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Everything posted by seventeenmonkeys

  1. i agree about shawshank redemption. when that movie was over, i coudn't beleive it had ended so well.
  2. sorry, but it was just THAT bad. i expect more from even the lesser movies. i never really got interested in the caracters and what was happening to them. i wanted to dose off even during the so called scary parts.
  3. damn, i have to put up the christmas lights!!! thanks for the reminder.
  4. seventeenmonkeys


    i went to see this monstrosity today. the story is horrible. this movie is horrible. you have been warned.
  5. i live in canada and my dealer refused to order one for me, but i got it from klipsh's canadian provider (i don't know what they're called) but these guys sell all klipsch stuff to retailers in canada. thre must be somebody like that in the country you live in.
  6. though yo can get the g-card and then use it in you new computer, when you upgrade you m-board and proc. if you want to waste the money, get the best videocard possible for now. i did that this summer, and now i can play any game at full detail. i couldn't before even tough i have a 1ghz thunderbird and 512mb of sdram.
  7. i can't believe nobody has talked about this movie yet. i saw it twice last weekend, and it was really good. and it also had some good elements for great sound effects when it comes out on dvd. one thing is the quiddich match in this movie blew away the one in the first movie. if you see this movie at a theater with a decent sound system you will see why. i've been going to this theater forever and it has never had this much bass before, not even for LOTR. can you imagine. like the books, this is not only for the kids.
  8. the official site is auctinning off tickets to the premiere in new york on december 5th. they are at $6501.00 right now. too rich for my blood. i think i will have to wait like everybody else.
  9. the extra dvd is a special national geographic documentary, it explains the parallells between the world of the lord of the rings and our own. i watched it and i also watched the two bonus discs that come with the dvd, and i found the bonus discs a lot more interesting, to tell you the truth. the statuettes are what make the bigger set more attractive, if you don't want those then there is no reason to spend more money
  10. i wasn't talking about the shaking either, i agree that the scene has some rumble in it, but a lot of movies have that. i don't know what it is but in the theaters it just had this effect that i never heard before, but i can't my finger on what exactly it was.
  11. i'm not that much into christmas music, but i do have a collection of my favorite christmas movies that i like to take out every christmas, and they are: home alone 1 & 2 miracle on 34th street(1994) how the grinch stole christmas (w/ jim carrey) die hard 1 & 2: die harder (not exactly holesome xmas material, but it's xmas in the movie) the santa clause (w/ tim allen)
  12. i just bought the extended version of the dvd, and saw the two bonus discs, one of the guys was like: "if people thought the first movie was big, i can't imagine what they're going to think when they see the second one". by the way those two discs have like seven hours of material on them, and they are actually very enjoyable for anyone who loved the movie. it's hilarious when they start talking about each other. on the first dvd (the one that came out in august) there is a ten minute preview of the two towers on the second disc. i watched about three minutes of it and turned it off, i tought it was giving too much away.
  13. i bought the LOTR extended version (with statuettes) but i didn't see anything about a free ticket?
  14. i just finished watching star wars 2 and i totally agree with the seismic charges part. i remember in the theater they blew my mind, but the effect was not the same at home. i had it at a decent volume but something was missing.
  15. i seriously recommend the cp-1 it gave my speakers a second life, which has now outlasted the first life by more than a year. seriously. they sound like new even after almost 2 years
  16. i don't know anything about this product, but i have owned two yamaha receivers and have never had any problems with either of them. a retailer once told me though that yamaha doesnt make their own dvd player, but they them form another company and put their own casing on them to make look like every other yamaha product ( i think it was pioneer but i'm not sure )
  17. DTS and DTS digital surround are interchangeable. you would think that since it is superior more dvds would come with it. but it is not the case (look at spider man and star wars 1 & 2). at this point finding a dvd with a dts soundtrack is a welcomed bonus and sometimes it is disappointing when they do not put it in. it's weird because when you see previews for movies at the theatres somewhere in the end of the preview you always see the dts logo somewhere, which means they have the soundtrack but they don't include it in the dvd. which is a shame.
  18. i was hoping they would add the preview they were showing in the theaters. i think it was after a few months, at the end of the movie they had a preview to the two towers, did anybody see this. is it different from the trailers we've seen.
  19. i bought both star wars and LOTR (deluxe version with statuettes) right after my morning class, and then rushed home. i haven't seen star wars yet but LOTR is great. having seen the the first DVD many times, i have to say that the sound is, IMHO, superior to the original. it's just a lot clearer. the extra scenes are cool, some needless details they left out of the original, except for the beginning where they add a lot. they extended some of the battle scenes. like in moria against the orcs and cave troll, and at end against uruquai, but these scenes happen so fast that if you don't know the original very well you might not notice everything they added. the statuettes are really cool, if you're willing to spend the extra money. LOTR is separated on two discs so you have to get up in the middle and change discs. also, if you are like me and you have your dvd showing time remaining in the movie, you'll notice that the end credits are 30 minutes long. they have about 18 minutes long, of every person who was in the movie. it s like a neverending list, and the names don't pass one by one, the whole screen is filled with names on after the other.
  20. you can use a y-splitter, to split the LFE output. another option is connecting one sub to the LFE out and the using speaker level inputs from your mains of the receiver, and then connecting you mains to the other sub if your sub can do that. i bought a paradigm x-20 sub crossover unit and it provides 2 line level outputs. i don't have a second sub but when i do that is where i'm going to connect it most problably.
  21. having seen the first gladiator many times i would guess it would be the story of maximus the farmer becoming general. in the movie they talk about a past relationship between maximus and the princess, which would probably be included, and add the story about a farmer who falls in love with a princess, and they end up hurting each other. in fact, in the movie itself, they kind of set up a prequel with all the comments about the past. anyways the website said there is no director yet, so this will probably not be realesed in 2003, at the earliest i would think would be summer 2004. anyways we have some great movies to look forward to for 2003, like : harry potter 3, lord of the rings 3, matrix 2 & 3, daredevil, hulk, and probably some i haven't heard of yet.
  22. i agree with justin, it sounds great with stereo sources. when i watch movies on cable (not digital cable) i turn on prologic 2 and it rivals dolby digital quality. once i watched star wars (one of the old ones) on tv and i couldn't believe the effects i was getting. i don't use for regular tv though, caude it sounds weird to me when i get effects during commercials and the news. DPL2 is not 6.1 though, i tested this using an ingenious scientific process known as "putting your ear against the rear center speaker", and after months of careful data analysis i concluded to 99.9% certainty that the sixth channel was not working with DPL2. although it was also clear when using DTS neo6 the rear center was working. nonetheless i find DPL2 superior to neo6.
  23. how can you say that we were soldiers was disapointing. i found that movie way more interesting than windtalkers. although that windtalkers is a john woo and it showed cause it had some awesome action sequences, but they didn't compare to those in "we were soldiers". i'd take mel gibson movies over nicolas cage movies any day.
  24. i haven't done any damage but the thing that always makes me laugh is when putting on that thx optimizer thing on some dvds, that do a frequency sweep. it starts at 200hz and goes down to 20hz. my sub (pw2200) is at a higher level than the rest of the speakers. so as it's going down in frequecies i could here one thing vibrate. then it stops. then something else starts to vibrate. then that thing stops. it does this like four or five times, and every time something else in my basement vibrates. all in all i can here a door, a window, a door from an armoire in the back of the room, another door, and the whole appliance that my tv and ht equipment sits in.
  25. i don't think that your surrounds being lower in volume have anything to do with the receiver. on my yammy i have all three surrounds at +10 db. there are very few movies that actually use the surrounds much and putting them at this level gets more out of them. for movies like that i suggest using pro logic 2 instead of 5.1 soundtrack. i have seen some movies on regular cable (ie enemy of the state) and the sound effects were great with PL2. it puts dialogue in the center chanel and the rest is 4 channel stereo (anyways that's how it seems).
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