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Crites Titanium Diaphragms...


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I have been a happy customer of Bob Crites since I had him freshen the
crossovers in a pair of Heresys (1978) some years ago...

Since then I had another set of Heresys (1980) renewed...I've even
bought a pair of Bob's K-77 replacements across the front of my Heresy
Home Theater...I renewed and improved a pair of Quartets by new
crossovers, getting them off the fragile terminal cup and then adding
Titanium diaphragms...

I was so pleased with the clearer upper range of the Quartet (where it
takes a back seat to the Heresy) that I tried the Titanium diaphragms
on a pair of KG 5.5s...same result...clearer and extended highs...well
worth the price of admission and if this all thumbed, seemingly none
apposable icon_gapteeth.gif installer can do it you can...

Today I took on a more difficult undertaking...adding a third set of
Titanium diaphragms to a pair of Chorus IIs...it is more difficult
because the previous owner glued on bucking magnets on all three
speakers...not only can't the tweeter come out the front as it was
designed but it weighs a lot...making these Chorus IIs over 100lbs...but hey...that's half the fun isn't it???

after some drama (it's all about the drama isn't it? biggrin-huge.gif) I have them back together...hooked up and right now I am listening to some really great Eagles (Hell Freezes Over)...yum!

Yes, I tried the sound with one new Titanium diaphragm and one
phenolic...I thought they both sounded nice...the phenolic, what I was
used to and had been listening to for a month or so and the
Titanium???...nice but clearer and cleaner.

If I have used any audiophile terms, it is merely a coincidence as that
is not my area of expertise...as for Bob Crites...well...A+++ and if
anyone is still on the fence over these Titanium diaphragm

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Wuzzer, how difficult was the upgrade to titanium diaphragms? You did that on your Forte IIs, right?

Ridiculously easy. Bob has a step-by-step guide on his website on how to do it. Took all of 10 minutes per side. The only thing that's slightly difficult is installing the horn back in the cabinet because it has to be inserted at just the right angle.

It does help to have a needle nose pliers as stated on his website to remove the screws holding the horn onto the diaphragm/magnet.

Here's the link:


Well worth the money in my opinion.

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