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Everything posted by ZAKO

  1. Mr McGoo...Call the Federal Trade Commission . Identit theft dept.1-877-438-4338 Also file a report with the police or sherrif. Notify your bank & all credit card co. as to what what has happend You can also reach FTC at www.consumer gov/idtheft ;
  2. OLDER STINKERS? I represent that remark.
  3. I like 12ga razer wire it sounds sharper.
  4. Of course you can use the cinema JUBILEE bass unit (throw away its top speakers) and replace with your standard TOP Klipsch cabinet with mids K55 & tweeter K77. Its only money. We spend more than that on automobiles.
  5. How did they get a picture of my wife?
  6. Good work.... I did the same thing to the side access door of my Klipschorns.
  7. The JBL E145 will not go lower due to low end cut off of horn. The E145 is a good woofer for horns but will not improve the big K.
  8. Has any one seen the WIZARD of ID cartoon in the sunday paper?
  9. Also the RIAA wanted all LIBRARIES to stop all its patrons from checking out CD,s Your BOOKS are next.
  10. ED EISNER (CEO DISNEY) Wanted to find a way to charge EVERY ONE in a family who watched a DISNEY DVD over & above the standard rentle fee. Talk about GREED.
  11. We have all pushed THE LIMITS in our lives, Yes we are all friends & buddies. IT,s so easy in making the wrong turn in our lives. What are friend far but to point us in the right direction and not shove us over the cliff.
  12. Gill.... About you analogy. If a 12 yr child was able to get into my bank account. she would have a good laugh & would probably donate her piggybank. The bank would be embarrest tha a 12yr old broke into the account & would want to keep it quiet as not to scare off the rest of its customers. F.D.I.C would probably cover the cost. But pull the insurence on the bank for letting it happen. I would transfer my Gold back to FORT KNOX.
  13. I do not condone copyright infringement but I believe the RIAA picked the wrong turf on this one. Lets now move to our turf. JUSTIN..TX..16 The use of the cartoon robot IS a copyright infringement. He should know better. Maybe more so than the 12yr. Or now lets go to some one a bit older HOMELESS he uses a PICASSO painting. That paintings owner would probably object. Lets go back 20yrs. I dont know if your familiar with a book called JANES FIGHTING SHIPS. MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORP. Used a small line drawing from that book It was a line drawing of a RUSSIAN fighter plane to compare to the F-15 fighter. That was a copyright infringment. It cost MCDONNELL DOUGLASS $6000. JUSTIN,s line drawing is used in a television series today. I hope he got permission. He,s a very bright & intelligent young man. BUT should his future be marred by some TV corp. who wants to make an example of him? NO and not a 12yr child not in this DRACONIAN way. Well at least they didnt hang her.
  14. Gill.... Did it ever accur to you your AVator may come under copyright restrictions? Well it does. even if you modify it 10% 50% 99% You may have infringed on some one els,s art work. You could be sued & fine.d $10,000 Did you know this? Of course you did,nt. But the owner of that copyright being a deasent person would notify you of your infringment. ( Befor slapping you down) The RIAA could have approached this child diffrently. SHAME ON THEM.
  15. GILL....Did you think of copyright when you xeroxed that page out of THAT book or magazine? Did you know what copyright ment when you were 12yrs old? I bet you didnt care. I also bet your parents didnt explain it to you. MOON ...Do you think that 12yr old child,s mother new anything about copyright? How many times have you seen a child copy a MICKEY MOUSE cartoon? You would,nt see EISNER (Disney CEO) slap down a child for that. I guess you two never were 12 yrs old. I have alot of my own works copyrighted BUT if An orginazation like the RIAA would go after a child, I would turn around & go after them for tramatizeing a child. SHAME ON THEM!!!!
  16. MOON.... Did you know anything about copyright law when you were 12 yrs, old?
  17. Dont under estimate JBL they are coming back to the HIGH END with a vengence. In the K2 series. A new one K2 S5800 with dual 12" woofers but same mid & tweeter as S9800 & Titanium diaphragms. Klipsch better get the Jubalee ready or get run over. The old Heritage line just won,t cut it.
  18. The specs on the JBL K2 are conservative. they will go below 30 hz (JBL K2 S9800) A very solid 30 hz.
  19. Star Trek II The Wrath of Kahn (Ricardo Montalban) " I SPEET ON YOU"
  20. Why should the price of the JBL-K2 scare off any here? Many here paid more than that for you,r SUV,s.
  21. Make shur Mink Oil does,nt leach into the paper cones it will damage them. Dont get the Mink Oil on your fingers it will make you horney.
  22. John thats cheating...You have the AES papers at your desk. I have to run 150 miles to St Louis Washington University Library. And thats how I got that heat rash that looks like your charts.
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