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Everything posted by ZEUS121996

  1. Someone did a buy it now for $2828? Wow, I need to hit the glass pipe after that
  2. I tried putting in a bid for my .02 worth and had to bid at least .99. I was rejected
  3. Bring a 40 And I don't mean bottle of beer!
  4. Are the walld poured or cinder block?
  5. I was thinking my office at work or front wides, heights, surrounds...... They are scheduled to be delivered at 7 tonight. Get a deal and delivery. http://corpuschristi.craigslist.org/ele/4505344859.html Minermark has the setup for you in alerts. This would be perfect for the office http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/201032380238?item=201032380238&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466
  6. Thanks to everyone for the help, Opus on the scene making it easy not to go look
  7. And they would fit in your house, where? Your present setups are quite nice
  8. I sent an email, waiting for a reply. God I hope they don't spam me AGAIN! Mark
  9. Opus I was kidding if I buy LaScalas it will be from Michael (at the Klipsch Museum)He has great prices and you know he takes care of it. Kick me in the *** with a Schu for a weak attempt at a joke
  10. http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/ele/4516409535.html I'm tired of getting spammed from CL if anyone has an idea what these are, I might go have a look TY Mark
  11. Satin? If only they were closer and had a silk grill, just think what you could do to those
  12. Jweb Tampa is only 20 hours from Chicago, so it cant be more than 14 hours for you. Fire the car up
  13. The best thing about the Flintstones? NO TREKKIES OR SCHU'S The best thing about the Jetsons? NO SCHU'S Bright future we have to look forward to
  14. We can only hope Don, obviously he's been warned, so now the fake sweetness makes me gag
  15. JWeber You are a schu in if you have cash. I will drive them down from Chicago. First I need to buy a pair from Opus
  16. that's funny he texted me this morning and let me know he was holding them for me. I told him I needed to see the tags and as long as he had to unpack them, I would like to see pics of the insides of the cabinets. Then he had a local ale possible, so BEEK or Carl, you guys bury him.
  17. He just sent me a text, he has had so many calls he took the listing off Ebay. JUST so I could have the first shot at them. I just need to give him a call to close the deal and he will ship them 1st thing. Laser not required
  18. http://chicago.craigslist.org/nwi/ele/4493330761.html They look great, I just don't know if its realistic Mark
  19. The units need some work as one of the rear woofers has been punctured on one. And On the other unit the cable pegs snapped off during a move so I had to hard wire a cable.. Also the wooden base fell off but that is just cosmetic.. MIMOR DETAILS LOL Opus, why don't you swoop in and offer $50? Or ask for gas money to pick them up?
  20. Beek Cant you pick an address in little Havana or by one of the other stadiums? At dusk?
  21. 39 minutes, I don't think I ever spend that much time on the phone. Beeker you're up next PARTNER
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