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I just got back from a school "lock-in"


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My school had a "lock-in" yesterday, well...actually today. 2.gif

What you had to do was come to school at 10PM and stay the whole night till 6AM. 9.gif

It's called a "lock-in" because they actually lock all doors so cannot get out. 3.gif

It was VERY fun. They had loud music (using horn speakers, but not Klipsch), video game room (PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox), movie room, board game room, free food, and all the computers were on a network playing games like Quake III and StarCraft.

Awesome! 9.gif

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We do lock-in's at our church for the youth group twice a year. They love it. You young folks are nuts:)

Hey Ranger,

How about removing that post before I report you to the moderators. Not everyone appreciates the hate-mongering.

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Once again, nice picture, right on target!!

Its evident that deang hasn't seen some of kain's rantings about the 9/11 attacks, or he wouldn't be asking you to remove the picture.

The rag head just might grow up to use his daddy's money to finance a future attack, as I suspect that he hasn't the balls to do anything like that himself.

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Kain is young. Learning.

All Muslims are not terrorists, any more than all Christians belong to the Extreme Facist Right.

I read all of those threads, and I think Kain saw what I saw. Americans brainwashed into thinking that Muslims are sub-human, evil people, because of the actions of a minority. That's right, just wipe them all out.

Imagine someone takes your property, bulldozes your homes, schools, places of worship -- and puts you in a refugee camp. Imagine someone has been doing this to your family and relatives for 60 years. You do not have safe borders, you have no representation, and no standing army. The only country with the power to do anything...does nothing. Oh, we give Israel a hand slap every now and again, but it's pretty much just for show -- so we can look like wer'e being "fair".

Of course, if anyone says anything in defense of an Arab or Muslim, they are automatically labeled "anti-semetic".

Sure, Israel has the right to exist, and to have safe borders. However, not at the expense of 1.6 million Palestinians (many who are actually Christians).

I wonder how many Americans actually stop to think about the fact that Israel is an apartheid state. It is for Jews only, at the exclusion of all others.

Americans who actually want to understand the dynamics of the Middle East, and get into the mind of Eastern thinking -- might take the time to read President Jimmy Carter's "The Blood of Abraham", and William Baker's "Theft of a Nation".

At any rate, Hobbit -- you and Ranger, and Americans like you, only enforce in the minds of people like Kain, that most Americans are a bunch of war mongering dicks.

I remember his rant, I also remember that Kain is a product of his environment and education. A lot of the things he said was wrong. It would have been better to enter into intelligent dialogue with him -- instead of wishing death on him.

So, bombing a school with a bunch of kids in it is "right on target" -- Proud to be an American

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You are young too, and very intelligent -- so think about what you said.

It is NOT pointless. People say: "Never discuss religion and politics". Is it any wonder that these two subjects are the ones that people are the most ignorant in? I say embrace them. Debate, argue, wrestle with the ideas, and know that in the end -- you will be a better person for it.

People will never come to agreement on all things. However, it's not always about agreement, but about knowing why a person feels the way they do, and then knowing them as a person. Seeing into the soul of person helps to create compassion and compromise -- which is far better than hate and death.

Want to cut down on terrorism?

First adopt a realistic middle eastern foreign policy that effectively deals with the cultural and religious diversity in the area. Eveyone needs to be on a level playing field. Favoritism is not acceptable, for "God is not a respector of persons...". Part of that foreign policy forces Israel to comply with the two U.N. Sercurity Council Resolutions they have been in violation of since 1967, which deal with Israel moving back to the pre 1967 borders. Finally, the establishment of a Palestinian State would go a long way to the building up of a true trust relationship between the United States and the Arab/Muslim people.

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No no, maybe you missunderstood me. It is pointless because people have mind sets that can not, will not be changed. Arguing over political/religious ideals which will only lead to name calling and worse is pointless. And thus useless, unless the use in the mind of the writer is to make people angery and hostile, then it is useful.

However, this forum, this entire bulletin board, was made to exchange comments and questions about speakers and the like, useful information driven by a specific point, to give or receive help and ideas.

Now do you get what I said?1.gif

BTW, my great grandmother came to america in a boat from Lebanon (hidden on the boat), married a catholic car repairman. I sure hope you (not you per say) would not throw hateful images in her face because of her heritage.

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Depends on the person.

I've changed my mind about a lot of things related to politics and religion over the last 10 years. I listen to people. If what they say has some validity -- I investigate it -- instead of putting my head in the sand.

I would never say anything about anyone's grandmother, unless she wore army boots. Ranger?

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