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Everything posted by billybob

  1. By the time "Punk" was hitting, my concert going days were 95% over! "New Wave" on PBS radio was the next craze I enjoyed! Never saw in person Pretenders, Talking Heads,etc., but enjoyed most on MTV,M2 when they used to play Music videos, almost exclusively.
  2. It is very hard for me to imagine a more versatile speaker(size aside) than the Chorus! Right now listening to the "Clash" the bass, along with every other wanted reproduced sound is just amazing. ***Duke Spinner said something to the effect that the Chorus "loves watts"! Agreed! The more I give it, the more it is up to the task! No wonder the controversy(?} over the "1's". http://community.klipsch.com/forums/t/99057.aspx?PageIndex=1 ***Mike Lindsey sold other Klipsch speakers keeping his Chorus! Guess I'm not alone in this! Simply wonderful to know I have only just begun to listen (consciously)to Klipsch products!!!
  3. Rolling Stone's Drummer since the beginning!
  4. LOL! Catchem coming and going with that thing!
  5. Very good condition / only a few scrapes Overall horn length of 21” Wonder how they got scraped up some.
  6. Look at ***HarryO post over halfway down the page: http://community.klipsch.com/forums/p/89592/914910.aspx#914910
  7. In this world of equal rights, men IMO, have the complete authority to be assertive also. After all is said, men should exercise their perogative too. "What's good for the goose"! Been working for me![A]
  8. Sounding good! EXpecting mine today,thanks![C]***Put it on my Escort wagon & will be ready to roll!!!
  9. [:$]Nice! Just ordered a replacement stylus, belt, and cleaning stuff from Garage A' Records! Can't hardly wait on my priority mail! If sounds half as good as yours look, I'll be happy!
  10. Look here: http://community.klipsch.com/search/SearchResults.aspx?q=clear+satin+laquer&o=Relevance
  11. Sure no doubt remaining but...this should reinforce bargain idea....: http://pensacola.craigslist.org/ele/556861498.html Live and enjoy!!! One never totally knows all reasons' for a sale! Live And Let Die!
  12. LOLOL![<)]Have TV and speakers in the bedroom! That way when she met my bachelor lifestyle (Bohemian) ! No room elsewhere, as she is a "Shopaholic"!
  13. What a hoot! They'll match my wheels! Link?[H]
  14. Houston! Was just there last week!Minty for $400 clams is a deal and a half-shell!!! Here was the Chorus I spoke of for $450.: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/ele/542486561.html In any case enjoy!!!
  15. Interesting! Wonder if using term for monitor?
  16. Woww...lots of sound! What about acoustic ceiling tiles/panels? http://www.acousticalceilingtiles.com/ Or..... http://www.discountsoundproofing.com/curr_inventory.htm
  17. While waiting on OB, look here: http://community.klipsch.com/forums/t/100112.aspx BTW, saw Chorus on craigslist yesterday while looking at Florida: Price $450? Happy Hunting!
  18. Now that speaks volumes for the "Klipsch corner Khorn"!!! Got to give a conscious listen to, sometime soon!
  19. ***May get more action over at the "Garage Sale" section of this Forum with a WTB: Cornwall/LaScala!!!
  20. http://community.klipsch.com/search/SearchResults.aspx?q=cornwalls+vs+chorus&o=Relevance Look here!
  21. What was thinking, but didn't know how to say! Agree!
  22. No affiliation...etc.,etc..........: http://orlando.craigslist.org/ele/507441051.html
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