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Everything posted by JohnA

  1. Aerovox is still in business, but no longer make the 2 uF caps you are asking about. 3uF caps are the closest they have. John
  2. I have a Sony DVP-S3000 DVD player. I selected it because it has 2 seperate lasers; one optimised for DVD and one optimised for CD. It was built before the DTS standard was set. Such are the risks of the early adopter. It will pass DTS if it is all that's on the disc. Otherwise it will pass anything BUT DTS. Sony says it can't be modified. I'm thinking about another *cheap* DTS capable DVD player for DTS only. If I take the digital out to my pre/pro and let it do the decoding, will I lose sound quality? DTS is all about quality and I want that, but I can't see plopping down the big bux for a transport until DVD-A and SACD are settled. John
  3. I use an Acurus ACT-3. Parasound has one, so does Proceed and Aragon. I THINK Marantz makes one. It looks like Denon, Sony and Sunfire makes them, from a quick web search. I have listened to the Proceed and ACT-3 both do a very good job with both music and HT. John
  4. My DVD player has trouble with DTS. Is there any other audio on the disc besides DTS? John
  5. Why waste your money on a receiver with amps you aren't going to use? Buy a Pre/Pro and get better performance for your money and add the amps you want to it. John
  6. A voltage is positive or negative with respect to a reference point, like positive and negative temperatures. It your reference point is 100V (black lead) and the test point is 80V, you'll read -20V. It's a relative thing and can be used to show the direction of moving electrons John
  7. UPS won't let you open a C.O.D. box. However, there is a solution. I use iescrow.com. I give them the money, you ship me the stuff. I get 3 days to test the stuff and they then release the money automatically. If during the 3 days I find a problem an e-mail stops payment, but I can't get my money back until you get your stuff back. Tracking numbers establish the location of the goods at any time. John
  8. A mono mini-plug to coax adapter will work. If the digital out from the Sound Blaster has the same content as the digital out from a DVD player your reciever will convert it to audio and it should sound good. John
  9. There's a lot of stuff I can't hear or can't hear easily in the room I use. However, I have seen the Dope from Hope introducing the solder terminal -V and it's response curves. The latest -V is obviously smoother than the previous one and has better output from 4k - 6k. That's why I went to the trouble to find a second solder-terminal driver. I expected to hear something, but didn't. Maybe if I had 2 of each and swapped both at once, I'd hear it. Why does Klipsch use such a small throat in the K-400? When I first saw it I thought it looked too small, but I barely understand the physics. Is the small throat a way of getting a horn with a 263 Hz cut-off in the space alotted? If the throat were larger and the length the same (with a small increase in mouth size, perhaps) would the cut-off rise to an unacceptable frequency? Specifically, what does the small throat do to sound (velocity too high?)? John
  10. Those ARE the late drivers. I have 2 of those and one of the early K-55-Vs. I can't hear a difference other than the fact that the newest late driver has less output than its twin. I have had the disphragm replaced and found the voice coil was rubbing apparently from abuse. John
  11. The factory is good sized, but not huge. The warehouse is stacked to the rafters with new product, even the Heritage Series. The atmosphere is casual and comfortable. QA/QC is turned up very high; miniscule dimples I couldn't see cause cabinets to be destroyed. The people at the factory were very friendly, helpful and eager to help me with a pair of grilles I bought. The people there are excellent hosts, but make no mistake, their passion is fine horn speakers and they take that very seriously. John
  12. "Music Sub" and Cornwalls don't seem to mix. There are very few fundamentals lower than the 35 Hz the Cornwall is capable of. Organ and electronic music will use the sub, but little else. John
  13. Caps at the low end of tolerance? John
  14. Ray's advice is good. With KLF-30s, you won't miss a sub except during certain movies and then not until you have had one for a while. You will eventually need one to get the best performance from your home theater. John
  15. My 2 and 3-channel Parasound amps sound the same. I've noticed that some multi-channel amps don't put out rated power with all channels driven, indicating low capacity power supplies. It sounds like you want mono-blocks so you can add channels as you use them. John
  16. I can't say if the corssover will work, but the K-400 is too long to fit in a Heresy; it and a K-55-V is just short of 24" long. There is a difference in the K-55-V and the -M. The -M is a little more efficient and sounds different. For years Heresies had K-55-Vs on K-700 metal horns. You might want to go that way. John
  17. The input impedance for the sub will be so high there will be no power loss to your La Scalas. In order to have a chance of keeping up with your La Scalas, you need the biggest sub you can find. I would not consider less than a 15". I have 2 HUGE subs, 42" tall x 21" square made by VMPS. They have a 12" driver, a 15" driver and a slot-loaded 15" passive radiator that's tunable. They are 12 dB less efficient than La Scalas. Both are in the corners and are powered by an amp that can put out 450 watts per channel. It is rumored NASA used several of these for sonic boom testing (VMPS claims NASA as a customer). They will barely keep up when I crank the La Scalas. Both together can do about what one Klipsch RSW-15 can do on 1700 watts peak. If you want deep bass when cranked, you need all the sub you can afford. John
  18. I'm not sure what you're thinking with "a more modern sound". Speakers are accurate or not. I'm biased because I have 4 La Scalas, but I think they are far better speakers than the RF-3s. Why don't you spend your $1000 on a good powered subwoofer. It will get its input from the speaker outs of your receiver. I normally use the second pair of speaker terminals to "signal" the powered sub and that way I can easily turn the sub off if I want (A+B is normal, A is no sub). John
  19. I've got 3 of those hand-woven, garden hose, CAT-5 speaker wires. I did them myself and probably have no more than $50 in them, plus sore fingers and a wife that thinks in certifiable! They improved the detail or clarity on my KLF-C7 a little and did nothing for my La Scalas. My theory is the relative reduction in DCR vs speaker impedance is at work. The La Scalas are 32+ ohms in the midrange, where differences are easy to hear; 1 ohm less in the cable in not much overall change. If the -C7 has a typical impedance curve, 1 ohm less in the cable vs. 7 or 8 in the midrange is a lot of relative change. I have always been a doubting Thomas and continue to be one, but I have some fairly expensive Vampire Wire interconnects because I heard the difference and I liked it. It could be nothing more than better mating of the preamp to the power amp, but it works for me. I don't believe there is anything but $$$ mojo in the truely high-end. John
  20. My '81/'82 La Scalas have square magnet woofers labeled K-33-E and my '87s have round magnet woofers labeled K-33-E. The '87s have a 15162 ink stamp on the cone. I can't remember the square ones having anything on the cone. Since buying the '87s I've wondered what's up. John
  21. Sure we do! But, maybe I'm not a full-grown Libertarian! John
  22. I don't have large or small, but I cross over my KLF-C7 to my subs at 60 Hz. That is sort of like a "small" setting. Sending the center bass to the subs improves the impact of sounds in the center. John
  23. I use my Sony DVP-S3000 as a DVD player and CD transport. I chose it initially for its dual lasers. It is not designed to pass DTS and will only do it if there is nothing but DTS on the disc. So, I've been thinking about a transport and/or a new DVD player. I don't doubt the Theta sounds great. How can I slip that into the house? John
  24. The correct voltage is 2.83. 0.283 is 10 dB lower than 2.83. It looks like your speakers are spot on. Both the EQ and the 3BX can cause clipping in narrow ranges at SPLs that normally wouldn't cause alarm on a meter measuring average outout. I fried 4 sub drivers (at the same time) about the same way and paid a $400+ stupid tax for it. I didn't hear clipping and MAY have overpowered the drivers with my amp. It turns out it was capable ot that. The bulbs are a variable resistor with power, the more power the more resistance they have. They have wire loops on each end making them easy to solder leads on. DJK has found a really neat, unobtrusive sonically, way to save your tweeters. John
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