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Tim Sr.

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Everything posted by Tim Sr.

  1. as a mechanical engineer, you might appreciate this mess Initial layout of wiring and components, will take this into a Printed circuit program next to clean up a lot of excess wires.
  2. Yep, I did. Never heard back from them, but when they are in the USA, one never knows!!
  3. Those are really nice looking support brackets, special order? What did you use for the hand rail? Maple?
  4. They are not short on the services, just that I could make a few hundred bucks a day off these fella's, figuring on 3 to 4 bows a day .
  5. NICE!!! I am also a Mechanical and Electrical engineer or was, now retired, and will be focusing mostly on the violin and guitar making. That handrail is really nice, clean excellent craftsmanship there.
  6. When I started to follow them I was actually researching special schools, ran across one in Croatia, Rather special students with massive talents. These two fellas were students at that time they took a chance and did a couple of videos for you-tube, and the rest became history. Last I heard was that they were picked up by Elton John as the opening to his tours now. When I saw their first video I wanted to contact them to offer bow re-hairing services, as they tend to go through a hank of hair with each and every performance
  7. ok moving forward finished the Heike albums, so heading to another set I was following back many years.
  8. That is a wonderful project from my perspective, one who has to hold onto anything to get around Putting them up is not so much fun I agree.
  9. recover? I chuckle at the thought. I thought we were just getting warmed up Listening to a lady I have followed for years, from her first works put out to the public, to now booked concerts all over Germany
  10. I am going to call it a night here. Coming up to 4 AM and some shut eye sounds reasonable Thank you for the sync plays and starting a good sound to work by
  11. yeah, there were several I had not heard until last year. This was one of them.
  12. and then there was this one
  13. at last the theme song, the fella's that worked for me dubbed this one to be about me... "Inmates"
  14. Here is what I will finish up with From the Inside
  15. ok that makes sense now An almost sync play of Alice Cooper, what a nice way to end a day I needed something that would invigorate me a bit to finalize this wiring. I am hoping to put the soldering iron to things sometime this week. I still have to wait for the main sub chassis before I can finish the wiring, since it has to feed through that, so I will do what I can up to that point.
  16. now I am only One full album behind you Really nice shots Paul of the albums, and the eye candy Love your set up.
  17. Sitting here pondering as I complete the wiring diagram for the amp, and how much Vinyl has impacted my life. When Mom and Dad decided to clean out a bit and decided the vinyl was no longer needed, no T.T. at that time for them, went to CD, I quickly removed them with blessings. I felt it was something that HAD to be preserved, and going through them, there are 35 or 40 ish 78 RPM albums in there, a couple of my Grandfather giving a Sermon, another, the Wedding of my parents, One of my Dad singing and one or two of Mom singing.. All on vinyl, it's amazing connection really, and pretty much the same story with Reel to Reel tapes. Almost rather keep them in storage than put them where they are vulnerable .
  18. I am 4 tracks now behind you
  19. Actually I cried, lost a Vintage SAE Mark I Preamp, Mac MC6100, Thorens, Dual 1249, Tandberg TD20A, Ohm A speakers, .... Insurance can never replace what has been built with a certain focus in mind.
  20. this was the setup just before I moved in With momma. I was in the middle of building a strict listening room. My brother popped over to see if he could help. When he saw what had to be packed up, well it made him grumble and groan. I had to tell him it was only for a few years. Luckily it has been and should be a lot longer. He since has been looking for a way to see me get it all back together again. He is a good brother.
  21. Ahhh finally Another favorite, I even bought 2 of this in Vinyl I may grab a third copy
  22. Yep!! You and me both. The hard part for me was when I was robbed, they grabbed a bunch of equipment and many (very selective of) my LP's I had It's a beautiful Day album with white bird on it, a bunch of Jerry Lee Lewis and the Playboys, Some of the Pink Floyd all my CCR, Steppenwolf's and Rolling stones, oh and most of the Beatles albums. I wasn't sure if I was hurt more at losing the Thorens or the LP's at the time, but I had just installed a SME Arm on the Thorens so it hurt either way.
  23. This is another original Pressing I have in storage. I got to wondering how many LP's I now have. I remember having to change the book shelves to hold them, went from a 6 foot wide to an 11 foot long shelf(s) I will definitely enjoy them all again, I may make plans to pull them from storage later this year.
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