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I could not believe it


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i'm no rocket scientist but wouldn't a horn that can hit

"Frequency response shall not deviate from +/- 4.5 dB from 40 Hz. to 17.5 kHz." be HUGE?

or is that covered with :

"Patented folded horn woofer requiring only 1/4 the space of a full size horn of equal performance."

How do you fold a horn without flattening it or bending it?

40hz from a horn? I would have to see the meter to believe that you could get that in something folded.

they should put 'em beside 2 comparable k-horns and then we would show him the truth.

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T-T is correct. The poster is a shill, in my mind.

Reading T-T's post I see that he picked up on what was going on right off.

BTW, is thoriatian double entendre for "grey"? I'm getting thoriated too. Smile.

Looking back at gyoko's post there are many things in the language which sets it apart from the normal posts by bbs visitors and regulars. It takes care to be casual and, on the other hand, it is too calculated in apprecation of the original K-Horn.

T-T, thanks for the post.


This message has been edited by William F. Gil McDermott on 02-25-2002 at 11:55 PM

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As posted above, I believe the post is a veiled advertisement for non Klipsch product. It certainly seems suspect.

If so, it is an argument for why we should NOT have a "trading post" here as an established bbs area. It could well be invaided by outsiders hawking their own products, and markets.

It may well be that the webmaster realizes some very disagreeable things could come about.


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I'm with you, Gil, and the rest of the "for real" Forum members. Shades of Bose Hype "Mechanical Advantage®" you say... hmm, that wrings a Belle! Well, he started the thread with "I could not believe it" and that's the way it remains with most of us.

I don't mind quoting an authority like Dr. Toole, even if he works for Harmon, because his words and life's work contribute to our understanding. I don't mind subhuman Tom Vodhanel, even if he is part of SVS because he is a long time Klipsch owner, has been as honest and taken the time to help... without making a commercial spot out of every opportunity. Hey, and who could fault Al the crossover guru who has helped so many of us over to the other side without losing a smidgen of our Klipsch ardor.

Klipsch has allowed this to be an open "Forum" and I am proud to be among those members who rise up at such a brazen attempt to ride on Mr. Paul's decades long coattails. Hmm, they have the Bose "WaffleWoof" down... but a mite shy on getting their "AdBucks" up.

Maybe our eager new member can point us to some legit reviewers glowing terms about such an "unbelievable" product. With a company name of CRH and a product called Carlron, would you guess that the president's first name begins with C-A-R-L. I think Carl Ron ought to put his Hooks in some other Forum... or learn to contribute something more than several similarly worded posts to hype is over-hyped and underdone website.

Thanks gang, this CRH subterfuge is not healthy for newbies and lurkers. But that just my "opinion"... too! cwm23.gif HornEd

This message has been edited by HornEd on 02-26-2002 at 03:45 AM

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Originally posted by William F. Gil McDermott:

BTW, is thoriatian double entendre for "grey"? I'm getting thoriated too. Smile.

Thoriated is form Thorium, something done to old-time tubes to make 'em last longer..thoriated tungsten, later replaced by oxides of other stuff. Smile.gif

Tiger, because my online persona in IRC has always been a cartoon tiger Biggrin.gif

And now, sadly, yes, starting to get my first grays.




Klipsch SF2

Thorens TD145 / AT440ML turntable

Dynaco Stereo 70 power

Sansui CA-2000 pre

Pioneer RT707 tapedeck

Pioneer 4100 cd player

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Hi everyone,

My goodness, this has caused quite a stir. Let me address acouple of the points that i have seen.

I DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY! Let's get that striaght!

Secondly, i can see where my post may have seemed strange, and even ad-like, but it wasn't meant that way.

when i said outperforms, i meant it. LOOK AT THE NUMBERS! period. we all know how great Klipsch is and how long they have run the market. it is undeniable how much Klipsch has contributed.


Klipsch has not been able to get out of the corner, period. These speakers can. You don't need a corner at all. don't you realize what that means?

these speakers have patented horn designs. They are literally FOLDED inside. the horn behaves at twice it's length (or close to it). (40hz?)

ok im sounding like an add again but i don't mean to.

to me, these things fill a much needed gap. they aren't going to replace Klipsch. no one will, but why couldn't Klipsch get us out of the corner? tell me that. i haven't always had the corner space to spare. i think they are a nice addition for me, and some folks here have asked me what i have and i answered.

also, lay off this guy. he is an engineer not a web designer. maybe he thought it was inportant to explain to people unlike yourselves how this stuff works. I can only imagine the kind of email you've been sending, but this is all out of the blue to him.

we have ALL been inspired by Klipsch, some more than others. But to talk to this guy, he'll tell ya where he was inspired. he was so inspired by what he heard that sound became his passion, much like many of us.

again this is not an ad. someone asked and i told them. i have learned alot on this board about equipment etc. and i will continue to visit here. there is alot great knowlege here.

i'll keep the posts to one board per topic, in the future, i just picked the ones where i thought it best to answer.

like i said before, when i found out the specs on these, and how they were made, I could not believe it.

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Klipsch has not been able to get out of the corner, period. These speakers can. You don't need a corner at all. don't you realize what that means?

Uh....umm.....means I'd have to shoot the video over a taller obstacle than my Belle center, which I already have had to remove the base riser from for height considerations........


these speakers have patented horn designs. They are literally FOLDED inside. the horn behaves at twice it's length (or close to it). (40hz?)

Uh.....um......isn't the 'patented design' horn in my Khorns and Belle folded too.....?

Alright, alright, I'll lay off. Obviously gyoko is pleased with his speaker and just wants to pass his perspective to the rest of us for consideration.

GYOKO - Thanks for the reply. I for one no longer think of you as a 'shill'. Had my doubts based upon the 'mob mentality' Smile.gif here, but in the end have to say 'thanks' for affording us all some highly entertaining reading this past week......though in all seriousness, personally, I do not see much from this company to get too excited about. Running a multi-channel setup, I feel it is more important than just 'numbers' to try and match the sonic qualities of your setup. I cannot see how implementing another speaker mfg's 2-way design, with it's different drivers can possibly be a better sonic/tonal/timbre match than a Belle Klipsch and a Khorn.



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No idea of how they sound, of course, but it would be interesting to hear them. The fabled Klipsch Jubilee is intended to be a 2-way, as well, (as well as not requiring a corner) which from my weak recollection is what PWK has been working for many, many years to achieve -- an effective 2-way horn loaded system. Last I heard, one of the reasons that the Jubilee had not yet debuted was that neither PWK nor his understudy (Roy DelGado) were yet satisified completely with the results. How wonderful (?) that the Carlron has achieved it so quickly!!



My System

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