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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. my wife asked me if I have/had a bucket list. When I said, "No", she suggested I make one. "OK, I want a good stereo" Scratched that off my list and she has to "enjoy" it whether she does or not.... Now I'm back to no bucket list...
  2. I've done a pretty good job avoiding this. Went as big as I could afford. LaScalas. I have been eyeing a better amp. But, about anything better than my vintage H/K would cost more than I have in the whole "Two speakers and an amp". Fiscal responsibility keeps me from going with upgrades. Seems like anything of significant improvement leads me to Jubes and, and, and ....
  3. won't argue that point I went to SanFrancisco one time. It was summer and 75`. The locals were dying of heat. I had a jacket on...
  4. and not a particularly nice winter day, at that we got some precip last night. Had some hard rain. Not a lot... but hard. So hard, that it came as a solid. Hail Wonder how much is left of the garden. cooling measured by the standard A/C terms... in tons [of ice]
  5. it's quite possible unfortunately, wasn't me. wish I could be of more help
  6. no help whatsoever there , sorry the ones I had were prescription ground lenses, and a loooong time ago Might ask an optometrist.
  7. +1 on the amber lenses. Will knock the glare off, big time. The only way you know the oncoming traffic has their brights on, is because you can count the number of light they have lit. interesting part... they do no bother/effect the way you perceive your lights. Well worth the money to try. With what little credibility I have --- I highly recommend them.
  8. You have no idea [nor do I] how many hours we played pinball instead of going to HS. 3gm/$0.25 and you won free games. That carried over into my young adulthood. A buddy and I would go to The Pipewrench Bar.... get a pitcher of beer and beat on their machines. Leave games for the barkeep.. one of the machines we used to beat up was Circus Wish I had space to put a couple... you would never hear from me again...
  9. You smell like food and drink? I can see that working. does she wear bacon flavored perfume for you?
  10. Mornin' ... errrr... Afternoon ! Stayed up passed 10PM last night. Got up late... 5AM Drinking cold, but, fresh -- this AM -- coffee. Think I'm gonna have to do something with my hair. Wearing it pulled back in a ponytail last night, wife sez, "I like your hair that way. Makes you look dignified ... like a professor" mind you this is the same woman that said my hair smelled good after i spent two hours with my head stuck inside the woodstove.... another day of too much sun and heat combined. "They" say we have a chance of rain today. There is also a chance of a volcano erupting in my backyard. And it spitting gold covered diamonds...
  11. it never rains in California .... so, the song sez
  12. digging deeper into the pile something for everyone on this one
  13. take away the artificial boobs, butt, lips, nose, cheeks, chin.... they aren't special beyond high maintenance
  14. I wish you well, if you choose to go/stay it is a big, big city. .
  15. there are pros and cons to the move. You hear horror stories of how expensive it is in many places. There are usually work arounds and time getting to know where to get what. Are you crazy for it???? I dunno? There are several million folks that seem to like it there. They might be crazy... as I said before, I'm not a city person.
  16. back to education IMHO was telling the wife [she's a teacher] that I predict the school year will be postponed for a year. Remote learning will not good enough to keep the students on the desired learning curve. We're asking parents to educate the kids as good as the professionals. We/they will be doing good to keep the kids from back-sliding, let alone advancing
  17. disappointing, but not surprising
  18. I call horse pucky. You're rationalizing. I don't care to have it as long as we do. ... and it's gone in a matter of an hour or three. I might not mind it as much, if it wasn't cold
  19. I put a pair of LS in a Nissan Versa Note. If they had been mdf, they would not fit. Measure your cargo area and door/hatchback openings carefully.
  20. Great minds think alike Was thinking about Dixie Chicken LP
  21. I simulate perspiration by jumping in the shower
  22. you are assuming there is some humidity. We don't need coasters under our drinks. They don't sweat. We don't see much dew, either. you may be able to feel a temp change on the side of the tank IDK We went all electric.
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