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Ella Amp


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Ok gang -- Once again, I'm sorry for starting such a fuss. All I want is subjective opinions regarding 6550 and Ella -- that's it. I guess signing up on this forum brings other issues. didn't meanto have ruffled feathers here.

I guess, my original questions still stands. The 6550 has moe inputs, the Ella does not. Both have the same "specs".

so, looking at the iron and up front sections, and my desire to upgrade to KT88's ( caps and choke on both), can I get some sound advise?


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On 1/19/2004 11:52:09 PM DeanG wrote:

Jeff had said, "BTW it wouldn't be correct to put up the schematic. It's a proprietary design." -- in other words, it would be unethical, and possibly illegal to do it without permission.

Kelly responded that this was the reason he didn't post it to begin with. You said you could probably get one from Kevin H. Jeff then asked if you were going to post your schematic. You came back and said he was getting "nasty". Did I miss something?


Now exactly what do you think is reason for asking me about my schematic was ?? It was baiting unless he really cares what it is. If I was to post it I would first have to draw it up 6.gif I'm like your buddy Mike Sanders its drawn in my brain. But would be pretty simple to put on paper and I will do it and make it public. No real secrets in there !! I find companies that don't make there schematics available are a real pain look at Kelly with his Asusa for example he was lucky to finally find the lost schematic. If they go under or die how is one easily going fix there products years down the road. I personally think its paranoia myself and a disservice to there customers. Heck 99.9% of these designs are stolen from companies from year ago. My amp is for the most part I took a known good design and just improved it.

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Speaking of a riddle, that quoted sentence was as good an example as any. I had to read it four times to figure out that it meant:

"Dean, you are my ole bud and I have talked to you on the phone on my dime 2345 times in the last six months. What's with the crap toward your ole bud Craig!??! You want me to call COLLECT next time?" Heh.

edit: Yeah, when the companies go down, it's a REAL pain in the *** to get them. I actually spent four hours going though all my papers before I found it again. I then photocopied it to death and saved it as a file as well. No more head scratching on that one. AT least it was a pretty straight forward design.

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Without some Idea of the actual circuit on the Ella I'm at a loss to say which would be a better option. The Ells will surely be quicker and easier to build and definitly has a better front end on it (this is easy to ascertain its all triode while the World Audio is Pentode/Triode). I have no way of knowing what the PS looks like on the Ella. Wish I could help you further !!

Maybe if Kelly can not post the Schematic he could just give us some of the detail of the Power supply filtering values and if it has a choke hiding under one of those cans or not ?


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On 1/20/2004 12:08:20 AM DeanG wrote:

Speaking of fast moving threads, I somehow missed this one myself:

"What do you think you are anymore around here??"

What the hell did you mean by that, and be careful, I'm on my period.

Seems like you constantly trying to play mother hen or forum moderator6.gif Your to far away to shoot me with one of your guns !

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I really don't think Jeff was "baiting" you. I think he really wanted to know if you were going to post your schematic, to see how you felt about "your" design floating around. What he really should have asked was how you would feel if someone drew it up and posted it without your permission.

Incidently, it seems I remember a situation someone was just telling me about where a customer posted all the information related to mods and parts in an eBay auction? Something about "ideas" being protected?

I still don't know what you meant by the statement I asked you about. Was that a "personal attack"?

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Guest Anonymous


On 1/20/2004 12:32:22 AM DeanG wrote:

That's me, Mamma chicken. Gee, and all this time I was feeling like a Rooster.

I would buy the WAD. The Ella is ugly.


Why dontcha guys go pluck yourselves

2.gif heherhehheheh12.gif

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To reveal a bit here, I would think that admitting that I talked to quite a few people in and around the Ella and thought the WAD amp might be more fitting might have given something to ponder.

I think the Ella is a good amp. Is it a giant killer? I dont know about that. Personally, there are some USED options that I would go with LONG before an ELLA. First of all, with something like the Ella, you lose most of the resale value. And to be honest, ditto with the WAD.

I think the Ella a competent tube amp that doesnt really light any fires nor get me running for the ORDER NOW button. I do think it would be a cool kit. OF the TWO, if only between the two, I would take the WAD just for the reasons I mentioned earlier. I think the Consonance Kits are great though. Hell, I am REALLY suprised that NO ONE has opted to build the Joplin for the hell of it.

But between the Ella and WAD, both of which do fine with the KT-88, I still side with the WAD. I would probably go with the Blackgates and Jensen cap upgrades too.

If being the most frank, for my FIRST tube amp (as I stated above), I would opt for a well received design that I could TURN OVER USED via Audiogon, which none of the preceeding choices qualify.


ps- Just to let you know, you can order the PS choke as an OPTION for the ELLA. IT does not come stock.

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Well that is great Kelly your about as protective as a Mother hen Dean on the details here2.gif I bet the over all filtering value is higher on the Ella then the WAD if it isn't the Ella surely is not the Amp to buy out of these two choices. If it is a good margin larger add the choke in the mix I say the Ella with the same type upgrades is a better sounding amp. But I guess we will never know either way to me the Front end is the key if all other things are near equal pick the amp with a better front end.

Remember the first to filter stages on the WAD are not as listed the way there wired !! its only 50uF before and after the choke pretty wimpy. I personally would have about 200uF after the choke feeding the center taps of the OPT this makes a incredible difference in the amps transient response, quickness and effortless sound.

Oh and I absolutely agree on the used route but I think this is a pride of building venture in this quest !


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"pride of building venture in this quest". This will be a father/son project and give my 13yr old an intro to "old school" 2 channel sound. Eventually, when I'm pushin up daises, the Khorns, amp, Forte's will be his and maybe he'll remember him and Dad burning their fingers making sound.

I'll research the back issue of Hi-Fi mag for the WAD mods. Still thinking (thanks Craig) the Ella has the better front end of the two.

The research continues with help from all you guys. One point maybe worth noting, I have yet to hear back from WAD on an e-mail asking some questions. Wonder if this is an indication of their customer service?? There seems to be a lot of help from Brian Cherry and forums regarding Ella..........

Thanks again

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Paul (and others so gracious on their comments):

Doing some reading and searching, everyone's advise has been very beneficial and I thank-you.

I've narrowed things down a bit to 2A3 amps, specifically the Joplin and 2A3 PSe from WAD. Read an article on Joplin where DHT in PP is the best of both worlds.

I'm taking your advise regarding WAD. I haven't heard from them in days and posted on their BB, with responses like they are a one man operation and don't respond well. That makes me a bit leery. Also, not to mention the exchange rate is lousy now and shipping costs are high.

I've read a lot of good press about DIY supply & DIY cable for Joplin.

I trust you'all agree withthis choice to grace my Khorns and/or Forte's

As always, appreciate your responses and hope I haven't been a royal pain in the A$%.


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This Joplin seems an interesting avenue. Lots of potential fun with that one! I think Thorsten Loesch have a web page on upgrades for this amp.

From my experience, 2A3 PP are definitively interesting beasts. I'm halfway done finishing mines right now. More to come soon (soon being relative)...


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