State offered any engineering degrees back then. Maybe in the music production area. We did have pre-engineering students that completed their general studies and math prerequisite courses before going to engineering school somewhere else.
  10. Thanks for all the info including the mini reviews. A lot of interesting selections. Too much music, too little time and budget.
  11. Fantastic Work! And thanks for all the information.
  12. Michael, Is that the ear cheese that results from listening to Texas Headphones?
  13. Mike IMAGE MSRP is $349 according to the news release, a step up in price from the Custom series. http://www.klipsch.com/news-center/press-releases/details/klipsch-unveils-image-world-s-smallest-lightest-in-ear-earphones.aspx
  14. I have only the standard vinyl and CD versions ... A very good album. One of the few I own on both vinyl and CD.
  15. I don't feel so old after all... We had progressed to paper, pens, and pencils while I was in college though I did have to used punched cards for a couple of classes. Want to improve your typing accuracy, use a keypunch. I think I was a junior when I got my first walkman type player, a Koss model with a tuner that fit in the cassette bay. PCs were just starting to gain ground. No internet. Very few people owned their own PC. No cell phones. [] How did we ever survive? I think just a few people had Walkmans my freshman year. Sound you could carry with you. I like Doc's idea of MCM stacks alongside the Klipsch IE models. Give away a few Stick It In Your Ear! tee shirts and some 'phones and you're all set. The Legendary Sound of Klipsch that fits in your ears alongside some of the legendary speaker stacks. Sounds like fun to me. A quad area at colleges or anywhere there's a lot of traffic would be a great location could maybe sponsor a few such promotions at college sporting events though a busy quad area should always draw a crowd. The university I attended was bisected by a couple of major streets with an intersection called the "scramble light" where traffic would be stopped in all 4 directions so students could cross between classes. Always busy, anything going on there always drew a crowd. Maybe you should send Andre Agassi a couple of pairs.... I'm sure a lot of people recall his Canon camera advertisements and might notice any earphones he's wearing. Most of all, make it fun.
  16. Professor Thump is correct. There was quite a few other models available including IE and Circumaural all of which appeared to be of high quality. I did try a few of the Circumaural models before trying the IMAGE prototype. No contest in my mind as the IMAGE sounded way better to me. The IMAGE proto was unbelievably comfortable. The other IE models didn't even look comfortable so I didn't try them. The Klipsch IE phones, especially the IMAGE just looked more comfortable to me. I've never been able to stand things that have to be squished or jammed into my ears. I'd had an ear infection about a week and a half to two weeks before the Pilgrimage so my ears were still pretty sensitive. Calm down folks, I had completed my antibiotics prior to the Pilgrimage and my ears were clean as no wax came out on the prototypes I tried. I also cleaned the protos very thoroughly when I was finished just to be sure and swabbed my ears out beforehand. . .
  17. Jerol, I don't like things in my ears either, not even my elbows. Give the Klipsch IE models a try though and you might be surprised. I know I was and am looking forward to sticking 'em in my ears. Ben
  18. Thanks Bill. To quote Professor Thump: "Stick It In Your Ear!" Ben p.s. I'm really glad I made the Pilgrimage as I've been wanting to upgrade my headphones for quite some time..... the IMAGE proto especially was unbelievably comfortable, and the sound simply stunning.... of course after attending the Pilgrimage, my need for speakers the size of small refrigerators or bigger has been woken from a long sleep.... (way past due to upgrade from the simple 8" 2 way speakers I slapped together back in college, over 20 years ago)
  19. Klipsch In Ear Phones Accessories Replacement eartips - I think the press release said US users could send in a coupon for a free set in desired size. I'd recommend selling in sets of 3 to 6 pairs depending on durability. Maybe more than 1 set for the free ones. But they may last for years. It seems like they should be exptected to wear out as soft and comfortable as they are Replacement cleaning tools - people will loose them, would be nice to come with a spare Carrying cases for replacement ear tips, cleaning tool, and other accessories in different sizes - don't forget about those of us with rather large mp3 player such as the Creative Labe Zen xTra which is what we have - quite large compared to an iPod, especially the real small Nano models , small compared to an earlier cassette walkman or portable CD player - definitely with the Klipsch logo. Multiple colors might also be a good idea - basic black with big bronze Klipsch logo would work fine for me How About Stick It In Your Ear! tee shirts? Maybe include a coupon for size of your choice with purchase. Awesome new phones and a cool tee shirt... I also think something like The Legendary Sound of Klipsch that fits in your ear could make a good tee shirt slogan, maybe along with Stick It In Your Ear!
  20. Not really a big fan of headphones, I was quite impressed by the IE prototypes I was able to try at the Pilgrimage this summer. I cannot stand the hot head and sweat of the circumaural over the ear headphones. I also don't really like the on the ear type though they're not quite as hot but still get uncomfortable (I use Grado SR-60) several hours a week. I've not liked any in-ear models I've tried but in all fairness I've not tried anything other then real cheap models. When I was able to try the Klipsch prototypes, they were amazingly comfortable, especially the IMAGE prototype which is what I listened to the most and the Custom 1 prototype for a very short time. I couldn't bring myself to even try any of the other IE phones available as they just screamed ear torture. The IMAGE is so tiny it's barely noticeable other than the incredible sound. When I finally got around to trying the prototype for the Custom 1 (or 2) it was also surprisingly comfortable and sounded amazing. So for headphones, especially in ear comfort - they're not going to get much use if you can't stand to use them sonic accuracy - what's the point if it doesn't sound good? price - unfortunately, my resources are stretched pretty thin I've learned to tolerate my Grado SR 60s so any of the Custom models should be a great improvement. And the IMAGE are just unbelievably comfortable. Klipsch IE phones - stunning sound quality is expected and delivered Might have to save a while for the IMAGE or Custom 3 but the Custom 1 and 2 are much more affordable and far ahead of the alternatives in comfort and sound quality. Looking forward to sticking 'em in my ears.
  21. Happy Birthday Amy and Dtel! And Belated Happy Birthday to Ken! hmmm... I used to get AARP registration stuff when I was a teenager... [:^)]
  22. I'm ready for my eval form too! I think these will do very well. Substance with style and COMFORT.
  23. Congratulations Picky! That's a beautiful room... inviting and fun and a great home theater. Also congratulations on your recent weight loss.
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