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Chief bonehead

Klipsch Employees
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Everything posted by Chief bonehead

  1. Kinda sounds like what we did with the kp-600 as far as having different bandwidths reproduced. We did some experiments doing what you are talking about. Yielded some excellent data and obeservations......for future stuff.
  2. paying attention to the 20%....
  3. you know doc, it is truly very difficult to get a "true plane wave". your sources would have to get smaller and smaller until you reach a large, continuous diap. that is my problem with so called line arrays, because of the large compromises in trying to emulate a large diap, the response at different distances, is not consistent because it does not fall off at -3 db at all freqs.....
  4. Hmmm.....cloning a klipsch engineered horn for sale....may have to make some calls.
  5. The k18 will work as a replacement. And klipsch offers it. If you have problems, let me know.
  6. Just curious.....where did you hear about the 12"?
  7. Measure them and see.....or you could take my word for it.
  8. Hasn't changed since the last update....which was about 8 years ago.
  9. am always ready for another horn especially if it has tricks. the reality is.....i have already designed one. no product to put it in. and so....as usual...i wait.
  10. well...more importantly....designing a phase plug that has a closer match to the coverage pattern of the horn....a real honest to goodness, hold in my hand phase plug that works....not those paper phase plugs.
  11. i suffer from that sooooooo bad. thats why i make my own reels, rods, lures, boat hull, trolling motor, oh and silly speaker things.
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