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About oldred

  • Birthday March 13

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  1. So. Is this still available. Thanks, George
  2. Picked this gem up the other day. Definitely the oldest receiver I have... Did need to install head amp board kit. Nice piece. George
  3. C7 OR Academy. My system....Chorus II front, Quartet side, Forte II rears, Academy center. George
  4. Matallo I run a Mc 152/ C 48 system with my Chorus II's..... Which I occasionally switch out to Forte. Great sounding system with both sets of speakers. To be honest.... While I'll probably keep the Mac's.... A tube set is probably in my future. A good friend has a great tube system to drive his Chorus II's. He runs a Pima Luna with a Vincent preamp..... Great sounding...... Very detailed... Just my thoughts.... George
  5. Read a review lately. Was impressed till I saw the price. Probably wait for a Decware.. Not as pretty.... But still Just talking out loud... Again George,
  6. Just thought I'd say. I ran an RC 35 with my forte's in home theater setup for 5.1 for years. RC35 could probably be had used for about 150 bucks. Sounded pretty good . But then again, that's just me talking out loud again. George,
  7. Wow, Sounds like you asking a lot for a receiver. You seem to be looking a 14.1. Most top out at 13.2. I did hear the Onkyo was picked as home theater receiver of the year by that Andrew Robinson guy. As far as the Denon..... Best bet contact Corey Harrison or Steve Due...Paducah Home Theater. Bought my Marantz SR 8500 from them.... Very happy with the entire experience But that's just me talking..... Again George
  8. The speaker exchange has one for $65 George
  9. New to recapping crossovers... I've done Chorus, Chorus II, Forte, Forte II, Heresy, Quartet, KG... All of them... Best thing for you to do is contact Crites and buy a crossover kit.... You can either get a Dayton kit or a more expensive Sonicap kit. You will need at least a 40 watt soldering iron (pencil), a damp sponge, solder, solder wick and a hot glue gun. Take your time. Make sure when soldering new ones in you get a nice solder joint around the terminal George,
  10. Big problem is water damage... Going to to be re veneered in those areas. Reminds me of a set of Quartets I bought while back..... Cabinets were mint except a candle burn one one. And of course the passive dust caps were pushed.... A visit to Rockler's web sight.... And Simply speakers for the caps.... $75.00 well spent. The one on the right has a new top. Oh Yea I live in Cay Illinois George
  11. If I was in the market I'd be all over those. Good luck with sale George
  12. I use these rubber cork pads...... 3X3 under each corner on wood floors https://www.supplyhouse.com/Pads-11752000 George
  13. New VS Old.... Interesting subject. Haven't heard a set of Fort'e IV's or Hersey IV's. Heard a set of Fort'e Iii's at Chicago Axpona. I was not impressed.... Didn't think room or placement was correct but still left disappointed. Thought about a pair of Fort'e IV's about a year ago after reading and hearing al the stellar reviews. Just couldn't bring myself to sell my collection to pick up the 4K (collection consist Chorus Ii's, Fort'e Ii's, Fort'e and Quartets) Being retired I think I'd go Old.... The price of the old series seemed to skyrocket in the last 2 years while prices on new series (used) has not.... you can probably buy old and still get more than you paid in the future.... George
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