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Chorus II Upgrades


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Dear Members,

I own a pair of Chorus II's (S#158591686). I replaced the OEM tweeter diaphragms w/Crites titanium and like the results.

I want to replace the mid range diaphragms w/titaniums from Crites and was told the crossovers have to be replaced along w/the diaphragm.

Question is this. I hear Klipsch has an updated version of the mid-range diaphragm that's a big improvement over the originals I have. With the new Klipsch diaphragm a new crossover is not necessary.

Are the new Klipsch diaphragms worth buying?

The alternative is Crites Titaniums along with crossovers. Pretty pricy. Any thoughts?

Last, are the original crossovers worth keeping or should they be replaced?


Edited by BMWM5
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Dear Members,

I own a pair of Chorus II's (S#158591686). I replaced the OEM tweeter diaphragms w/Crites titanium and like the results.

I want to replace the mid range diaphragms w/titaniums from Crites and was told the crossovers have to be replaced along w/the diaphragm.

Question is this. I hear Klipsch has an updated version of the mid-range diaphragm that's a big improvement over the originals I have. With the new Klipsch diaphragm a new crossover is not necessary.

Are the new Klipsch diaphragms worth buying?

The alternative is Crites Titaniums along with crossovers. Pretty pricy. Any thoughts?

Last, are the original crossovers worth keeping or should they be replaced?


Just to repeat this again. I do not have nor have I ever had any titanium midrange diaphragms. The only ones of those available are from Klipsch and if you do manage to get Klipsch to sell them, you will need a modification to the crossover to put a bandpass on the midrange to limit how high the titanium midrange diaphragms go.

Bob Crites

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As Bob stated a roll off is required for the midrange because of the extended highs that the titanium can reach vs. the phenolic. I own forte II, the Chorus II Xover is a fairly straight forward simple design just like the forte. I have Bob C replacement xovers, titanium tweeter, and Klipsch K53 TI drivers in the squawkers. When I did the upgrade a few years ago the entire driver with diaphragm was only about 10 dollars or so more for both than just the diaphragms. I am very happy with the results as Paul himself said its all in the midrange.

I am quoting Bob from this point forward:

Posted 19 January 2012 - 08:33 AM

I can provide a little technical information of using the Klipsch titanium midrange to replace the orignal phenolics. On the trace below, the red is an original K-53 phenolic diaphrgm and the green is the K-53TI titanium midrange diaphragm on the same 700 hz horn. We see slightly higher average output for the titanium than the phenolic. The phenolic output drops like a stone at 6khz where the tweeter takes over. That allows the crossover to be pretty simple since there is no reason to roll off the midrange. But, the titanium diaphragm keeps on going, in fact heading for a peak at around 7.3khz before it drops off. So, if the titanium diaphragm is used in place of the phenolic without a crossover mod, you would have the midrange and tweeter both at full output at the same time around 7khz.

Bob Crites

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Edited by John Chi-town
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Great thread for the best speaker on the planet unless you have room and corners if not get jubilees. I live well because of the chorus ii. Family backs that wellness up with some forum enjoyment to top it off. Cheers!


Edited by beeker
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You should at least refresh the caps on the xovers. Bob sells new soni caps that you can install or if you send him the xovers he can recap for a small fee in addition to the parts. However at the end of the day if you decide to install titanium squawkers you will need a roll off band pass for the titanium squawkers, or new crossovers that have a mid range roll off.

Best regards,


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Thanks for your reply and input. I think what I'm going to do is call Klipsch about replacing the mid range diaphragms with new ones. Next I'll talk to Bob Crites about replacing the caps on the crossovers. I'd also like to replace the cheap wires from the crossover to the tweeter, mid-range & woofer.

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I wasn't fishing for a compliment, just ribbing Bob a little, something he's quite used to - I just figured he would come back and poke me in the eye with a stick. After 10 years of doing this, I'm well beyond needing my ego stroked - that did make me laugh though. : )

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If you want the Ti mid and can get it, put in a simple either 6 db or 12db low pass on the mid. If you can get some minimum measurements out of the mid's impedance approaching the suspect crossover point, somewhere below the 7K point once you decide on the rolloff, there are tons of calculators that can help you here on the net. You could even start with text book 8 ohm and tweak from there. You could connect them right on the wires to the driver.

Then you get to decide how much bite you want in the overlap area between the two drivers and what sounds good to you. That is the fun of tweaking and hopefully in the end you like the results or you SCAP IT as beeker said.

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I have never heard anyone say that Klipsch was hording the K53TI drivers or the diaphragms themselves. I ordered a few years ago via the Klipsch toll free number, as well as many others that I know of.

Why would a company not want to sell you a product???

Best regards,


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Because Klipsch isn't in the business of supporting DIY projects, they're in the business of selling loudspeakers and keeping an inventory of parts to honor their warranties. It used to be that you had to have a valid serial number of the loudspeaker you wanted the replacement part for, or you couldn't order or buy the part. This is the purpose of the warranty card you send in (or do online). I once called to order some replacement woofers for my RF-7s, and the first thing they asked me for was the serial number of the damaged loudspeaker.

If Bob sells phenolic versions, I would stay with the phenolics. They sound really nice and you don't have to modify the crossover.

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If Bob sells phenolic versions, I would stay with the phenolics. They sound really nice and you don't have to modify the crossover.

This is a very interesting comment dean. Is phenolic better than titanium in the tweeter? In particular with the chorus ii. It can be seen as subjective as i know. And i have switched some titanium diaphragms and used phenolic in certain applications although most i find the titanium replacements much better. For one I feel the kg4.2 sounds better with phenolic rather than titanium. Then again this is subjective material. Any thoughts you can ad on the difference in your opinion that i have overlooked?especially involving the k79 in the chorus 2 and maybe others..

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Guest David H

Titanium has its place. I prefer phenolic for midrange, as long as I can get the coverage I need.


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Beeker, we were talking about the titanium midrange diaphragm that some are picking up from Klipsch and loading into their vintage midrange drivers.

Like you said, what a person prefers in their tweeter is completely subjective. The midrange issue is different -- there is a good technical reason not to do it. There is a fix, but not everyone is aware of it.

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