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Costs were and are rising and no particular law ever really has solved it.  Blaming one law for rising costs when they were already skyrocketing is a bunch of posturing.   There is no will at present for truly solving the problem.  Remember the guy who was going to rein in pharma costs?  yeah, he is still there, and what exactly has happened with that?

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15 minutes ago, Bosco-d-gama said:

Healthcare is a complex problem. But, if we’re to adopt the position that it is a basic right - then - we must also adopt preventative measures that are proven to reduce healthcare problems.

I totally agree with this...

15 minutes ago, Bosco-d-gama said:


No tobacco, BMI incentives, etc.

It's hard to police people's vices and enjoyment. When you look at how many people smoke, are obese, drink alcohol, do drugs, etc then you will find the sickest among us could not afford healthcare nor Insurance companies insuring those folks on an equal basis.

15 minutes ago, Bosco-d-gama said:

As it stands the ACA is a $$ redistribution program. Those who work are deemed responsible to support those who do not, regardless of lifestyle.

Prior to the ACA, corporate plans had an advantage to those of us in the private market--We had to go through something called "Underwriting"  when we considered changing plans and that was when the Insurance companies could stick it to us....If you were unfortunate enough to have something major happen between plans or loose your job they would re-evaluate how much it would cost to insure you-.

15 minutes ago, Bosco-d-gama said:


I have 2 sons. One has achieved a respectable level in life through a lot of dedication and tough work (he was special ed). The other is lost to a wasted life of drugs and welfare. Of course the hard working son pays dearly in taxes and health insurance whilst the other gets paid to do nothing and his all too common health care crisis cost him zilch. That is not right nor should it be considered a ‘right’. If you refuse to row the boat you should not get to ride in it. 

I won't comment on your personal family situation and wish you luck in dealing with your sons.

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11 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

Like voting, it could be considered a right until one screws up enough to lose it.  Capitalism depends upon healthy workers.  Germany produces a lot of very high quality products, and they have health care for their citizens.  Third world  countries leave it up to the ones who can afford it, and no one else gets it.  Which model and label do you prefer?

I think Germany would be the model to look at.

11 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

Most plans have a max out of pocket per year.

Sure but for that injury/infection $5K seems high because most plans have a per-cost doctor's visit and a reduced price on treatment....What Schu reported seems more like a non-negotiated hospital bill or one that has line item costs that he didn't pay the full amount on. Even if it was the former it still seems high and was curious about the details. 

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Redistribution?  Yep.  Redistributed to the insurance companies.  That law opened up their market to people who otherwise would not have bought anything, regardless of their health situation.  Open your eyes.  Amazing when a company pulls out of a market, because they can't compete, and finds the convenient scapegoat.  And the follow on question---what has been made better since?  Remember that?  Better and cheaper?  Derr.

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I HATE health insurance companies, literally.


When I was very anemic, my liver having shrunk to the size of my fist, one of them refused to even pay one red cent for an Rx prescribed to me. I went round and round with them, quoted the federal drug ID # to them for this 50 or whatever mg of Vitamin K. A drug, a prescription, for a dying paying customer trying to stay alive. They literally told me to get the vitamin at the drug store. So, I could fill a 32 gallon trash can twice a day with this drug store version of the vitamin and take it. I quit growing vertically at 5'9", I can't eat that much!

The person I dealt with had no medical knowledge and they refused to confer with anyone that did.

See Vit K only comes otc in mcg.... micrograms not milligrams.  )(^&$


I cursed them up one side and down the other. They edited my statement, turned some of it into something completely different....... played it back for me had their lawyer write me and I could not call them ever again.


Fast forward a couple years, on the last day of the last month of my final COBRA extension. Back then you could pay for a certain amount of time, since I was on death's door I did get an extension that doubled that time.


That last day of the coverage that I was never late on a payment for even after two years of being unable to work........... the beeper from the transplant center went off.


They put me under literally two hours before my insurance ceased and those m9862r-125ke9s had to shell out 900K for the operation 11 days in the icu & recovery after and the post op infusions and daily half-pounds of pills for eighteen months. That was a big, low seven figure total for the first year and a half after getting the new filter. HA! m*ers


Now one of my life-sustaining RX's isn't going to be covered next year. Only one plan for me in this state I can not move from covers my immunos.

My life has always been a battle, not always happy but I've fought for it. Seventeen and a half years is three times the amount of life they told me to expect after the transplant, my little brother might have to pick up the slack if I check out.


Gotta check if there is a new plan out there now, maybe with a different company.


Cool my jets and get on the phone.


It's possible that the manufacturer has a contingency plan for folks that don't have a jim&tammy cash intake system.

That letter in the mailbox yesterday that I opened today hit me like a rock to the back of the head.

(*&^*   ^47(<?


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5 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

So what has changed with all the promises?  Nothing.  Who controls what gets written?  The lobbies with a lot of money.  They would rather pay money to politicians than pay the same money to help people.  So what is the answer?  Anyone? Anyone?  Bueller?

Enjoy whoever and whatever while you can Mr Man!

"Nothing Lasts Forever"!


who was that? Devo?....Oingo Boingo?


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55 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

So what has changed with all the promises?  Nothing.  Who controls what gets written?  The lobbies with a lot of money.  They would rather pay money to politicians than pay the same money to help people.  So what is the answer?  Anyone? Anyone?  Bueller?


The first step requires immediate attention. Tuesday. Go to your friendly polling place and mark your ballot for anyone other than incumbents.



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There has been talk in the past from our representatives to lower the cost of prescription medicines. Talk of a secretive NEW health plan. Nothing has happened. What kind of a fool votes for liars that care nothing about their well being?

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