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Primaluna evo 400 Integrated Amp?


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On 12/10/2019 at 12:39 AM, CAMike said:

I purchased the PrimaLuna EVO 300 in April 2019, along with a SVS SB4000 Sub.  The EL tubes that it comes with are awesome with a lot of speakers but really needed KT150's with my 1970's LaScala's. The LaScalas have the Crites upgrades and A4500 networks and I couldn't be happier with the combination.  The KT150's have more low and high end and almost have a solid state sound to them (almost), but I love the EVO300 with my current set up.  I listened to a few different amps at Upscale Audio in LaVerne CA and the Primaluna was the sound that  I was looking for.  




PL EVO 300.jpg

absolutely beautiful

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5 hours ago, MemeMagno said:

Dear Fido,

Thanks so much for such a detailed and amazing journey, and you are the 3rd person telling me about the Denefrips WOW factor. I will be ordering one on early June. About you experience with McIntosh: Same here, but in my case was only on pure SS...but was a kind of easy (but pricey) fix when I found the Hegel H590 - my daily driver (which has an amazing DAC...but not R2R like the Pontus w/ all the benefits of a separate unit). Thanks again. 

The Pontus somehow takes the "ELECTRONIC Digital SHEEN" out of the listening experience.  I am not an Audiophile so I don't know how to verbalize the difference in sound but it was what I never liked about CDs and streaming before the Pontus was added to the system. There is a synergy now that did not exist before. Good luck with your Denefrips and your journey. Hope it's as fun for you as mine has been for me so far.

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Oh gosh!.... Now even I'm onto Denafrips! The reviews are all pretty good and as I also need a new CD transport this is a good time to go for one. I'm also looking at the Innuos Zen Mini MK3 streamer with CD ripper. Any comments or recommendations from owners if possible? I was interested in this one as I have a fairly large CD collection that I can digitise and also want to get into Streaming with Roon (he's a new friend of mine 😂). No idea what I'm talking about as it's a first for me (Streaming) but it sounds the way to go 😄

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Ok.... So.... I've decided to concentrate more on a Music Streamer/Server/CD Ripper rather than go all out for a the Denafrips DAC for the moment. In the meantime I've bought a Topping D90 DAC MQA to get me on the DAC wagon as I am about to order an Innuos Zenith MK3 1TB. This combo... together with my PrimaLuna EVO 400 Integrated and Forte III's should be a great system to hear what's going on. 😁

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5 hours ago, Retrograde said:

Ok.... So.... I've decided to concentrate more on a Music Streamer/Server/CD Ripper rather than go all out for a the Denafrips DAC for the moment. In the meantime I've bought a Topping D90 DAC MQA to get me on the DAC wagon as I am about to order an Innuos Zenith MK3 1TB. This combo... together with my PrimaLuna EVO 400 Integrated and Forte III's should be a great system to hear what's going on. 😁

I read many great reviews on the Topping D90 Dac - sounds like you are heading in the right direction - Good luck with your system synergy

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Here's a question. PrimaLuma EVO 400 Integrated. Built in Phono Stage. There is a facility to install and connect a Turntable under the EVO 400. One has to buy the appropriate Phono Stage board made by PrimaLuna for a tidy instal. Is this facility completely dormant until the Board is installed or can one connect a Phono Stage to it to make it work? Only asking as it is shielded which is useful. Can't have a look as this thing weighs a ton and getting under it is another hurdle 😂 Otherwise, is it a case of connecting a Phono Stage to one of the AUX channels? 

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3 hours ago, Retrograde said:

Here's a question. PrimaLuma EVO 400 Integrated. Built in Phono Stage. There is a facility to install and connect a Turntable under the EVO 400. One has to buy the appropriate Phono Stage board made by PrimaLuna for a tidy instal. Is this facility completely dormant until the Board is installed or can one connect a Phono Stage to it to make it work? Only asking as it is shielded which is useful. Can't have a look as this thing weighs a ton and getting under it is another hurdle 😂 Otherwise, is it a case of connecting a Phono Stage to one of the AUX channels? 

Kevin Deal told me there were better phono stages at better prices than the PL phono stage module so I opted for a MUSICAL FIDELITY MX-VYNL PHONOSTAGE that I plug into one of my AUX channels and it sounds fantastic. 

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3 hours ago, Tarheel said:

Another question.  Is the sub woofer out fixed or variable?  I have my SVS PC-2000 Pro set at 50.  I think if you have the amp and sub both fixed it is called cascading and is not desirable?


Im pretty sure it has a pair of variable Mono subwoofer outputs

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I am a proud owner of a Primaluna 400 integrated. I think enough was said about the qualities of this amazing amp. Got mine 1 yeah ago now and can’t see it leaving my set anytime soon. If In the 400 model anyone has gone from the factory valves to any KT’s please comment your experience. I am tempted to get a new set of valves to swap every so often for the sake of sound change and split load and life. Problem though is that we have 8 valves...

Happy listening everyone!

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Oh wow!

I've just swapped over to the 4 ohm taps on the Primaluna EVO 400 Integrated playing through my Klipsch Forte III's.

I'm stunned!

More body in the sound. Bass more rich and defined. Totally solid sound at high listening volumes.

Late night low volume listening is also absolutely awesome. It's like hitting the Loudness button in the 'good ole days' but with equal mids and highs mixed with beefy bass!

I'm shocked! But oh so happy! 😃

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I followed your lead on my Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP.  Went to the 4 ohm after calling PL support.  They said it would not hurt anything and is pretty much speaker dependent if it will sounds better or not.  My speakers are Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S along with a SVS PC-2000 Pro sub.  

Need to listen for awhile..........

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The day I brought my EVO400 Home I tried the 4 ohm and 8 ohm taps and the 4 ohm taps sounded much better to me and I have not gone back to try the 8 ohm taps. Trying to make sure when I like what i hear I stop trying to tweak it more and more hoping to find something that might be missing. It sounds great thru those 4 ohm taps! 


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6 minutes ago, Tarheel said:

Yeah I had to go to YouTube for an explanation of why 4 ohm is preferable.  Think I got a little of it.

Kevin Deal Told me to try both the 4 ohm and 8 ohm and use whichever sounded best to me with my Fortes so I figured he knew what he was talking about.

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