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Everything posted by Klipschfoot

  1. how about not posting at all silence has a way of really irritating passive aggressive people so if you don't post those who wait for reply to their own post will become enraged and start following up their own post to make themselves feel important this will result in deeper antisocial behavior while you are at it avoid punctuation too that really gets em riled
  2. take a look at http://www.liquidtheater.com/editorials/50 for an explanation of formats. It seems two of your side surrounds could have been two rear surrounds. Yes the rear surrounds would be mono from what I am reading. When watching U-571 the depth charges were exploding left and right of me. That was "cool." I could have sprayed myself with a hose for more special effects.
  3. I fully realize your room is not my room and it's obvious my budget is not your budget either! Regarding your rear surrounds, have you tried putting two on sides about ear level and two on the back wall run from a splitter? I don't see this setup anywhere else, but I think my cheap little 5(+2).1 HT sounds good. Perhaps that's because it's mine(!). For sides I am using a couple of old Bose 301 (like I said, I don't have your budget) and a pair of Minimus 7 on the back wall about 1.5 ft. down from the ceiling. While watching U-571, the depth charges exploding left and right gave the impression they were just above my head L&R.
  4. ---------------- MICHAEL MURRY BACH THE GREAT ORGAN AT METHUEN TELARC CD-80049 ---------------- Second that. I also have, among others, Organ Spectacular. Peter Hurford London D 125293. Go here for more Bach rec's. "Aaaaaaah...Baaaaahhhhch." (from an episode of My Favorite Martian.)
  5. I just use the Google tools. Since I use their search engine already, it just consolidates the intrusion on my computer. At least that is until/if Microsoft buys them out. Then I will switch to something else.
  6. I spy a Thorens TD124 on the cart. At least mine is in a box at a storage unit - I think.
  7. Nat... Here are some great quotes regarging horn speakers (from the pros!!!) http://invalid.ed.unit.no/~dunker/saidhorn.html I have linked to this page a few times but I find these kinds of statements from those outside these forums to be the best endorsements of horn driven speakers. It does not matter what you have heard before. Listen to some GOOD horn speakers before making your choice. Loud is no substitute for live! Like others have said, if you just hear bass and treble rather than the music, there is a weak link in your system. Unless you are a woman. Genearally, women channel the mood of music rather than technical accuracy. But I think that is just an excuse to save money.
  8. ---------------- Both my father and I enjoyed the sound of the Khorns more than the Amatis. But, you have to admit that thay are beautiful and admire their looks. ---------------- which leads me to ask if there is a GREAT sounding small speaker that even comes close to the monolithic and/or behemoth boxes we all enjoy. There almost certaninly is a compromise in the comparison to live sound that can be had from a small speaker. I would prefer to have smaller speakers in the living room, but I can't bring myself to sacrifice the sound for now.
  9. We'll do it. But I'm only good for two rounds. Then I need a nap.
  10. Just got back from http://www.shannonssaloon.com/ with the fam. Draft Bass or Harp? Tough question so I had one of each with the crabcake sandwich. Yumm.
  11. St. Pat ain't from Belgium. Let's keep with the theme. http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/rate_results/2085/5425/ w a s t e d #
  12. ---------------- 5:34:57 PM TBrennan wrote: BBB----Sorry pal, I was a little, ah, out of sorts this morning. Ya see being an old pro at this St. Patrick's thing I did my celebrating last night. ---------------- Nothing like an apology to smooth things over, O'Brennan. Great to see some maturity on the board. Happy St. Pat's Day and drink some good monk-brewed ale in honor.
  13. Okay, since stupid questions are the ones not asked, Do you need a rotor with an FM antennae? Or is it set and forget?
  14. I have a pair of old Magnepan MG-1 and have to say that sitting in the sweet spot (which is about 1 foot wide) produces a sense of "being there" like I have never heard. But, listening to them off axis seems a pitiful waste of money for such a room-dominating speaker. If the newer and better models have a broader sweet spot and can fill a room, I would like to hear someone say so. Myy altec horns reproduce great music off-axis, which is what the Khorns do also, maybe better; I dunno since I have never heard them. I posted one this once before: http://invalid.ed.unit.no/~dunker/saidhorn.html. These statements really make you feel that you have discovered something special.
  15. From a rep of www.senator.com, a authentic 800 seat vintage theater in Baltimore, MD. We have always kept our system state-of-the-art and it is a fortuitous combination of factors that results in the sound quality we are able to achieve. It's got a lot to do with the relatively large auditorium, its asymmetrical shape, the high ceiling, the 8 / 18 inch JBL subwoofers with huge QSC amps, the 5 modified Altec "Voice of the Theatre" bass cabinets behind the screen with JBL horns, bi-amped with active crossovers powered by QSC amps, and the 12 Klipsh "Heresy" surrounds speakers , powered by QSC amps that all adds up to a really sweet and powerful combination. Glad to hear that you "get" what we are all about regarding our sound quality. Put THAT in your HT!
  16. That would describe the Academy, of course. You can buy four Heresys for the price of one Academy. Or almost a pair of LaScalas. And so on. Though not particularly rare, getting somebody to part with theirs is like asking a cat for one of its lives.
  17. I am actually a snail. I know you may not believe it but here is my car story. I bought a new Z300. But I took off the "Z" and painted a big "S" in its place. Now when I cruise down the road, people point and say, "Look at that S car go!"
  18. This guy certainly thinks he has the best rock setup. Lansing Heritage forum
  19. What a turn of events. Sig shrinks. Now the avatar box with the Profile name, cute status ID, total posts, last post, member longevity, "space", Subscribe to, all take up most of the space on these pages. That is two vertical inches on my 14" laptop screen (8.5" vertical). At least a lot of the signatures were pretty. I just felt like complaining.
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3082212058&category=39783&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBWA%3AIT&rd=1 I thought this was a little much for it's condition. Maybe it was the Bugle Boys and the coating. An HF-85 sold for over $350 last week! Say good bye to these Eicos at cheap prices anymore.
  21. Somewhere in my tube collection, I have a set of about 8? Telefunken 12AX7?tubes I pulled out of an Oscilliscope. Must check this weekend. But there must be some subtle difference. EDIT: Just found them. One Tele, five GE, one Sylvania. Oh well. I will just have to continue working for a living.
  22. ---------------- It merits are to bi-wire ... ---------------- Hey! This isn't the Rosie O'Donnel forum is it? Seriously, don't forget cable lifters. Be sure to lift the HF wires above the LF wires. Invert them and you will have muddy bass and low highs.
  23. ---------------- ...and big pecs! ---------------- That went WAY over my head.
  24. Last evening I heard a buzz from the amp, NOT through the speakers. It stopped when I turned the amp off, of course but just to emphasize that the buzz was NOT through the speakers. I am running it now with no buzz. What should I look for? It is stock original. Thanks.
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