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Everything posted by MacKlipsch

  1. Sooster, Thanks for the review. It's been posted here a few times. What sub would you match with K-horns?
  2. You can say hello to my money when you visit Audio Classics.....
  3. It's nice to see that we are not the only country with a drug problem.....
  4. http://www.bressie.net/dk/dksayshello.ram
  5. Lemme get this straight Ray.....You have heard the high zoot Stax headphones with the separate tubed amp that drives them, and prefer these Sen's...That would save a boatload of $$$$$ if this were true, even @ $450+ for the Sens....I too have been considering headphones, but there is no one in my area that has Stax to demo....Always heard they were the ultimate headphones if $$$ were no object... This message has been edited by MacKlipsch on 09-09-2001 at 03:52 PM
  6. And the reason the 79 k-horns sound better than the 82's is ??????????????
  7. I have my tubes in a cabinet with glass doors that I prop open when in use. Seems to work fine. Going to pick up a thermometer to set on the shelf to monitor. What would be the acceptable range in air temperatures?
  8. I plan on going to the CES this year. I was checking out the registration form form the show. Seems like you have to have a business or register through a business. Isn't the show open to the public?
  9. JMON, I'm going to LA this week...I'll drop by and check out that horn sub link you posted
  10. So bottom line....no support, no shielding necessary, correct???
  11. I'm wondering if these put out enough power to run my K-Horns?
  12. Support without any extra bracing?
  13. Yes, you are missing something major....
  14. $1500 is way too much for Belle's in poor cosmetic condition. Makes me wonder what happened to them?
  15. I remember some posts that dealt with this question, but was unable to locate....I want to put my TV on top of my center channel(Belle).....1) Will it support the weight? 2) Shielding...Does Klipsch make anything for this or do I need to rig a shielding set-up? Has anyone did this with a Belle? Any pics?...Thanks for your help.... Fred
  16. Ideally the speaker cable should be the same length, especially with longer runs. I have one 30' run and a 8' run to my K-horns. I run them tru the floor and into the basement, so the extra is coiled there. Same for the Belle....
  17. Could save on Dynamat and just use a little extra stucco
  18. BTW Charles, The guy that did the mods on your 225 also does a tuner rebuild..Check out the Audio Classics site for details (Click on Mac tuner modifications). They might have one already gone thru....
  19. Charles, I do not have a tuner, but have heard as Al says about the 77. Get a 78, or if feeling nostalgic an old Mac tube tuner (71, not 65)
  20. Not 1981...Look at Doug Drake and Boa's posts in the General Questions section...How Old?...... This message has been edited by MacKlipsch on 07-05-2001 at 02:48 AM
  21. Phil, 1/4 inch steel plate? Inside the cabinet between the braces? I think Klipsch used to have a rig that they sold for this purpose. Was thinking of putting mine up there but was worried about the weight????
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