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Everything posted by avguytx

  1. But, I can get new K-33 woofers so I'm not sure it's beneficial in buying these and would definitely make more sense for others closer.
  2. I just want the drivers out of them. I don't care if they stink or not. I have a friend in Clifton who could pick them up and snag them for me possibly. Maybe he can go see them first. Hmmm...
  3. I was going to say that as well. Just take something small and portable to hook them up with to verify all drivers. It won't take much.
  4. Same here. If only closer. The holes could be filled and then repainted black or even a veneer job done. Or, harvest the drivers and use them in Belle cabinets.
  5. Hmmm.... Someone must've spiked my coffee here at school. Gonna be one of those days. Edited again. I sent an email on shipping. But that would be a nightmare unless put on a pallet and shipped via LTL.
  6. Why did I not remember that. Another sheesh moment... Thanks! Anyone in Maine coming this way? I'd buy all 4!
  7. Once again....speakers far away from me and way too far to drive. Sigh... Starting bid $225 and BIN of $300 each. Helluva deal! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Klipsch-La-Scala-Speakers-/331753639759?hash=item4d3e0ecf4f:g:LtgAAOSwSHZWg0wb
  8. And there's this pair in NC for $2250 on eBay. Might take less. 744 miles from me. http://www.ebay.com/itm/291654133470?_trksid=p2060353.m2763.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  9. True. An hour drive would be nice too. Or across town. Ha
  10. Just try it and see. If it's 2.3ghz, they have good range.
  11. And none of them are ever within 500 mules of me. Sheesh. Except for the overpriced ones that show up in Little Rock.
  12. I may have to make a trip down from Searcy and just make a party of it. haha
  13. So you got them, huh? Sounds like you likey likey. lol
  14. Yep. It's always a P.I.A. Always behind. Nationally.
  15. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/Internet-Explorer-11-for-Windows-7-details.aspx Yeah, we have IE 11 on most everything. Funny thing there is that IE 11 and Eschool/APSCN is quirky, too. They recommend IE 10. I have IE 11 on all of the Windows machines and no problems for the most part. I misread and thought the post said IE 11, too. My bad on that part.
  16. Interesting that they do that when a lot of schools have to use IE, like ours, for Eschool/APSCN for grades, etc. Some functions don't work in Chrome or Firefox and I'm not ready to wheel out Windows 10 on 2,000 computers just yet. Especially since Windows 7 is supported till sometime in 2020.
  17. Are these from one of us? (no affiliation, personally) http://houston.craigslist.org/ele/5389923801.html
  18. My computer speakers are CF-3's. Those are cool, though. If I had a desk at home where I sat at a computer they would be great. But, my living room has the server with JRiver and all the other goodies and it's tied to the TV. I wonder how much that TT will be.
  19. http://stlouis.craigslist.org/ele/5377767740.html 4 available. $200 per or $350 for a pair
  20. I swear.... Always a thousand miles away. ha. Hmmm.... I have an uncle that lives in Highlands Ranch area.
  21. avguytx

    DaddyDee, RIP

    Oh man...he wasn't too far from me apparently. So sorry to hear of his passing. As mentioned earlier, this is the part I dislike about getting older and, it's like my grandparents used to say. "you know when you're getting older when you attend more funerals than birthday parties". My condolences to the family. R.I.P.
  22. Looks like someone from Florida is coming up to look at them tomorrow. Apparently someone in front of me? Yeah, I know it sucks for me because I'm so far away and have to rely on help. Too bad it wasn't 2 weeks ago when they were posted here; I wou'lve just made the drive as I was off work from school for Christmas break.
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