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Greg's new toys.

Painful Reality

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I just finished the pair of Horus I exchanged to Greg Roberts against his pair of Rosewood Khorns.

Obviously things took longer than originaly planned. Many thanks to Dale Walker who did the chroming. The square holes and the copper screen were Greg's creation.

So Friday will be the day we will do the swap and I'll received the khorns. Hopefully they will integrate better than my Lamhorns in my cursed horribly poorly sounding listening room.


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Guest Anonymous

WOW they are beautiful looking amps, hope they sound as good as they look. Whats the specs?

Hope you love the Khorns, They look fabulous too!!!

Congrats on making a smart Klipsch decision, I am sure it will payoff for you.2.gif9.gif

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Most credit for the chassis must go to Dale and Greg. I just supplied the copper chassis with the holes I required as can be seen on the picture attached. Greg could punch any other holes to his heart content (with some restricted "no holes" areas that he nearly respected).

As for the shine, this amps goes from the shiniest to being totally covered with fingerprints within a blink of the eye.

Kudret, if you want, your name is written on those khorns if they don't fare better than my Lamhorns in my room.



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Awesome, Jeff. Congratulations. Looks like a sweet deal both ways. I look forward to your Khorn report. Will you power with your new PP?

Congratulations to you, too, Greg. You'd better sit down when you first listen to those amps; I'll bet they are stellar.

OK, guys, inquiring minds want to know.


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On 9/11/2004 5:07:15 PM ssh wrote:

Will you power with your new PP?



I still don't know what will power the khorns. The 2A3 PP need some work yet. A 300B SET amp is on the drawing board. A GM70 SET is on the long term plan.

For sure the room I have now seems to be cursed. All loudspeakers I tried sounded like kaka. Problem is that the room is responsible for at least 60% of the end result. Less offensive loudspeakers now were a pair of mini monitors. I'm not holding my breath for the khorns but I have some hope.

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On 9/11/2004 6:01:19 PM DeanG wrote:

The horns will work. They always work. Controlled directivity is the ticket.


That's pretty much what I told him. There are speakers, and then there are Klipschorns. They throw a sound field as large and as intense as Hurricane Ivan. He just needs to find a seat somewhere in the middle of the room, and have at it.

Then again, if they sound like "kaka", the house probably needs to be burned down since it's possessed by evil demons. I, to date, have the WORST room you could imagine, and they sound pretty darned nice to me. Zero soundstage, but very nice indeed.

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