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sheltie dave

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Everything posted by sheltie dave

  1. Ms. Krall is an excellent interpreter and a very easy listen. If you want more inspiration, like in most musical endeavors, you may be better served going after the original to find a higher level. Of the "moderns," I find her much more palatable than Norah Jones, whose microphone sounds like it normally is somewhere in the vicinity of her esophogus due to the hot mic technique employed with her.
  2. Mark, I am the member sitting on this one. Three other members have expressed an interest in this item, and have deferred to allow me an opportunity to chase it. There are three other shorthorns in various guises on Ebay right now, including a buy the second one for the same price as the first one deal. This one is an "s" line shorthorn, and does not have the original drivers. Like most shortys, it is both devalued by non-historical mods and worth more to most people for the parts than its current whole state. I would like to pick it up to use it in my baby's room as an indestructable mono speaker, and I have talked personally to Mike, the owner, about obtaining it. I have been patiently waiting for the clock to wind down as it now has, and am a little dismayed to again see it mentioned. I will repeat again(deja vu all over again!) if anyone wants this one, speak up and I won't bid on it. They come up monthly - I'll run after the next one. I will buy a shorty, I just won't pay more than market, and I don't want to be in a bidding war. Mike has a reserve on this one, so he may be harboring illusions as to its proper market value. If I can't reach reserve before I blow through a concurred market value from other forum members, I won't chase this one in future iterations, because of its non-original aspect. I want it for its utility within an original shorty box. A slight twist on etiquette - the preferred time to post Ebay auctions is when they START or EARLY in their lifespan. Most of the forum members are alert when they are going after gear, and don't need public reminders. I know I'm grumbling, Mark, but it took me three weeks, a missed shorthorn, and an expensive diamond necklace to get a papal dispensation from my wife to buy this. The neon lights made me !@$%#$&*^+
  3. Craig, you need to go out and find a store that sells talking books on CD. Buy Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea." Hit your used record store and ask the jazz/blues clerk to get you their 10 favorite blues albums prior to 1970. Hit the older English folk/blues groups like early Fleetwood Mac, Fairport Convention, Pentangle, and the Chieftans, and cherry pick one or two of their better selections. Get Van Morrison's "Astral Weeks." The interesting aspect to opening one's horizons is that everything becomes new, and you begin to see threads that are common to most "good" music. You already have one of the best stereo systems in Michigan(at least in a basement.) Now is the time to get your music collection to that level of excellence.
  4. Elvis is Paul McCartney on steroids. We listened to Armed Forces every day when driving to school in upstate New York. That album is a classic, and with the short songs we always knew when we were running early or late by what song was playing when we hit certain milestones. Clueless, I think the furry feline got too close to the egg nog!
  5. Henry, I have a couple spare Scott 299c's that I am going to send to Craig. If you want, I could swing by and let you check them out, or you could come by for a visit if you like seeing boxes! All Colleen's friends like the situation - the only room in the house that is set up is the stereo den in the basement - gee, I wonder why
  6. Hey guys, just remember this guy knows what he wants and buys it! The marketing gurus at Klipsch need to look no farther than this thread to substantiate that there will be no need for a home Jubilee. The fanatics on OUR OWN website will not pay $5-6K for a beautiful set of rosewood Khorns. They figure(correctly) that the Jubilee will never be a large revenue and profit generator for the the company in a home niche, so why invest any energy in providing a product that will be enormously labor- and tooling-intensive only to increase a market stature that PWK already has driven to enormous heights? I say /bathtub overflows upstairs/ Klipsch has already done their focus group market research and realizes there are more Klipschophiles that will balk at 5K Khorns and 12K Jubilees than those who will open their wallets. Not a harangue, just my observation, so tiwagos
  7. You bastard How about a subterranean basement so the neighbors can't hear you playing "The Final Countdown" at Armageddon-like volume
  8. Don, try LISTENING to your music once in a while, or if the Khorns don't quite drive it, then go buy a KP 480 sub or, better yet, a powered SVS heart thumper. I used to be like that - as the sound was not loud enough until it cleaved your head, stuck a piledriver through your chest, liquified your legs, and would flat out drive you from the room. Now that we have a kid, he can do that, so I have a few good thirty to sixty watt tube amps and can still drive people from the house. BUT it sounds beautiful when you throw on a musical album and float away listening to good music! I've hit 120 dB on mine, so you need more Klipsch
  9. Gary, snoop around your clientele base and find a licensed PE, or call an ASHI accredidated home inspection company and ask them if they could do a quick stopby to check your soil condition. They can determine whether you have a Class A, B, or C soil, and whether it has reached saturation. A saturated soil will heave, buck, or sink depending on pressure, temperature, and available path of least resistance(yes, soil will "flow".) It may be worth paying to have some rock backfill out of your own pocket chunked in the hole they excavate, dpending on the inspection, to thicken the gumbo. You do enough business that the inspection should be free, and a little $$$ on the preventative side will obviate spending big $$$, lawyers, and time if you do start seeing significant subsidence.
  10. Maron, Thom will still be building custom 6sn7 preamps and doing some custom work. He showed me the mockup and we talked for ten minutes about tube sockets. Like a few other people on this forum, my AES is prone to microphonics and I am working to get some better isolation
  11. http://www.tribnet.com/news/iraq/stryker/ Hey guys, I tried to stay away from this thread for as long as I could. Whatever our personal beliefs regarding motives, just war discussions, and geopolitical outcomes, it is important to pray for the safety of our parents, siblings, and children serving in country. Some of them will be coming home in body bags, others will be mentally, physically, and spiritually damaged. The top is a link to my brother's Stryker battalion that recently made it in country with close to 5,000 troops. The Tacoma paper has an embedded photographer sending daily reports, which is a godsend for Mike's wife and four year old girl. Please keep them and all involved in Iraq in your thoughts and prayers.
  12. Craig, I have the money set aside. We are moving tomorrow, so I haven't had time to ring you, but whatever Sat or Sun you want to come up, just let us know. And bring whatever you want to listen to(or with) if you want. We are less than two miles off of 55, so the trip will be easy if the weather cooperates!
  13. Alex, if you can buy the Khorns for a good price, they are worth getting even if you won't be putting them in an optimum situation for a few years. they sound good, though lacking base, if they arent welded into good corners. The bottom line is they are about the best speakers you can get your hands on, and if you are getting them used, they are the best!
  14. Happiness is watching the 120 pound guard german shephard from the crack house next door jump the four foot fence into our yard, only to lay on the grass and let our 30 pound sheltie tell her who is the boss in our yard. Since we are the only ones to pet her 90% of the time, she loves us and obeys our commands. Happiness is knowing when we move this week, there will be zero visitors at the houses next to us between midnight and four in the morning. Happiness is realizing that in St. Louis, "neighborhood stabilization" means preserving a decrepit house worth under $20,000, at the risk of having a double income family living next door in a far more valuable anchor property be driven out by criminal activity in the 20K house
  15. Guy, the Khorn that just sold last week was a screaming deal in LA. It went for about $280, and looked like the front face was solid walnut. Built in Germany, it probably has better craftsmanship, no insult to our honored Hope workers. The German crafts are superior in carpentry, masonry, and bricking, so if this was built to spec by an actual German carpenter, it would be worth trying to track down the new owner and "exploring options." I might have a single black Belle, circa '90, available in three weeks. If I get the shorthorn, finish my new stereo rack in the basement, get everything moved into the new house, and find the basement is a wee bit too cramped, the single Belle will be the item burped. It is amusing to see your personality change to being an anally retentive organizer in the effort to retain a center Belle
  16. John, I am going to try to get this one, and I also have info on a singlet Khorn and Shorthorn down in the Missouri bootheel that may be available. If I do "win" Mike's shorthorn, you would be #1 on the other info. Check your PM!
  17. Playntheblues, how serious are you about getting a shorthorn right now? I really want to get this one, and I'm not really interested in getting in a bidding war, especially with someone who is a forum member. The one that is on Ebay is an "S" model, which is the more common and judging from market price, less expensive or desireable one. I talked to Mike on the phone yesterday, and he wants to move his to get space in his house, and he is not willing to crate and ship it at all from New Orleans. One of my friends has already promised he would gladly make a road trip down to the Big Easy to party his butt off and pick up Shorty on the way back. Let me know if this is THE ONE you need, and I will glady wait for next month's version. There has been a Shorthorn, Rebel, Cabinart, or single Khorn on Ebay, Audiogon, and digibid et al for the last seven consecutive months, so there is a steady trickle onto the market. Prices have ranged from a high of $280 for the LA Khorn to $120 for a beat up Cabinart. The only trip point with this one is Mike has set a reserve, which is unusual for a singlet that you have not personally restored. I hope he has not attached an elevated value to Shorty, because these generally hit market without a need for a base. Just let me know if you definitely do want to chase this specific one. I have it tagged to go in my 11 month old's room as his nap inducer, but I can get other "gifts" that would make my wife just as happy for the new house.
  18. Gary, I received the tubes today, and they are great! Just what I was hoping to get set up with, and following the thirteen people arrested in a sting next door last night, it has been real quiet on the block today. Tomorrow we pack some more, and Monday the movers come and all our big furniture and boxed sundries gets moved! Hooray Within the week, we will be all moved and set up at the new house with an acre and a half backyard for the little one and our sheltie. It's a grass cutting paradise
  19. Happiness is successfully keeping your baby's feet out of the stinky tooty diaper long enough to wipe his bottom and get rid of the hazardous waste. He is a thirty pound eleven month old gorilla, and I am looking forward to him being able to help me horsing the speakers around in two years!
  20. ...and then there was the PhD degreed nuclear(or nucular, depending on your pronunciation) engineer who had read that supercooled wires greatly enhanced wire conductance properties. He took three dewers of liquid nitrogen and built copper receiver lines, then threw the monster cable runs inside and hooked up all the hoses and wires. Firing the stereo up, he heard glorious sound - for three days he was having a religious experience. Only he forgot that copper pipes also conduct thermal energy, so he froze his water pipe, which burst and blew his whole house electrical, caused a fire, and ruined much of what he and the wife had in the basement. His second religious experience was much shorter and more intense.
  21. Don, when stalking that elusive beast, approach from downwind(ie, the backside.) When the tubes are the brightest objects in your shoot field, you exposure balance will be better. A good macro shot is generally easier, also. If all else fails, just yank a tube out and firmly ground your finger in the socket. After you complete the 60 cycle shuffle, you might not ever get a good photo, but your cares will melt away
  22. That mother weighs close to 200 pounds, if it is the one I eyeballed. I spent the day at the other end of the audio universe. Flips had a $28K seperates system from Mark Levinson I listened to for half an hour. I moseyed over to the upscale HT place and listened to some Krell equipment, and loved the aesthetics of these huge thick speaker cables with some old Hoover doodle sweeper silver things, bout a foot.5 long, in line. It was too esoteric for me, so I wandered home and listened to my cheap cheap browbeaten Klipsch using the $20 Nakamichi CD player I got UPS from Spokane. It was quite distracting, listening in the 40K, 60K, and 100K sound rooms and not hearing better systems. The furniture was far better than our basement; the sound was far short. And nary a beautiful tube heading for the stars!
  23. Gary, my Khorns double as a snowblower. Van Halen at fourty watts scares snow away at up to 100 feet. It is hard on the back though, carrying those dam speakers up and down the stairs I have been trying to find a blade to throw on our 25 horse Craftsman mower, but the only luck I've had so far is at Sears.
  24. Strabo, you really DON'T want to get the 99.9% oxygen free uranium for safety reasons. Uranium is one of the heavy metals that is pyrophoric, which means that it can spontaneously react with oxygen and produce an extremely robust exothermic reaction, which is Latin for it burns like the dickens. If you add water to the fire, it will use the additional hydrogen to burn more vigorously. Also, like the Arcturus tubes, if you put a lot of Uranium in a heap, you can get a neat blue glow and see peoples' bones without trying. Just make sure that you spell my name correctly in your will....Dave Sh
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