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Everything posted by JohnJ

  1. @dirtmudd You're one resourceful fella, but I swear it seems to take quadruple what it did back then. Good whole milk is $5/ gal here most places in jim&tammyland. I'll let it sour on the shelf before I buy it at that price. Store brand $3.50 is watered down and says "Whole Milk" on it. Whole is 4-7% milkfat, store brand is like 3 (skim in my book). Sorry_ leg still hurts bad and I'm just belly-aching. I get Pet for $3.39 at the corner store with two week out date! It was a very nice cart, I'll put that new one on soon and enjoy that nude shank sound again!
  2. Thanks with and without rain @dirtmudd It's just like another picture disc I've got somewhere, like super awful static, static to the third power if you will. But my zero-stat could not fix it. I've always used AudioTechnica cartridges, the one on my old Yamaha P50 was $200.00 in the early 1990s ( with inflation probably would be an $800.00 cart now) used to get a new stylus every year for it. I know some consider them bright sounding. I think they're realistic. I like the s/n ratio and the good bass, mid and high I got out of them. That might correlate with my love for the Klipsch Heritage speakers and the fact that I'll never go back to less than them. The A-T carts or the turntables were always too easy to set up. Now a Heads lp I've got sounds terrific, it's clear vinyl with the pic on the case that is yellowed in the decades since I bought it.
  3. My copy of "Couldn't Stand the Weather" sounds awful. I'm so sure that I put it on the wall years ago!
  4. Another that fits me tonight. Remember Journey and Miami Vice. Say BAM! with Emeril's tone of voice throwing red pepper on something.
  5. Alan Parsons is pretty good, that's another day. I know you folks remember the `70s. This lp still sounds great!
  6. Don't fret @badboyspack it's better than the tripp lite I just threw into the bottom of my closet any day!
  7. Just hooked up my Furman 15PFi and we've got our daily t-storm late tonight right now.
  8. Damn, did not mean to kill this thread, was not trying to hijack it either, sorry folks. Words don't hurt unless you let them. Peace.
  9. OK, Don't know about the past but since this spring I've read a lot of good stuff from about all the screen names I've seen at this thread. Went and spread likes all over and could probably do more. Geeze, I know about being bullied, should have a novel and a tv movie with righties or lefties begging me to speak. So F'n what (Metallica). Doubt any of you care, and I don't care if you don't (the Cure?). Darnit snowflake, don't melt if somebody doesn't like your opinion. Be decent to folks and you might get that back, Listen to your "Happy" tunes and get over yourself. Had this in the car today..... ( All That You Dream) Makes me smile
  10. First post molehill no action needed next page mountains This Post proof the op has a great point!
  11. That is one incredible machine!
  12. What the .....? It cleans the lp, has a linear arm on the right, a normal arm on the back and lights up like one of those wierd clover-no stop (except when you have to) euro highway intersections around here. It is interesting and would match one of their Dragon cassette decks.
  13. I was there for a decade but back in NC now, the cape was as far south as I went. South of about Vero there are houseplants beside the turnpike 20 feet high. Got some Heresy IIs if you would like to trade to smaller?
  14. @Derrick https://www.cambridgeaudio.com/products/hi-fi/network-players After a lot of reading up last fall, ignorance of this site then kept me out of the tubular option. I went with Cambridge in a couple stages. The sound thoroughly impressed me as better quality than my long adulated Yamaha RX1100, and reminiscent of an astounding 40wpc Class A Nelson Pass Nakamichi that I let go. Enjoy figuring it out!
  15. Nicely kept Cornwalls @cjmustang69, Those 15s look so small with the grill off. Good Luck with your move and all! Just remember, when it's hot and you want to jump in the water... don't. It's not like up here where you just get muddy feet. You might loose a foot to a lizard down there.
  16. @John Albright Heck I didn't even want to go into the brand new $$ speaker. Did it `cause I didn't want to turn it back on without knowing! Save that for another rainy day, I've got tacks and cable ties.
  17. Oh HELL YEAH! Thanks @billybob My neighborhood knows Robin Trower! One fellow from the next st over came by and thanked me one time when he was on here.
  18. And I threw around Roy's name hoping to get it noticed by somebody that could effect change too! Not that it's major, I could put an anchored cable tie in there if I was inclined to.
  19. @Full Range That's a neat site, not seen it before. They call shims wedges and it gets a little wordy but in laymans terms it lays it out more complete than I've bothered to look for in a while.
  20. It's a new-ish one that AudioTechnica put out last year. AT-LP5. It's half-assed at best, glad I did not pay the retail price for it. Tried an AT150MLX on it and that was a fail. Got another cartridge that I just have not made the time to put on it. Nothing like my Yamaha P50 ? with the s/n ratio around 70 db that I just flat wore out.
  21. Love the midrange on my new Forte IIIs, so many old tunes to re-discover!
  22. @T2K You got it, trying to throw something completely different out there that would make for a better evening. It has a character named "Social Services" she is a trip. That's how I learned at some 8:00 places. One Day At A Time.
  23. @BigStewMan Saw that all of these good folks have offered varying kinds of wisdom, genuinely hoping to help. I hope today is better. I'll offer from a different angle. Ever had a reset losing yourself inside a movie? If I didn't have the bucks for a road trip or another half at the time it was actually therapeutic. How `bout a whimsical, off the cuff, incredible music throughout, stacked with good actors & actresses movie. I don't even think there is one cuss-word in it. "Moonrise Kingdom" is the name of it. @T2K you're a f'n trooper, hat's off to ya. Good Luck. Your "Customer Service" flying right over his head reminded me of this flic.
  24. @dirtmudd I'd swear we're related but never met at those gigantic family reunions. ROCK ON!!! Even the slow stuff works sometimes.
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