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Everything posted by AndreG.

  1. I forgot, here´s the link. It´s in German, but you´ll the pictures: https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/klipsch-subwoofer-kg-sw-vintage/1571923707-172-1861
  2. I´ve been looking at said KG SW on ebay for some weeks now and i have some questions to once/still owners. I would team up that sube with my KG 1.5s and a Yamaha A-S201. Does that sound like a worthwhile idea? Another idea would be to use it with my Heresys, once those are done, but i also have a Yamaha active sub i was planing to use for the Hs. To be honest, maybe i´m just intriuged by the fact that the SW belongs to the KG line, looking at the pictures it leaves a good impression and it´s fairly cheap, sub and shipping about 160€. So, what are Your opinions?
  3. Even if Mr. Collins can´t play the drums anymore, still nice to hear him sing...
  4. Among my friends, i am the only one who has a real stereo set-up, let alone HT. Either they don´t have the space or it´s homes where music is only a background and not actively listened to. Everybody has an Amazon-, Netflix- etc. account, but watches on their laptops or phones... Maybe it´s an era of music & movies on the go? Often i hear opinions like: "It´s just music, why all the hussle...". or "Too exppensive." or "Too complicated.". Are we geeks? I mean we are, but, we are in the age of "Fast". I´m rummagin´...
  5. Aren´t the Epics from the same era as the KG point-five series? So the frames would be plastic i guess.
  6. I googled him too right away and i thought "death metal"? This is so very different, he seems to be very versatile.
  7. Great! Some of the imagery reminds of Tolkiens paintings.
  8. I used the detergent method on my KG1.5s, no problems. I´m not shure about the chlorix, but was thinking because of the mold.
  9. You can just bathe the grills in warm water and cleaning detergent, maybe gently brush them down. I don´t know how the fabric would react to water diluted DanClorix or something, will it loose colour?
  10. You still got a photo, maybe?
  11. First additional parts coming in: The hat nuts, they will cover up the tips of the threaded rods on the upper most shelf. Size is M16.
  12. Maybe You´re right, let´s see how this turns out...
  13. Look closer, it´s a pair, stacked.
  14. Lucky people living in Klipsch-Country! We´d never get Belles for that money here in Germany, ever. MTC
  15. Granite is a beautiful stone and looks great when used in racks and shelves... alas, for me, the size and thickness i need, it just too expensive for me. But who knows, if not now, maybe later. That TEAC component on the right, is that a DAT-recorder?
  16. Oh, my manners! Happy new year to You too, George!!
  17. Yep, found nothing that will fit my stuff the way i want it to... Bolts and screws should arrive this week. I´look forward to see how everything comes together. If it does the way i think it could, it will be the blueprint for new shelves for all my CDs and DVDs. Potentially i could use space that was dead until now and spread my speakers a little more across their space.
  18. That was the plan. As inspiration for others and for input from You guys.
  19. That looks very good, but in my case i couldn´t fit my center. But it´s an excellent example of what you can do with multiplex boards. Thanks!
  20. As can be clearly seen, the need to do something became over due. The Ikea rack takes up way too much space and, obviously, can´t cope with the 130lbs pf CRT-TV. The positioning of my center is also less than optimum. So i surfed the net a bit and found a solution for DIY that i can pull through, although my skills and tools are limited. The main components will be multiplex wood and threaded rods. I hope to come out with a rack that will be both cheaper and more durable than the ones you can buy. These are two of four plates i plan to use. Holes are already drilled and the left received the first coat of oil. Plates are birch and approx. 110cm/ 43" x 40cm/ 16", the uppermost is 3cm/ 1,2" thick, the others are 2cm/ 0,79". Connecting rods will be M16/ 5/8".
  21. Hope the Klipsch-Fans on the Old Continent won´t be left behind! I would want one too.
  22. Worst i ever smelled was that "Harzer Käse" that my Dad loved to eat. He said, the older and smellier it got, the better. I swear, it was moving by itself in it´s container like a caricature of the Blob... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harzer
  23. Just a little OT but, has anyone here read "Redshirts" by John Scalzi, maybe you Shiva?
  24. Happy new year all!! @Shiva: Thanks again for Your post! Good music!
  25. I used finest grade steel wool as last step and mineral spirits as well.The spirits will take a few days to evaporate, so the color of Your verneer can change still.
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