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About Wirrunna

  • Birthday 10/29/1947

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  • Location
    South Coast NSW, Australia
  • Interests
    Audio, sailing.
  • My System
    1990 Klipschorns, Eliptrac 400 horns with B&C DCX464 tri-amped with two miniDSP 2X4HD, NAD C 725BEE Receiver as pre-amp and bass amp, two AUDIOPHONICS MPA-S125NC RCA Stereo Class D Power Amplifier NCore 2x125W for mid and hi amps, Squeezebox Server, Raspberry Pi PiCorePlayer in main room downstairs.
    Super Heresy 1 with Dayton PA310-8 woofer, CT110 tweeters and ALK Universal crossovers, NAD C 326BEE Integrated Amp, Raspberry Pi PiCorePlayer in the studio upstairs.

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  1. Mike, I have had success lately with CamillaDSP software running on a Raspberry Pi 4 and using a MOTU UltraLite Mk5 audio interface to provide crossovers, equalisation, delays and gain to a tri-amped K-Horn with a modified top hat (Eliptrac horn and B&C DCX464 co-ax driver). I understand the Xilica has very limited FIR filter capability (with some models having none) which limits phase correction. links : https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/camilladsp-cross-platform-iir-and-fir-engine-for-crossovers-room-correction-etc.349818/ My crossover https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/camilladsp-cross-platform-iir-and-fir-engine-for-crossovers-room-correction-etc.349818/post-7213813 https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/rpi4-camilladsp-tutorial.29656/
  2. Edgar, over in the CamillaDSP thread on diyAudio I suggested that a new filter to perform Dynamic range control, kind of a software version of a dbx Model 3BX would be useful. Henrik seems interested, you might like to put your 2 cents worth in. https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/camilladsp-cross-platform-iir-and-fir-engine-for-crossovers-room-correction-etc.349818/post-7265951
  3. What horn is the BMS mounted on and what is the crossover frequency ?
  4. Stella, ALK's Extreme Slope Networks (ESN) are an attempt to fix the 'smearing' of sounds near the crossover frequencies of the three drivers in the Klipsch horn loaded speakers. This 'smearing' is due to the different horn lengths that result in sounds arriving at the listener at different times. By severely reducing overlap of the output of the drivers the ESN networks make the speakers sound noticeably clearer but the gross time mis-alignment of drivers and phase are not addressed. To get time alignment and flat phse you need to go to DSP active crossovers. You have asked for wiring diagrams, does this mean you are handy with a soldering iron and experienced in crossover building ? If so this post https://www.stereonet.com/forums/topic/118361-k-horn-crossovers-from-ak-3-to-universal-to-es/ described the process I went through in deriving and building an ALK ESN. At the time, ALK was banned from the Klipsch forums but was still around on stereonet. ALK chimed in and helped me. I spent nearly $A1500 all up on caps and coils. A few years later after buying a pair of second hand B&C DCX464 drivers I tried active crossovers with miniDSP and Hypex amps, about half the cost of the passive crossover and you get time alignment and phase correction.
  5. https://audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/small-cheap-pre-amp-card-boards-sound-quality.29547/post-1033620 That link is to a couple of devices that will do what you want. I have used the 1646 balanced out and there is no audible increase in noise. You may have to find someone to build a box and power supply, I just built a box with a 15-0-15 volt power supply and mounted RCA sockets for input and XLR outputs.
  6. VDS, Getting phase flattened made a a more noticeable difference than a really flat SPL. Here are a couple of references - https://audiophilestyle.com/forums/topic/30035-using-rew-and-rephase-to-generate-amplitude-and-time-domain-corrections/?tab=comments#comment-604620 https://audiophilestyle.com/forums/topic/30035-using-rew-and-rephase-to-generate-amplitude-and-time-domain-corrections/?do=findComment&comment=678965 Here is my modified K-Horn where I have flattened the phase. Phase smoothing requires FIR filters which may not be available on the Xilica. I bet that the DSP for the new Jubilee is using FIR filters.
  7. Claude, I bought an SMSL SP200 Headphone amp and made a headphone jack to twin Banana Jacks and set the amp as the Mid and Hi amp on the right channel of my tri-amped K-Horns. A Topping PA5 was on the left channel. After a day or two I thought that the SP200 was a tiny bit crisper and even quieter than the PA5. I re checked with REW and the output of each channel at 1m on the Eliptrac axis was within 1 db, so I promptly ordered a second SMSL SP200 to free the PA5 to run my Super Heresy pair. As the 16 ohm B&C DCX464 is 110db/W the SP200 at 6W into 16 ohm is well matched for mid and hi duties.
  8. David, G'day from the South Coast of Oztraya. I've often thought about how I would get a pair of K-Horns and it would be either DIY or buy second hand from the US which would mean line up a freight forwarder, scan the for sale ads and take a punt. Now DIY, there are 3 decisions to a DIY Klipsch heritage speaker, Bass Bin, Top Hat and the crossover. Bass Bin - K-Horn gives you lower bass but far more difficult to build than a La Scala. Unless you are an accomplished chippy you would need a cabinet maker to build it for you. Either way I would get a pair of CW126 woofers from Crites Speakers. Top Hat - Get an Eliptrac kit and build it, so much better than the K401. Decision is what compression driver you put on it. I went with B&C DCX464 co-ax, lots of choices and opinions out there. Fullrange has an Eliptrac with a co-ax on his La Scalas. Crossover. It's 2022, not 1948. Big coils, capacitors and space heater amplifiers have been replaced by menu driven Digital Signal Processors (DSP) and physically small highly efficient amplifiers with performance that could only be dreamed about twenty years ago. Ask Fullrange how much he paid for those giant copper coils and the silver caps. I built ALK ES passive crossovers for my K-Horns and they cost me a lot more than the miniDSP and class D amps I run now.
  9. Captain, just noticed the thread (been away for a few days), I think you should read this - https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/topic/170414-who-wants-to-measure-how-much-power-voltage-is-really-needed/
  10. Mike, when you start SPL measurements you will need to settle on a microphone position. I always set up so that the tip of the UMIC is 1 m from the center of the Eliptrac horn and 118 cm off the floor.
  11. Looking forward to seeing the results of the SPL measurements.
  12. It's a definite maybe. Positive in that the hiss from the miniDSP has been banished. Maybe in the subjective part. The sound is almost clinical now, not quite as warm as the NAD. Soundstage is maybe not quite as good. After a few days I'm getting used to it though. Solo piano is stunning. Badly recorded classical choral is really bad now. The measurements are almost identical to those made with the NAD and any difference is down to slight movements of furnishings. At this stage I won't go back to the NAD.
  13. After reading the review I ordered one of these and it took a month to arrive. I connected a pair of AR18B speakers with direct feed from a RPi PiCore Player. As the PA5 is balanced input I made a pair of RCA to TRS cables and there was adequate signal levels to give the AR's a good workout. Then tried it RPi >>--> miniDSP 2X4HD >>--> Topping PA5 with one speaker doing bass and the second as mid with the mDSP acting as an active crossover - all seemed good to go. So decided to try the PA5 on my triamped KHorns as the mid amp, replacing the NAD amp. After cabling it in, RCA out from miniDSP 2x4HD to TRS into the PA5 to drive the mids I listened with no signal - only the faintest hiss at max vol on the Topping PA5 ! I ran a REW sweep and adjusted the mid signal gain in the miniDSP leaving the PA5 at full vol, ran another sweep to confirm, cheked again for mDSP hiss , still very feint. Played some music and it sounded fine. I removed the 7db L-Pad on the mid, this time I turned the Topping PA5 from full (4 o'clock) to where the hiss is just heard at the horn mouth which is about 2 o'clock on the PA5 vol ctl, and re did the gain on the mDSP. I then removed the 7db L-Pad on the Hi driver of the DCX464, re did gains in the mDSP and checked for hiss, none from the Hi. Listening tests indicate that the PA5 is more neutral than the NAD, and now that the DCX 464's are running without L-Pads they are 110db/W so there is more than enough power from the PA5 to match the Audiophonics MPA-S125NC Hypex N-Core amps on Bass and Hi. The reduction in hiss from the miniDSP 2x4HD is the most noteable. Like the PA5 the Hypex N-Core amps are also balanced input but with RCA input sockets and a brief examination showed that the internal wiring emulated the circuit of the RCA to TRS cables I had made.
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