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  1. No affiliation, but if you buy these please help me find a pair closer to home... http://www.kijiji.ca/v-electronics/gatineau/klipschorn-speakers/1215983926
  2. Decorator Cornwalls are hard enough to look at, but these take the cake: http://www.ebay.com/itm/172400553759 No affiliation, you wouldn't catch me trying to sell these for $3k.
  3. Anybody interested in a "modern" 5 channel, bi-amped, Heritage Home Theater setup with matching walnut rack and MiniDSP? I have mine up on Audiogon: https://www.audiogon.com/listings/full-range-klipsch-heritage-home-theater-2016-10-16-speakers-48114-brighton-mi It's a great system but it's time to downsize.
  4. Hey all, We have been quite pleased with the overwhelming success of the limited run of 70th Anniversary edition Heresy and Klipschorns. So much so that I've been told to ask you all about your thoughts on possible future "custom" Heritage speakers. We're talking strictly cosmetics here - finishes and grilles. What finish / grille combo(s) would you love to see and be interested in for the Khorn / Heresy III / Cornwall III / La Scala II? I'll be compiling this thread and handing it over to key decision makers sometime soon. We are just gauging interest for now, so let's hear it! Oh yeah, these of course would be built in Hope just like always. Thanks!
  5. No affiliation. http://detroit.craigslist.org/wyn/ele/5802208820.html
  6. Well, I have resisted selling these for several years, but the demands of family life (2 young kids) and needing extra space require shifting of gears. This forum has been great to me and I have enjoyed mostly lurking for a long time. See pics here: https://flic.kr/s/aHskEojoYa, and let me know if you need any specific angles/shots. 1979 BK WO Belles in decent 7 out of 10 condition with AA crossovers. I replaced crossover caps with Crites parts ~2 years ago. They've been great speakers for me, and my wife grew to love them, but it's time to downsize speakers. Powered with a B&K ST-202 amp for a while (sounded great!) and now a Marantz NR-1604 receiver (underpowered, but never played loud because of the kiddos). Matching serial #s. Price is $1825. Downstairs in my man cave, I have 1970s Klipschorns in 7/10 condition with AK crossovers. I will post pics and more details tonight or tomorrow. I split up a pair of Vertical Cornwalls from 1972 to use as a center channel, which was a great LCR. All caps replaced via Crites. Matching serial #s. Price is $1850. A friend is borrowing the other of the pair of Cornwalls to use with a pair of CF-4 I let him borrow. These speakers sounds so great in a 2.1 setup. Powered by an Emotiva XPA-3. The Cornwall single is $400. If you want the pair, I can easily get the matching one from my friend. Will post pics in the next 24 hours. This post is making me realize how many Klipsch speakers I have owned in the last 7 years, mainly because of this amazing forum! I can't really upgrade from here, but am looking at the DIY route with my father in law. I am not looking to ship these speakers. Hoping the Klipsch community is interested so I don't have to go the Craigslist route. : )
  7. We have a pair of one-owner Klipschorn speakers model K C F R, purchased new approx. 1973 & not moved since delivered. Serial number of one speaker is 5L189, other speaker may have matched number. Original fabric & wood (stained medium brown, perhaps fir) and no blemishes. Likely have original manuals. No hard use – classical music listener. There was no distortion, etc., when the speakers were last used but that was a few years ago, just sitting in living room since. Plan speaker test this week. Price is $2000 for the pair. Speakers are near Chicago. By far the best would be to have the speakers removed this Thursday, Friday or Saturday (Sept 1, 2 or 3, 2016) but they must be removed before Oct. 1.
  8. Earlier today I modified my Type A Khorn crossovers to support the 4500Hz CT-120 crossover point. I did it in such a way that I could nearly instantly A/B original/4500Hz by using a DPDT switch to introduce an additional 2uF capacitance in parallel with the 2uF tweeter cap and also a 500uH inductor into the squawker path. Note that you CANNOT perform this test while using the stock K77; as others have pointed out, it cannot handle the additional power supplied to it by the increased bandwidth. My listening choices were three very familiar tracks (to me, anyway) Steven Wilson - Hand. Cannot. Erase. - Track 1 : First Regret / 3 Years Older Nidarosdomens jentekor & TrondheimSolistene - MAGNIFICAT - Track 4 : Et misericordia Nidarosdomens jentekor & TrondheimSolistene - MAGNIFICAT - Track 5: Fecit potentiam I can definitely hear a difference in the midrange when I A/B the mods. Quite a lot of the harshness in the midrange is greatly reduced. This is most apparent to me in the female vocals on Track 5 of MAGNIFICAT. I liked it so much that I listened to a few hours of Steely Dan, Ozric Tentacles, Bucky Pizzarelli, and Animals as Leaders... after which I stopped the A/B and made the mods more permanent. For those interested in the diagram, I can provide it as a PM on request.
  9. Speaker Lab 7 K Horns Built in 1972 by myself They Rock
  10. I poked around and I don't see this so thought I would ask... how big a corner does a KHorn require. ie- What is the distance from the corner in the room to the outside corner of the speaker that is against the wall?
  11. So I saw a listing this morning for replica Klipschorn cabinets, made to PWK specs. No drivers or crossovers. The owner recommends re-veneering since they were built 30 years ago. Would you go for it? If so, what would be your total budget for the cabs, drivers and crossovers? How much work would it take to do it right?
  12. There's a pair of Classic RF-7 speakers for sale in my area, with factory-upgraded crossovers. I'm interested but not finding much info on them. Can anyone tell me: - How do Classic RF-7's compare with RF-7II's sonically? - Are Classic RF-7's better for 2-channel music or 5.1 home theater? What types of music or movies are they best suited for? (my AVR is a Yamaha A-3000, my 2-channel amps are Odyssey Stratos Monos) - When would you choose La Scala's over Classic RF-7's or RF-7II's? Thanks in advance for enabling my latest obsession...
  13. I'm considering easing my way into Khorns one at a time, partly due to budget, partly due to space. Given the size of the cabiet, horns, and drivers, you'd think one of these would offer more range and depth than two conventional box speakers, right? So if I bi-wire two Channels into a single Klipschorn cabinet, how good wil that sound, and how much am I losing sonically compared to having two Klipschorns imaging together? If 2-channel out of a single Khorn is a bust, what about a mono amp with mono recordings?
  14. Hello everyone. Long time lurker, first time poster. I recently, about 6 months ago, acquired a set of La Scala's via CL at a very affordable price. They were road speakers (maybe) and covered in carpet. They sounded awesome but looked pretty rough (NOT wife approved for the living room). But the sound brings tears to my eyes (in a good way) with certain music. Sooooo I decided to modify the La Scala's (gasp). And one of the main reasons I modified it to a Khornish is because we just moved into a new house and the living room has large cubbies on either side of the TV that will act as a large corner for the doghouse. So I made a new front end on the backside of the La Scala so that the horns are now forward and the bassbin faces back into the cubbies. I painted the exteriors with Duratex and layed some rosewood veneer on the front. I also upgraded to Crites 120 tweeters and the new crossover to boot. I've included some of the pics. I should be done with them tomorrow morning and be able to test them out then. I have no skills (I'm good at demo) so this was a test for my meager skills and patience. Have to have the wife help me align the speakers for mounting and then we are all done! Any questions or ideas (or criticisms) are welcome. Enjoy the speaker porn I christen these the Mini-K's!
  15. I haven't posted much over the short time since I joined; however, I certainly have spent some late nights reading & learning from you all. For that, I can only say thank you and post a little on my first DIY-type speaker project. It might not be too exciting for you pro’s; take it for what it’s worth. One more disclaimer: like many learning processes, the actions you take at one time, may not necessarily be what you’d do as the journey continues. With that, I’m already look forward to my next project Background I bought some nicely built DIY KHorns right after college off Craigslist, probably 30 years ago. At 22, I lived at home and really only used them a little bit as rear surround speakers on either side of my bed in a small bedroom at my parent’s house. It was actually ridiculous, especially around 1987. As I moved on with various long-term relationships, none of the girlfriends seemed to be too enthralled with the KHorns. The builder used a grey formica. In 87’, they seemed pretty cool. Even today, they don’t have a scratch or nick on them. Speakers have accumulated too quickly around the house. I hate selling stuff e.g. “Is it what someone wants?”, “What if it break?” all that. Nevertheless, I went ahead and posted these on Craigslist for a couple months. One or two inquiries, no one ever came by to see them. I probably would have let them go for any offer. I certainly know my girlfriend would have gladly given them away to the first vehicle large enough to take them. Build Tweeters: Old – EV T35A New – Dave is building a pair of Contrac-T’s. FaitalPro HF108’s just came in the mail today, got a deal on a brand new pair. Mids: Old - EV 1824M New – Dave is building a pair of Eliptrac 400’s. THANK YOU, DAVE !! These will be mount up to some BMS 4596ND’s. Woofers: Old - EV SP12C New - Kappa 15C’s came in last week Crossovers: Old – SpeakerLabs New – Al is working on a set of ES5800’s & ES400’s. THANKS, AL !! Internal Wiring: Justin, AmpsandSound, has been ridiculous to work with. He’s putting together a set of his outstanding looms for me. After all his coaching, I feel bad only purchasing the looms; perhaps, one of his tube amps will be in the future. Cabinets: We’ll, I’d just as soon keep them the way they are. But, in a moment of weakness & everything the girlfriend as put up with, the cabinets were also sent out today for some veneer. I’m sure I put a few of you to sleep by now. If anyone still reading is at all interested in before/after pics, I’d be happy to post. If not, you won’t hurt my feelings. After all the late nights of reading on here & coin spent, I certainly hope these upgrades help. If nothing else, I certainly learned a few things. Final thought: I didn’t realize how therapeutic writing this post would be, until I just went back to re-read it. I bought my Cornwalls new in ’83 and still have them. I’m a mess !! It seems I’ve been longer committed to speakers than to girlfriends, certainly not something to be proud of.
  16. This would be for a Klipschorn, but it might also be for a LaScala, a Belle, or a Heresy. I am wondering what might happen if I used a 15 inch powered subwoofer in a Klipschorn. The way this might happen would be to put the woofer itself in the Klipschorn (it would be one that needed a new woofer anyway) and run the woofer leads on the Klipschorn crossover to the subwoofer amp. This would mean that the subwoofer amp would need to have speaker level inputs as well as line level inputs. You should be able to take the leads from the crossover and split the pair into two pairs for each speaker input in the subwoofer amp, putting a mono signal to each channel in the subwoofer amp. If successful, you might strengthen and extend that bottom end. Ideally, you might take a Klipschorn all the way down to 20 hz. Having said all that, it appears that a Klipschorn crossover sends signals below 400 hz to the woofer. A powered sub would likely cut off at 100 hz or 150 hz, leaving a gap for signals under 400 hz and over that cutoff frequency. We don't want that. So, would it be possible to bypass that control on the subwoofer amp so that none of the signal was cutoff? Then, (theoretically) the Klipschorn crossover would send everything under 400 hz to the subwoofer amp and in turn that would be passed on to the subwoofer's woofer, now the woofer inside the Klipschorn. If would be easy enough to mount the subwoofer amp somewhere around back of the Klipschorn so it looks good. Although all frequencies could then go through, the Klipschorn crossover would not let high frequencies ever reach the subwoofer amp. Before you make the "drawing a mustache and/or glasses on the Mona Lisa" comment, note that I did NOT say I was going to do this. I said I was wondering about it. I do realize that if this were done, it would have to be done two times for two speakers. Also, the cost might be ridiculous. However, I would like to stay focused on the "what if" and not go to the "why would you?". So, is it possible (and reasonably easy) to bypass the control on a powered subwoofer amp that sets the cutoff frequency, such that all frequencies received go to the amp and to the woofer? If some models could allow this, which ones are they? What other technical issues or challenges or tasks might arise and how would they be dealt with? FYI, I have a very old Klipschorn cabinet in very good shape and I am going to restore the guts and use it as a center channel, flanked by a pair of LaScala's. I would run a mono signal to the Klipschorn and a stereo signal to the LaScala's, using separate amps. Once I get the Klipschorn up and running, the rest is relatively easy. I don't mind having to use multiple amps. So, let the conversation begin.
  17. Hi All, New to the forum, but this appears to be the best place to post this - I have a pair of 1978 Klipschorns for sale that are in excellent condition (consecutive serials). Type: KB-RL Serials: 12S398, 12S399 These have been kept inside and have been used sparingly - they're both in great shape. Both have the original, unopened owner's information packets still stapled to their backs. They're located in Raleigh, NC, and they must be picked up by the buyer. Asking $2,500.00 OBO. Please PM me with any serious inquiries. I'm including as many pics as I have, but can send more if needed.
  18. Hi -So this is a unique pair I'm selling. My father-in-law was an audio engineer and scientist for Martin Marietta back in the day (yes, he was literally a rocket scientist). In his spare time he handmade exquisite spanish guitars and dabbled in all things high-end audio. He assembled this pair of Klipschorns using individual, original parts and then constructed the cabinets from original plans. The bass drivers are Electro Voice 18WK, -of course, they are stunning drivers. The mid-drivers are Electro Voice 55K drivers which he then hand-cast ceramic horns for with a friend from the lab -very smooth sounding. The tweeters are Electro Voice T350's. The cabinets are rough plywood; he never got around to finishing the veneer on them.. I know, too bad. Cross-overs were manufactured by a friend. How do they sound? Simply put; stunning. They truly can reproduce full orchestral music at concert volume. Debussy's la Mar will bring tears to your eyes... I kid you not. They're the bee's knees. Why am I selling them? They're in our basement and we're moving in a month. I am sad to say we don't have room for them in our new (smaller) home. He gave them to me years ago and I have his blessing to sell them now. They really deserve to go to someone who knows what they're capable of and who's willing to complete the construction/restoration. What's the price? Email me with an offer and we can talk. I'm mostly concerned that they go to a good home. Phil philm162@gmail.com
  19. Hi everyone, I am looking for additional information and potential buyer regarding a pair of vintage 1950s klipschorn speakers in excellent and working condition. The serial#s are 1671-1672 on the cabinets and 1832 & 1681 on the horns. I'm looking for information regarding their collectibility, value and a potential buyer. I'm located in Houston so anyone local interested please msg me otherwise I can ship at buyer's expense.
  20. From the album: The system

    The new tapped horn is in its place. It reminds me of the monolith in Space Odyssey 2001!
  21. From the album: The system

    New alignment of tweeters. I have put them as low enough as possible and cut the basstrap accordingly. This is what I prefer now!
  22. On Craigslist: Pair of consecutive serial number ("H" = Year Code) Klipschorns. Also a pair of Eico HF-35 mono block tube amps and a large Bozak speaker. http://buffalo.craigslist.org/ele/4741633199.html Affiliation: I happen to know this Seller and I trust him -- I've purchased two items from him myself. He's an enthusiast. Best, Andy
  23. These speakers came with my house and were clearly treasured by the original owner. Sadly, they are wasted on me and are now seeking a good home. I have read thru the forums so have some (very) limited knowledge about what they are. The Klipschorn pair have consecutive serial nos. 8P125 & 126 and are the model KB-BR which I think means Birch. They might have been the unfinished models and the owner added the finish (note that in the attached pics it looks like they don't match but they do). They are in very good condition. However, we were not as good caretakers as the owner and they do have some small fraying of the speaker material on the very back edge. The 1957 Shorthorn is model SPI-15 and serial 803. This is also in very good condition. There are some very small pulls in the material on the front and a minor scratch on the top. Additionally there is a 4th speaker that I know pretty much nothing about. All the speakers were checked recently by an audio tech and found to be in good working order. I have attached some pictures. They are available for inspection & pickup from Wilmington, NC. I will consider all reasonable offers. Please let me know if you have questions or need add'l pix. Thank you for looking :-)
  24. Hi. I recently acquired a pair of late 90'k K-horns. They belonged to my father, who recently passed away. I am in the process of selling off a lot of his equipment and I'm having some trouble with these. Only now that I got them out of the house, I have realized that he had them modified. He had a Marchand crossover specailly built for them, but unfortunately, I did not know that before I sold the crossover. So now I have to figure out what to do with these. The wiring has been altered and I can see there is a missing capacitor in the low frequency cabinet. See the pictures below. They work, I've hooked them up to my receiver and an Atma Sphere MP-1 pre-amp. But obviously, they can't be working as they should with the wiring and missing capacitor. What do I need to do to get these to original working condition (i.e. without the Marchand)? Any help would be great. Thanks! Zach
  25. Hi everyone, I am looking for a buyer for this pair of vintage 1950s klipschorn speakers, they are in excellent working condition and belonged to their original owner. The serial#s are 1671-1672 on the cabinets and 1832 & 1681 on the horns. I'm located in Houston so anyone local interested please msg me otherwise I can ship at buyer's expense. The owner is proud of these speakers and would like to get 2k for the pair.
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