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Really Crazy Question


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I have noticed the same effect and when asking some people they told me that it has to do with the stability of the AC output which changes due to the amount of electricity 'is used'. (Please excuse my very 'simplistic' language, but being no technician I would find it difficult to explain that even in German!). Anyway, a friend of mine had a device which tries to keep the AC output constant. As this is a $200 USD device it worked mechanically and he told me that at certain hours of the day he could hear it adjusting the current output every few minutes. Only after having moved to a different location he has a more stable flow of electricity. As I've said, I am no technician so I can't judge if this makes sense or is just another form of vodoo. It would be intesresting to hear some of you technical experts having a look into the matter.


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As I understand the matter, the current going into your home is fed interference (radio frequency and electromagnetic?) as it is used by other households. All those appliances (computers, tv's, etc.) apparently feed a lot of interference into the AC dirtying it up quite a bit. At night, the number of appliances being used and simply the amount of electricity being consumed are reduced, making the AC cleaner than during the day.

I've noticed this difference myself, and I'm not very pleased about it, as it encourages late-night listening and bad next days at work. My Chang Lightspeed power conditioner brought the daytime sound quality a lot closer to those night-time blooms, but there is still somewhat of a noticeable difference. There are some power conditioners that are supposed to totally fix the problem by converting the AC to DC and the DC back to totally clean AC to go out to the components. These are not cheap, but may be the best purchase you make for your system if your power is particularly dirty. Mmmmmm.... dirty....

If you do a search under "power conditioners" in this BB, you'll find at least one thread that makes many suggestions.


May the bridges we burn light our way....

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Here's a thought experiment for you (with the added advantage of being verifiablecwm24.gif)...

Is is ONLY the sound system that sounds better at night, or is it that ANY primarily subjective sensual experience is better at night? That is, have you noticed that a nice glass of Cabernet tastes better at night that if you have it for lunch? Does the rug feel warmer and skooshier between your toes at night than it does in the middle of the day? Is a bowl of Haen Daz vanilla ice cream a more erotic experience late at night than with brunch?

If the answer to the above is "well, yeah, you're right, now that I think about it..." then the effect is probably not due to power line contamination, EMI, RFI, GUI, BYE BYE BYE or other forms of noise. If, on the other hand, it's only the music that changes, then you might want to start looking at polishing up them electrons.


Music is art

Audio is engineering

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Could it also be the lack of human/mechanical activity going on outside? Less cars, trucks, lawn mowers, planes and such. I live near an expressway (less than 100 yards) and a very small airport. The sound from those can very quite a bit.

This message has been edited by tblasing on 07-26-2001 at 03:39 PM

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It is rumored, in the more obscure regions of audiophilia, that a glass of Cabernet, the rug, and the ice cream ARE indeed better at night if dryer, toasty and Persian, and enjoyed with Claudia Schiffer, respectively.

mmmmmm... toasty....



May the bridges we burn light our way....

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JDM: I think what you identified plays a huge role in the perceived difference. There are less cars driving by, birds shut the *&^% up, the AC doesn't kick in as much, neighbors get quieter, and the live-in isn't practicing piano or talking on the phone, or inefficiently supervising her pets! Sorry about the rant....

Someone (other than me) should record background noise levels over a period of a couple of weeks during the day and during the late evening. I wonder what kind of results we'd find.... I assume that the quieter background would contribute to a perceived difference in dynamics and a lot of low-level detail.

Did you notice? No longer a "cool newbie"....


May the bridges we burn light our way....

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I dig the avatar too, but is there a way to import a custom avatar? Probably not, since it would end up being abused; just like online games where you can spray your mark on the walls (Team Fortress) and you end up seeing a lot of porn under the blood stains.

By the way, I delivered my amp for service yesterday, and they let me take an Audio Refinement Complete integrated amp home while the repairs are pending. Very nice so far, but I'll hold off on the full review until I have more hours under the ol' belt. And yes, it does sound nicer at night....


May the bridges we burn light our way....

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