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Underhanded Penguin

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Everything posted by Underhanded Penguin

  1. Horned is right. Pro gear is made for shear output. Sure, some pro gear can sound quite nice, but when compared to reference series home audio speakers, it is much less refined and you lose detail and clarity. Of course I'm generalizing here but I believe it to be true in most cases. When was the last time you were at a theatre and you thought to yourself: "Wow the sound quality is really good" A lot of people mistake loudness for good sound quality. And that's what you get at theatres: Loud sound. Not necessarily good sound. -UP ------------------ Will you marry me Natalie Portman?
  2. MIstrass, you have a wife that listens to techno??? That is probably the coolest thing I've ever heard. Can you tell me whereabouts you found her? I would like to get one like that. -UP ------------------ Will you marry me Natalie Portman?
  3. No problem lovedrummin. Please post back comments after you've seen the movie. I'm curious to see what other people think. So far everyone that I know that's seen it says they can't believe how good it was. I was surprised myself. I don't want to overhype it though... Please everybody go see it and post your reviews here! -UP ------------------ Will you marry me Natalie Portman?
  4. I just saw this movie and let me say that foir a movie that I was not planning on liking, I LOVED this movie! For me it did EVERYTHING right. The cast was awesome. Toby Maguire gave the character a fragile/everyman quality and Wilem Dafoe was scary as the Green Goblin. This is not just a popcorn flick. Some of my all time favourite movies are: Heat Usual Suspects eXistenZ American Beauty Mulholland Drive Just to name a few.... and I must say that Spiderman now joins this list of favourite movies. It was that good. It was a very well done movie in all aspects by director Sam Raimi. His reputation as one of theb est cult movie directors is well deserved. There is always some sort of twisted dark quality in his movies that make it very interesting. All that aside, I believe a large part of the movie's success can be attributed to the quality writing at that age in Marvel Comics when Spiderman was first created. The movies adherance to the source really helped make it a great movie. I forgot that there was so much emotional weight in the Spiderman Comics. Spiderman is one of the best characters ever created in comics, and this movie really shows that. -UP ------------------ Will you marry me Natalie Portman?
  5. I believe it stands for Sony Dynamic Digital Sound. I think that's what I read a few years ago when I saw a movie in the theatre that had it. I believe it's a sound format along the lines of dd and dts that is only in theatres. Correct me if I'm wrong. -UP ------------------ Will you marry me Natalie Portman?
  6. "I think I've reached a level where more sub bass is pure overkill." - TheEARS Oh Puh-Lease, you reached that level many many years ago. STOP it already. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  7. Bacevedo, no the RB-3's don't have keyhole screws. And even if they did they would probably be too heavy to wall mount like that. The only way I would mount them would be to install a shelf of some sort, and then place the RB-3's on them. If you really have to wall mount them, then the RS-3 is pretty much the only choice that matches your system. However, it is wdst. Don't know if you would want that. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  8. Todd are they rs-3II or not? I'd be interested if they were II. Do you have an asking price? UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  9. Kain. I saw it. I thought it was just okay. For that genre, I enjoyed Blade 2 more because it was more suspenseful had a better villain and I cared for the main characters more. One of the best things about Resident Evil was the tight wet dress that Milla was wearing throughout the movie. She also wears an outfit near the end that rivals that bandage suit she wore in the begining of fifth element. I think its worth seeing, but not a great movie by any stretch. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  10. I swear to God it just doubled! Look! It just doubled again! -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  11. Boa Last time I checked theears doesn't have hgs-18. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  12. Justin, is it possible that your number of posts are increasing exponentially on this bulletin board? it seems to have doubled every time I look at it. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  13. I, for one, would pay 30 bucks for a Slipknot or Korn dvda or sacd. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  14. Landau. It's not just your speakers. The mid and low frequencies on that Coldplay song is exaggerated. It's not a very well mastered cd imo. I've heard that song in my friends car, on promedias and on my reference system. And it still had that boomy sounding bass/mid bass. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  15. fini has a right to be worried. What's up with those floor joists? I can't even tell what's supporting them right now. Why is the concrete not poured yet? I'mn just curious because I work in the industry and we've never done it like that before. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  16. Just kiddin with ya theears. I knew you meant sb. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  17. Justin, will your parents adopt me? I am willing to sever all ties with my biological parents and embrace your parents as my own. Could you at least ask them? Thanks. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  18. Hey Justin. That Bravenet Poll that you got... doesn't it use cookies to keep track of ip's that have voted already? Cuz I tried voting twice and it registered. I guess it's an honor system... -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  19. LOL You're right Ken. He can't be wrong. My bad. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  20. Sorry theears. There's no such thing as an RB-2. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  21. When I was 16 I barely had enough money for lunch, and I worked! Now that I have a full time decent paying job, I could afford to buy a 32" hdtv only. I don't know how or why you would have 2 huge hdtv's Justin! Awesome for the future though. If you ever get tired of one of them, just sell it to me! -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  22. I think of my generation, the closest you'l get to that beautiful and classy movie star aura is Natalie Portman. Reminds some people of Audrey Hepburn. Anyways, she's cool. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  23. Wow. Sondra Locke is really hot. Do they make girls like that anymore? I'd like to get one. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  24. You would notice the rsw-10 for sure, but it would not be able to keep up at all. Rf-7 is capable of too much output. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
  25. I love this movie and will pay to see it again in the theatres. Can't wait till dvd comes out because the soundtrack and surround sounded really good in the theatre. Here's hoping it has dts. To comment on the movie, I really liked it. I liked Blade 1 but I thought this was much better. Darker, better plot, hotter female costar (WAY hotter than Blade 1 chick) and the fight scenes were better. This was much more exciting to watch than Blade 1. I was on the edge of my seat for most of the movie. It's also scary at moments where as Blade 1 was not at all scary. Wesley Snipes did a good job, but the star for me was Leonor Varela. I hope to see a lot more of her. Her performance in this was not the greatest, but it's just much more interesting to see exotic looking beauties like her on the screen than your typical blonde big breasted babrbie clone (in my opinion ugly). For anyone that's curious she's also on the cover of Maxim. Ridiculously sexy woman she is. Anyways, If you liked Blade 1 chances are you'll like 2 even more. And for any of you Hong Kong Martials arts movies fans, Donnie Yen (from Iron Monkey) plays a small role in it and did all the fight choreography. Hope to see more of him as well. -UP ------------------ Liv Tyler as Arwen: "If you want him, come and claim him!" - Translation: "I am very hot."
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