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Everything posted by JohnJ

  1. Did you guys get a chance to listen to that track? That came out in `79 when John Glascock (RIP) was dying way too early from a toothache. Note the lp backside, Ian plays the bass guitar on this one. Ian Anderson is one of those few and far between kind of musicians. Roy Clark comes to mind... he could masterfully play anything with strings, sing, compose etc. Ian's the same way and the bass in this "Something's on the Move" tune is all over the place like a second song within that song. Incredible, just F'n Incredible!!
  2. Love the story behind that one Mike. And what he turned it into!
  3. Those are beauties so far away not enough cash.
  4. Used to use gasoline in a Kilz spray can top when painting, even the fumes from it will knock em down dead. But you can't paint over it and it kills the poinsettas as quick as the wasps.
  5. Great Saxophone. This would be better cranked....can't tonight. "And I try to get through to you, in my own special way, As the barriers crumble at the end of the day."
  6. Like seeing the thicker wiring incorporated into the crossovers, the LS sounding better?
  7. We used to have something like that here think jello mix was mixed in the cool whip prior to mixing it with berries or pineapple and walnuts or pecans. Pistachio, pineapple and walnuts was my favorite. That didn't have the cream cheese it was just green fluff! Good stuff for hot weather dessert.
  8. I hear you Willy we're just now getting up to 80 and it's after 10:00 am. Mid 80s for the high past three days. Nice compared to the last couple of weeks, I watered the lawn Saturday morning it was so dry and cracking, and heck we've had so much rain recently Noah would have been scouting hardwoods!
  9. Great Pic @ClaudeJ1 That is almost like getting introduced to a living legend. He noticed you!!
  10. You just got there after my hockey puck avatar, listening to the OT that just started CLT vs CHI 3-3
  11. Nice! The old ones here have that high gloss shine like I thought I was seeing there. That new to me Kansas from a month or so ago has a small sticker on the label with LAST printed in it. Discovered it's a treatment to make some surface noise sound better, and protect the lp. I'd say it works not sure if any negative effect to the sound but it has that same black high gloss sheen too. Score!! Checkers 2 Wolves 1
  12. Those old lacquer LPs sure do have a different sheen to them.
  13. Starter Fluid. Perfect term for it! Checkers up 3-1 over the Wolves
  14. Dude, ya gotta stop the drink when your sick Only say that from the experience of thinking beer made me make #1 faster. Drank a case and when it wore off the next day I felt worse instead of better. Went back to the water the next time.
  15. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    If you were anywhere between Southpark and South B. Dilworth and heard pre Ozzy Black Sabbath you're welcome! Are they ever gonna quit digging up South B?
  16. Gettin' "mature" isn't for kitty-cats. Heard that for so long that I'm old now and it's true. & live with someone raised on a farm that's 30 years older... I blame my am attitude on not getting my coffee yet. But heck it hurts sometimes. @Tarheel up until my late 30s if I got sick enough to stay at home and not get paid this is how it went down. Vitiman C from fresh citrus, (Has to be fresh.) usually the lemons for the tea. Plus that old Armitron digital watch I had from almost 1978 set to go off every ten minutes. I'd drink a whole glass of water with the lemon every ten minutes. We're at about the same latitude so you know a glass is 16 oz right? After about an hour it gets near impossible to go to the kitchen and get the glass refilled cause you have to stand over the toilet so much. Wizz those germs out in one or two days at the most the four or more times I recall doing that. Get Better Soon!
  17. Da^m dim-wits! I can't for the life of me comprehend how all that dark & demonic stuff played now-a-days is better for the youngsters than an anvil shot out of a cannon missing a hundred mile an hour road-runner. Oh wait it's part of their plan... O*&^(&^ O876764 Bio7696rkhv4
  18. It is after hours now @Dave1290: Remember the Sat am cartoons with the all the psuedo violence of WilECoyote, Elmer Fudd, the Aardvark, Pink Panther? NSF sheltered folks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtBcwDY9D_M
  19. Hey Hey I'll support a second thread thread for these musicians/mimics. Not knocking you Pete or these Ruskies, but hearing them talk in some vids then hearing the perfect enunciation in the lyrics is proof of some of the hard work they put in on this! I've listened to more of them than the original Chicago, They do an Earth Wind & Fire tune from the era also. & More power to `em, I hope they can handle their growing tour dates well! Looks like they play Columbus this summer.
  20. That was one big release for Fleetwood Mac. That tour... man they lost a lot of fans in this area, they cancelled the show. Almost a year later here in town a whole week prior to the show partying hardy all over town and in the newspaper something about a fish camp down at the river (an already famous one). Contact lens problems were listed, a trip to the dr. Rescheduled show cancelled as well. In jr high at the time and some people I know told me they had thrown away their tickets at that point. Kinda like Jimmy Buffett cancelling but parrot-heads are very happy when blitzed and forgiving too. He walked off the stage early on once at the Memorial Stadium and did not come back out, I don't remember if he ever came back to Charlotte after that time! @baron167 never seen a wooden tonearm before... that is a neat turntable!
  21. @geoff. You are absolutely right about the Klipsch folded horn bass speakers. I was totally content with my year old F3s then I heard some barely used c1990 LS that were just out of my reach. Things weren't right with my rig again until I got a 2.1 addition that I liked. Now I'm good again, for the time being.
  22. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    🤘 Beavis & Butthead.mp3
  23. JohnJ

    What I Got Today!

    That power amp with the red and black looks like the old Yamaha ones did, if it sounds like one of those I hope you know how to repair stucco!
  24. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    Sure it still is.... but listen to that LP it is very good hard rock without the thrash that's seemingly almost required by some new bands. Maybe it's because it is closer to that simpler blues based rock from long ago. Whatever @oldtimer they're timeless to me except some of their late 80s early 90s semi-pop music that I've got too.
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