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Everything posted by mkl

  1. I have replied to prod via private msg.
  2. "when I get the script debugger/script editor or w/e, it tells me what the problem is, I just don't know how to fix it. " The debugger is not supposed to allow you to fix the problem. I suggest you take computer problems to a computer forum. While there are a multitude of people of people on this board with computer knowledge, the extra non-speaker related threads and posts are filling up the board and making actual information harder to find. Best of luck. -MKL
  3. It obviously doesn't know which card you picked. And I don't mind spoiling it, so if you don't want to know, stop reading this post. The list of cards where you pick one, and the one they show you at the end, consist of entirely different cards. NONE of the cards from the first set appear in the second set, so no matter what card you choose, it is never in the second set. -mkl
  4. 1.A customer at a 7-11 store selected four items to buy, and was told that the cost was $7.11. He was curious that the cost was the same as the store name, so he enquired as to how the figure was derived. The clerk said that he had simply multiplied the prices of the four individual items. The customer protested that the four prices should have been ADDED, not MULTIPLIED. The clerk said that that was OK with him, but, the result was still the same: exactly $7.11. What were the four prices? answer: 1.20, 1.25, 1.50, 3.16 2.What comes next in this sequence: GWB, WJC, GHWB, RWR, JEC, GRF, RMN, LBJ, ==?== answer: too easy, not even going to answer. hint: presidents 3.Below is a list of letters, these letters can all be used to spell a well known sequence, which may not be finite. For example, if the sequence was Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, the list of letters would be aaeehhjkklmmnorttuw. acdefhiilmnoorty answer: by far the most annoying puzzle : inch, foot, yard, mile. 4.the following words have their equivalents next to them, what should FOX be? CLICK = 100501100K MILK = 1000150K LOG = 50OG LIFE = 501FE ALIVE = A5015E FOX = ==?== answer: FO10
  5. 1. they werent playing each other 2. 40 3. quarter and a nickel 4. the match 5. NTETTFFSSENT:) gotta run, maybe ill do the other whens when i get back from bar.. -mkl
  6. I bet questioning the webmasters decision will get him unbanned! Seriously, if Kain has questions for the webmaster, keep it on a private level. No reason to start a public discussion of what everyone feels should happen to him, it's only going to cause more problems. -mkl
  7. "prodj just finds out that Old Chicago is a chain and now automatically does not like them anymore." Thats just funny. Nothing wrong with chains here either, everything has its place. -mkl
  8. "I tried both. Grado sounds great but UNCOMFORTABLE." On a lot of days, I wear my Grado sr125's for 4 hours before lunch, and 4 hours after lunch. When I first auditioned them, I thought they might not be as comfortable as other brands, however, when you own them and can play with them a little, you can find a configuration that feels perfect. The band on the Grados is metal and easily shaped. Big head? Just bend the band so you get the amount of tension you like. I rarely remember I'm even wearing mine anymore. Plus, I think the Grados have a much more in-your-face type sound. I thought they sounded much more like a Klipsch then the Senns. -MKL
  9. ". I don't think you would really need one if you have SVS since they have pretty flat frequency response as it is. " Flat in an anechoic chamber maybe. In the real world its useful to be be able to flatten out the humps in the response your room is causing. I think the fact that svs sells eqs on their site says a lot. -mkl
  10. Generally, the only time I've seen this happen is when XP misidentifies your bios as having Advanced Power Management (APM) and not Advanced Configuration Power Interface (acpi). This will make you manually shutdown. Ive seen this fixed most times with a bios update. The bad news, is you have to re-install xp over the exisitng xp installation, becasue this detection only takes place at setup time! My suggestion, power off the computer manually:) -mkl
  11. Yeah, I really don't think I am comparing different things. All you are saying is that the people who committed these crimes had a reason, not just for the fun of it. Im sure if you asked serial killers and rapists, they have reasons too. I really feel their reasons are the same, both bull****. A rapist might tell you that women like to be brualized and deehumanized, or a serial killer might be delusional and tell you that he HAD to kill to save mankind etc. It doesn't make them brave, and it doesnt make their violence against women and children any more acceptable. As far as "we payed little mind to the problems in the middle east," I view that as Bull**** too, America has been dealing with the problems of the middle east on a daily basis for years. Now, we weren't doing what they wanted (like killing all the jews) but hey, we were dealing with it. I think the point I want to come across is this: Do not confuse stupidly or insanity with bravery. Let me lay it on the line: 1.It is wrong to purposely target innocent women and children to kill. 2.It is brave to stand up for what you believe. 3.However, If what you believe in calls for you to target women and children intentionally, you are insane. I've seen the, Im just not taking the other people culture into account excuses, and just let me say this There are certain inherit values that all cultures and all people throughout time have believed in. (Since I'm not doing an indepth philosophy lesson here, I'm going to leave out such things as exceptions like for the insane etc.) One of these values is that human life is valuable, and people should not be murdered. In my line of thinking, bravery is a value. That value is showing courage and following through on a good act. I feel alot of philosophers/rational human beings would accept this as valid. So possibly the reason I disagree so strongly, is that is my definition of bravery and others varies. If the definition of bravery was just "Willing to do anything to achieve goals" I would probably accept that terrorists are brave. However, the fact that they were willing to break the rules of their own religion , shows me that they weren't doing this because they had religious faith and thought it was right, but that they were vicious spiteful humans who had been brainwashed into killing. Yeah, I didn't think Susan Atkins was brave either and I regard people like that in the same regard as the terrorists. /rant> Everytime I read that terrorist are brave it just really boils me and makes it hard to believe that anyone could support/rationalize these atrocities. My only hope is the people who are saying this simply haven't had the experience to know the difference between a words definition, and what the word really means. I'm really not going to say anymore about this whole thing, It's not worth it. I will no longer reply in public to this thread. If anyone wants a philosophy lesson, or just wants to argue with me, I can be reached through private messages. -mkl
  12. Kev, does that mean that rapists are "brave" for attacking their vitcims, since they are obviously putting themselves in harms way to commit their acts? Are serial killers brave becasue they risk the deal penalty (or being killed by a victim) to commit their crimes? No, I think we would all agree (I hope) that these people listed above certainly arent "brave" in the sense that they have courage and strong convictions, rather they are weak minded, and unable to control their compulsions to cause harm. They aren't brave, they are mentally unbalanced. A terrorist who gets on a plane in order to kill women and children is not brave, he is a murderer. Slaughtering defenseless women and children is not an act of bravery. It is an act of insanity. I really don't see any point of view which would think an act of slaughtering innocents as being brave. -mkl
  13. Holy crap, if anyone actually believes the stuff in that power point presentation, I've got some other serious information they need. 1. The only factual error was the presentation said that it was the US government behind this whole thing, not true. It's a mixed race of aliens which own the illumanti, the oil prices are just a scam to stop us from developing the space shuttle (yes, they also caused the recent disaster with a high powered laser) in order to keep us away from Mars (where the illumanti are hiding their stash of still-boxed-khorns. 2. Tin foil hats can protected your thoughts from being monitored by George Bush. A good guide to building an ADFB is at http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html AFDB? Aluminum foil deflector beanie of course. 3. If you believe that presentation, who installed powerpoint on your computer? Because I know given the circumstances you would have to be too dumb to figure out how to load cds. -mkl
  14. First off, I love PG. " was recorded but it must have been very recent" Nope, it was recorded in 1993 (well, the concert it documents took place in 1993) I haven't gotten the DVD yet, but I've heard the unlike the laserdisc and cd, the "live" sound has been taken out and replaced by a lot of studio magic -mkl
  15. " The lower the better. " Not always true, try running a processor at zero degrees kelvin -mkl
  16. 29 c? Thats pretty cool. I don't know about current specs off of the top of my head, but If I remember correctly, for the early pentium 4s the max operating temperature was in the range of 70-75 C. -mkl
  17. Most likely the problem is you are using a straight-thru wired typical ethernet cable, instead of a crossover cable. You need to use a crossover cable. Basically if you are using a regular ethernet cable it is wired so that it is straight thru. When you hook 2 computers up with that the xmit line out of one computer, goes to the xmit line of the other. The receive line of the first one, goes to the receive of the second, so neither is seeing each other. With a crossover cable the xmit/recive are switched at one end so the xmit of the first pc, goes to the receive of the second pc. Hope this makes sense, and I hope this is your problem, as it is a relatively simple thing to fix. -mkl
  18. Nope, no c# at all. Everything I write has to be run on sparc/*nix/windows, and since it's mostly federal contracts, they want something that they *know* they have someone who could maintain it, and its usually add-ons to pravious software, so It's almost always in c/c++, or tcl for anything that needs to be scripted. Java occasionally comes up, and I'd love to use it more, but someone always throws a fit, and we end up going back to basics (our basics anyhow ) All of the .net langauges are high on my list of "things I'm going to play with in my spare time if I ever get any" C# sounds(not that I am that knowledgeable about it) like an awesome amalgamation of C++ and java with extra good stuff thrown in. Garbage collection, type-safe variables, auto initialization of variables, no circular dependencies because of header files, bounds checking on strings, try-catch-finally methods, who could ask for anything more in a langauge? As long as its as good in practice as it seems in print, I'm in love. Yeah, I'm a geek. Since this thread was off topic from the getgo I'll atleast try to bring it back with some recent klipsch stories of mine. My new manager took me out to lunch the other day (this has been a few weeks ago or more, I've been working with him for several months now) and I was telling him I was into HT/audio. I hadn't told him what kind of speakers I had yet, and he says "Man, you know what I always wanted, a pair of Klipsch Horns" I nearly died. Then last week, I met with the builder who is building my new house, and I was asked him if he would mind me running my own speaker cable before the drywall was done and what not, and he asked me what kind of speakers I had, Turns out he has Klipsch speakers too. He didn't know what model, but he said they were huge, and he thought they weighed between 150-200 pounds and were atleast 20 years old. They werent K-horns tho. It amazes me the number of people who I meet who love/own klipsch gear in everyday life. -mkl
  19. ahhhh, so you're *that* guy, *snip* while( thisVariableHoldsTheAmountOfPlayersLefttoWriteOutToFile < theTotalAmountOfPlayersThatAreCurrentlySetSoFar) { currentPlayer=ThisDoubleLinkedListContainsAllOfThePlayersSetSoFar->IncreaseOnePlayerDownTheList(); ThisMethodWritesThePlayersInformationOutToAFileWhichByDefaultIsCalled_PLAYERINFORMATION.TXT_ButCanBeChangedInTheConfigurationFile(currentPlayer); thisVariableHoldsTheAmountOfPlayersLefttoWriteOutToFile++; } *snip* Just joking with you! but I really do know people who write code with variable names longer than that, I *swear*! (note for coders: please use reverse hungarian notation (or atleast some recognized standard)if your code is large, for my sake:) ) -mkl
  20. Do you misspell variable names in your code? A guy who writes code that I end up fixing/maintaining regularly mispells the names of variables he uses constantly, and it seriously annoys me. I mean, he'll spell "counter" cuonter and use it in 5000 lines of code at a time! Then it comes to be me to fix/maintain, and I have to deal with it, because he *ALSO* uses "counter" in some other place, but for a different value (along with cntIt, cnt_It, count, cnt, and Conter ...ahhhhhh!) Please don't tell me you're the one whos been doing this , I've wasted several man months fixing these errors! Don't even get me started on his class names, file names, and his crazy use of overloaded operators... -mkl
  21. Top of my list: Donnie Darko -awesome flick also: Dancer in the Dark <-- excellent ,interesting use of surrounds in this movie. The entire thing is done without use of the surrounds, then in dancer numbers the surrounds come alive. (Its hard to describe, but an excellent use of sound to further atmosphere) Following : By the same guy who did memento , pretty good flick and ofcourse, you have you "classic" (even tho they are new ) Amelia, run lola run, requiem for a dream, pi, bottle rockets... -mkl
  22. Also keep in mind that the Iraqs are launching missles, and shooting lots of anti-aircraft shells. Remember, what goes up, must come down! Not that Im denying US Missles are causing damage, just a point to keep in mind. Again, my prayers and thoughts are with our troops, and any civilians who are caught up in the whole situation. -mkl
  23. Not to seem like im picking on you ear , but what polk(s) did you find decent? When I was looking at subs (before I got an SVS) I looked at some, and wasn't impressed...maybe it was just the setup in circuit city that threw me off. Any particular model you think is decent for the money? My friends always ask me what to get, and they never want to pay as much as even the relatively cheap svs subs (cheap bastards;) )
  24. Roger that ears, I think we were both a little too wired and too aggressive. No harm, no foul. -MKL
  25. mkl

    mel gibson

    Just to add a little bit, the superbit collection, as was stated,has the best encoding of audio/video possible. In order to do this they typically have no extras, such as deleted scenes, commentary etc. The entire disc is used to encode video/audio. I have a few of them, ******, Patriot, Johhny Mnemonic. I also have the normal versions of ****** and patriot (I got them to compare) and I do feel the superbit dvds do have an edge for sound/video, but you lose all the extras. But then , if you only watch the extras once or twice, no big deal. -mkl
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