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About Derrick

  • Birthday 01/05/1976

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ottawa, Canada
  • Interests
    Music, cooking, baseball
  • My System
    Marantz PM6006, Avid 330 SE, Project Debut Carbon with Ortofon Blue Cartridge, Project Phonobox, Audioengine D2

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  1. Derrick

    SCTV or SNL?

    Brrr, Winnipeg. Makes sense now. Congrats on the Cup win. I’m in Ottawa. All the hot air from Parliament Hill keeps it a bit warmer in the valley. Although it is-24 C with the wind chill right now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Derrick

    SCTV or SNL?

    I was thinking the same thing. You weren’t born on May 2-4 were you? Canadian is a solid beer. My go-to since I was a kid. I’ve been to California many times. Love the northern part of the state. Beautiful.
  3. Derrick

    SCTV or SNL?

    You’re doing great, eh! I hearby crown you an honorary hoser! Every Canadian has the right to bestow the honor of hoserism upon foreigners. It’s like a knighting ceremony but with more beer.
  4. Derrick

    SCTV or SNL?

    I didn’t know that SCTV was ever on in the US. Hun
  5. Derrick

    What I Got Today!

    Picked up a 2020 GMC Canyon All Terrain yesterday Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Incredible tribute Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. That was sad. They need to pack it in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Thank you for the education. Makes sense. I have an SVS sub to fill in the bottom end anyway. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. They sound good to me so I guess that is all that really matters. I was under the impression that if the specs say from 35hz then I would not hear anything at 20hz. It seems more like a low amount of sound at 20 with full sound starting at 35. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. This is the original brochure. It lists the low end at 35 hz +-3db. http://www.classicspeakerpages.net/IP.Board/index.php?/topic/4123-avid-brochure/ Apparently the main engineer went to or came from AR.
  11. Avid 330 from 1989. 12 inch woofers, acoustic suspension design.
  12. So, I downloaded a test tone generator on my iPad to see if the specs that my speakers are supposedly able to play were even close to accurate. The spec sheet says that they can play down to 20hz which I think is very optimistic. I went through the frequency range with the tone generator and I can clearly hear sound from the woofers at 20-21hz. I am not going to buy additional equipment to verify this. Just wondering if anyone with more knowledge has an opinion on whether or not the test is even remotely accurate.
  13. I am adjusting to the different presentation of the Anthem and I like what I hear. Sounds great at lower volumes. Has a certain grip on the music and is much more neutral than the Marantz. It’s a keeper. Thanks for everyone’s input. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Thanks so much for the insight. Much appreciated. If I understand properly, in simple terms are you saying that the Anthem needs a higher gain at the sources vs the Marantz to pay at the same volume at the same dial position? That would make sense to me. Thanks again.
  15. Thanks for the responses guys. I was listening at about 85 db avg with peaks to 93. The volume dial is at about 12 o'clock. I guess I expected that level of volume lower on the dial. I guess it doesn't really matter where the knob is. The Marantz at the same level is harsher sounding. I guess that is what the extra power gives you. No necessarily louder as you don't listen louder given the extra power but a cleaner sound at the same SPL. I checked the hook-ups again and they are correct. The inputs all act the same and the tone controls are defeated. When I said louder at low volumes I should have said louder at lower volume setting (dial). If that makes sense. I think you nailed it. I was expecting to be blown away with this huge sound as soon as I turned it up a bit and that wasn't the case. I am going to see if warms up to me. It is just odd to me that I am only getting an spl of about 85-90 db with a 225 wpc amp at 50% of its volume potential. I was expecting a lot more volume at that dial position. Having said that it is a much clearer sound at that level and probably has a lot more to give versus the Marantz that basically stalls out at that volume level.
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