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There is the possibility of a 1 mm ID Stainless steel pipe slid over the cantilever, and use it as a pry bar, work it back n forth a few times (20-30) straighten that puppy right up!!

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5 minutes ago, GWSmith said:

Good afternoon friends!  Please don't SNAG your cantilevers :laugh:!

If you are going to cough or sneeze, be sure to turn away from the T.T. as well

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8 minutes ago, GWSmith said:

Good afternoon friends!  Please don't SNAG your cantilevers :laugh:!

Or any of your wires while finagling your drop cloth!


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Ok, time to pull something from the LP library.   There is a very nice bit O history with this one.  Not far from from here, and close to my place of work in Northampton MA, there is an intimate music club.  Great food, and always top notch artists.  In fact, I was on the very stage with a couple of bands I was in! = an honor!


Anyway, this was 2019, and when ever Joey D. came to town, as a Hammond organist myself, Chris and I along with other fans and friends would make sure to be at the show.


Joey really looked good on this night, lost lots of weight, and with a new hair style looked great!  The concert was wonderful and there was NEW merch available.   I made it a point to pick up his newest album available on a DOUBLE LP presentation.  I made sure to have him sign it after the show.


What was REALLY a very cool thing was..............I knew the company that rented the 1954 B3 Hammond to him.  I talked to the fellow in charge and mentioned, "Before you put that rear cover on the organ, have Joey sign, date it and add the venue name as well."   So, I got some photos with Joey, and asked him to sign the inside of the organ, and HE DID happily!!   Sadly, Joey D. has passed recently, and now, some lucky person one day will make the discovery and fine his signature inside that Hammond B3.  I took photos while he was signing it as well.


Ok, here is side one, disc one on the U-Turn custom.IMG-3086.jpg

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Ok my friends, enjoying this historic recording and here we go with disc #2 Side 'C'.....   I will stop by again soon,  but going to start my dinner now with Side 'D' shortly finishing out.   Have a good day/night 🍷IMG-3090.jpg

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That's funny.

Appreciate your concern @Klipsch104db! it was pulled out to move it :D 

Floor's new, the house is new to me, and I used to paint for a living! They're possibly drying now one for the last wall behind the pc.. other back in the box.

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2 minutes ago, JohnJ said:

That's funny.

Appreciate your concern @Klipsch104db! it was pulled out to move it :D 

Floor's new, the house is new to me, and I used to paint for a living! They're possibly drying now one for the last wall behind the pc.. other back in the box.

You floors look nice. My first house had oak hardwood. My current house is carpet. Very good for acoustics though.

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