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Breakthough Sonic Improvement.

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Sound travels from the speaker to your ear through the air. Everything different makes a difference! I just had a new system installed in the house which pumps special audio friendly air into the space so that I am maximizing the presence of a sonically superior medium for the transport of sound waves to my ears. You know how great sound is under water in your swimming pool, right? This just proves the point that the sound transporting medium is tremendously important, way more iimportant than cables for example.

Before upgrading cables you really need to consider upgrading the air in your listening space. It is an expensive system, but well worth the investment. The system provides the exact proportion of different gases comprising the "air" in the room. There are special sonically clean "air" molecules, better for sound transport, and this "sonic air" is even more healthy to breathe, which means you will get more years out of your system while enjoying better sounding music. You don't just drink water out of the tap do you? Well, hey, its the same thing with air.

You need the right air to get the best sound from your speakers to your ears. it is so obvious, why didn't we think of this before?

I am becoming a rep, so I will probably be selling these systems. I am going to quit my day job in a few months when I make "diamond direct distributor" status and get my special pin. I need to make a certain number of sales and I was counting on the people in the Klipsch forum to help me get started. Got to run now, there is a special company pep-rally down in Oakland and the head of the corporation will be giving a motivational talk. More later, when I get back, I am sure I will be excited after the rally.


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On 2/18/2005 10:17:33 PM Fish wrote:

I have a question,if the air you got is different from the air in the recording studio will the audio molecules be compatible?Thanks for the laugh.


Excellent question. The company is sending me the literature to help me answer that very question. I think you can get the deluxe unit which allows you to custom match the air in your listening space to the air in the original recording studio. There are different "curves" for different types of "air". I will know more when I am properly trained.

I might be able to sponsor you if you want to sell these also, I think you might be perfect. You do want to generate a second income that you can retire on in a year, right?


Yes, on that burning rope thing. Now that you mention it the air did seem to smell like the rope they used to sell at the old country store especially if burned. Gave me the munchies too for some reason.....

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you got me thinking.....

fini called me on his cell phone today from the county dump....umm,...I mean "recycle town", he said, Clipped, you better get down here, there are some bargains I think you might be interested in.....

anyway, that is another story.....

so really what I am about to say is a joke I think only fini will appreciate.....(it has to do with knowing the folks who work down there at "recycle town")...

I was going to tell fini that, at the "recycle town" in Bizzaro world they will only sell you the Country Music LPs because they horde the Classica LPs for themselves so they have something to play while they work.....or sleep on those old couches.....that are "for sale, " I guess.....before they hit the land fill.....at any rate.....

Anyway, I came home with a hand truck for a welding gas tank ($5), yet another old wheelbarrel for my fleet ($5), yet another old roto-tiller (works too...I think), and the box of Simpson Hangers for a shed I want to build......which was the reason he called in the first place. It is dangerous to leave the house....I'm telling you.......

ps. I don't really weld with gas anyway...... might be a good thing to move 15 gallon potted rose bushes though.....or whatever......


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On 2/18/2005 11:48:13 PM khorn58 wrote:

I use my own air mix at home.

It seems to sound better after many rum and cokes and

B&B baked beens,But my wife thinks the air is to heavy.

My dog is very happy with the blend of Air.


It has been my experience that the baked bean treatment adds an unacseptical noise level to the listening room. Similiar to cone breakup.15.gif

Nice pick-up fini!!!3.gif


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Suckers. Now that I have someone else to do the thinking, designing and testing, and once you break the ice with your multi-zillion dollar ad campaigns, I'm going to go to my Communist Chinese suppliers, and sell filtered, generic air at prices just under yours. That swimming pool simile even gave me a great twist on the original idea: I'll throw in a squirt bottle so the user can add humidity! That gives me a sideline business, because then I can sell special "Humidi-Pure Sparkling Sonic Water"--straight from the Bejing tap. Hah! You thought you were so clever. The stuff I filter out-the pollution, chemical ooze, petroleum vapors, all that carcinogenic crap, can get dumped on the ground over there. Hell, I don't have to live there.

I'll get the Chinese government to build my factory, and they'll even supply workers for about 30 cents an hour. If production drops, the workers get beaten until they get it right. AND, if this goes over big, they'll supply prisoners or child labor to make up the slack. Every twelve-year-old needs the character-building provided by 70-hour work weeks and men with large leather straps. Let's face it, Americans have always had an appetite for goods produced by slave labor. It's just that Lincoln spoiled that party, and now China and some forward-thinking American investors are getting rich from pent-up demand.

Yeah, now I can be a rich, big shot American Traitor, selling Communist Chinese goods while helping to destroy our own economy. I'll have to have a patriotic-sounding name for my company, though. What do you think of American Atmospheric Products? The initials--AAP--will probably even get listed ahead of yours in all the vendor listings, so people will call me first. I'll get a photo of a Bald Eagle soaring through a beautiful blue sky, then photoshop it so it looks like he's gliding in a high-end soundroom, with lots of red and white accents. I'll get some eight-foot-tall freaks of nature pro-sport celebrities to endorse my product. Kids'll buy the stuff to install in their cars!

I bet I can get tax breaks from the Bush administration.

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That is the thing about this forum - always someone thinking up new ways to improve the audio experience. Sonic Air - why didnt I think of it - BRILLIANT!!

Several thoughts:

There must be a range of products here - obviously you cant use the same air for Horns as you would for silk domes etc.

And it goes without saying that if your machine produces digital air I am hardly going to be racing for my checkbook - must be analogue friendly air.

I am also particularly interested in the monitoring system that will acompany the purifier itself. Obviously this will be an upgrade - sampling the air 30 times a second or something. Further uprade is linking this to a feedback system on the purifier to modifiy its output.

I'm also wondering about the headphone listening experience - we need to be able to fill the small gap between phone and ear with the proper air. Wont need a full system for this - a temporary setup would do.

Audiophile air in cans,

for Cans?

We will need to setup a manufacturing plant underground - probably a disused mine shaft (the denser the air the better it is at carrying sound - the lower you go the higher the pressure the denser the air. We "can" "mineshaft air" 2 miles underground and then sell it at the surface - all the benefits of the denser air without the inconvenience of tunneling...

(You know - I am now wondering if you took 2 identical systems in 2 identical appartments, one on the ground floor and one on, say, the 20th floor would the one on the ground sound better? Almost a serious question!)

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Good ideas Max, you are on the team.

I think the portable cans of air for use in the Car audio system also come in different fragrances ranging from Pine to Old Phonograph Case to "Fair-O-Moans". This whole business plan is a winner and you can have the Greek franchise and any other countries in your vacinity.

This is going to be the coming thing in Audio this year.


PS. yes the company has done studies of "Sonic Air" parameters versus relative altitude. We have graphs and charts available to all distributors. In fact this whole concept was discovered when the audiophile president of the company brought his Khorns and tube system with him on his Mt. Everest climb last year. He died up there, unfortunately, but the widow has kept the business going.


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I shall immediately post on the ACA website - but you had better be ready for orders and deliveries cos those guys dont mess about.

It would be nice if the purifier could be a similar size, shape and weight to an Avantgarde trio. Pricing though, has to be at least 5% less.

Can you squeeze the design in $30,000 - I know it is tough for such cutting edge equipment but do the best you can.

Oh - and I have spoken to a finance ouse and we can offer these machines on leasing with an 18 month flex option to get the latest version - every 18 months - so keep the design team to hand will ya.

PS - Greece, Romania, Cyprus, Turkey, Bulgaria, FYROM and Serbia are now mine!

Looks like this will be very big in eastern europe - although many of the potential customers only want to use the machines to have something to breathe. Air quality was not a Communist priority apparently.

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We were already in the business of interconnects, this air thing is already in the can, we had it on the back-burner until we saw that the cable scam was getting kind of tired.The board said, "time to kick up the air blitz" and that is what is underway.

http://www.silversonic.com/docs/prod/Air_Matrix.html'>Audiophile Products for Air-Heads"


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