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Bill H.

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Everything posted by Bill H.

  1. Strange that a vehicle so Popular in Europe over the last 3 years was not brought over here sooner. This would have really helped Ford, who is once again playing catch up with other more popular gas saving models !
  2. If you 1. Can Afford it 2. meets the Significant Others Approval 3. Feels like a good Upgrade.......... 4. Go for it...................Looks good to me............[H]
  3. Just using that for the Picture so folks would know what model I was asking about........... Figured out that Fisher had been sold to Emerson electric in 69 then in 75 to Sanyo. So final thoughts were that this was a very, very low end piece. Not would seeking out.[N]
  4. The Denon 1910 is a good Model. Pioneer 1019 is another. Yamaha, Marantz................ Lots to choose from at that Price Point.............
  5. According to the report, executives at Ford are preparing a proposal to kill the brand, to be reviewed this summer. The two- to four-year wind down would include the eventual transition of all Lincoln products -- currently sold alongside Mercury vehicles in distinct dealerships -- to Ford showrooms.
  6. i Like the Idea that the Fiesta get 40 mpg and 30 in the city. Not wild about the Alien Looking front or the colors though.
  7. Honestly I liked the Crown Vics...........good ride / Power.............. Ford should have shuttered this Brand 20 years ago...............
  8. Whoooooooooooo after I got there...........realized it was a site for "Grow Lights"...........got off real quick...........[^o)] also the ATF has a good Ear/Eyes and reach...........
  9. Saw this Amp and Tuner combo . Says the amp is only 30 wpc................Just wondered if it is worth picking up.? Here is a sample Picture. http://cgi.ebay.com/1975-FISHER-FM-2300-CA-2300-RECEIVER-TUNER-AD-/320303625557?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4a93957555
  10. All "Reality shows"...........should be scrapped................[]
  11. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.harmanaudio.com/images/products/LX500BLK.bmp&imgrefurl=http://forum.blu-ray.com/speakers/52246-help-my-old-pair-jbl-lx500-speakers.html&usg=__RVAtnWT3Qeakpfh47N-EesrRPUs=&h=343&w=400&sz=403&hl=en&start=1&sig2=fzQHDylMOhige1tTSecmIg&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=YHal2C2PtmlfSM:&tbnh=106&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dolder%2Bjbl%2Bspeakers%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26rlz%3D1G1GGLQ_ENUS270%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=g4H-S7uDOYW8lQeU1I3qCQ
  12. Thanks. 1. Maybe it was the overusage of CAPS that triggered the "Approval"........... 2. George Carlin " There's a low over Canada, and a HIGH over Mexico "...................
  13. If you happy with the Present stuff.......stay there. I don't think you'll get a 999.00 dollars improvement..... JMHO.
  14. 1. thank for digging up a 5 YEAR THREAD ! 2 You could contact Klipsch customer service............see what they say.
  15. Well if you find it won't work out.............you could sell it for a huge Profit..................on Craigslist...........
  16. Good Luck, hope someone can step in and help you...............
  17. Contact this guy...........he is a dealer and Klipsch Fanatic. http://community.klipsch.com/members/Werner-Enge.aspx
  18. If they work with your set up - go for it. Plus they are close ++++. Good speakers.
  19. Sound bars are a great way to go with situations like your brothers........... Samsung even makes a good Sound Bar. http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=samsung+sound+bar+ht-x810&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=3363200067&ref=pd_sl_6hoyuh4cq_b
  20. Canton makes a nice one. http://www.amazon.com/Canton-CD-90-Soundbar-Black/dp/B001HZY0LM Also look at Defenitive Technologies products............. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_25?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=definitive+technology+soundbar&sprefix=Definitive+technology+sou
  21. " How big was it ?.....................It was SO Big.............."[*-)]
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