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What's all the fuss about?!


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On 3/10/2005 5:50:43 AM Audible Nectar wrote:

If you DON'T like them, sell them! MC-30's are easy to resell.

If your seller would let you hear them on your speakers, that would help. But if the price is right, you could buy them at no risk to you - especially if they are working and all original internal parts (highest resale value). Good condition MC-30 pairs go for $1200-1800 - and that's a conservative figure. Exceptional pairs can sell for more. McIntosh vintage gears truly draw a worldwide market interest when posted for sale.

McIntosh is a good investment! That should help in your risk assessment.

This is the gospel truth. You have no real risk in buying MC as long as you don't over pay.


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On 3/9/2005 10:47:37 PM NOSValves wrote:


this spoken from a man that actually used a pair of Dynaco 400 bridge to 400 watts a channel on his Khorn's in a 4'X4' closet. You really can be ridicules sometimes. Don really what you think means absolutely nothing to anyone around here.



Craig that's the thing... I'm not afraid to buck the system or go against the grain.

The room is 13' x 11'. The dynacos were actually 200wpc stock and I had the pair of amps bridged to 600 watts mono each. The speakers were 1979 CWs. Yes, 1200 watts to a pair of cornwalls. Sure it was overkill like everyone told me... but it was a great experiment. I found out for myself that it wasn't right... just like when I had you rebuild that 340B. That wasn't right for me either.

Oh and by the way your prices are way to expensive. I've been nice and biting my tongue since that rebuild but since you wanna crap on me... there ya go. I would never send another piece of gear to you for a rebuild unless I wanted to take it in the A$$ again.

Remember how you got all pi$$ed when I posted a scan of the bill in the ebay auction of the 340b? I just wanted to show bidders that it had been worked on by NOSvalves but you flipped out, called me & told me to take it down immediately. You didn't want your competition seeing that you charge $12 for a .50 resistor and so on and so forth. I know ya gotta make a living but damn... raping forum members ain't cool.

But what I think "means absolutely nothing to anyone around here" so you have no worries about what I said above effecting your future sales.


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Don / Craig,

PLEASE! Didn't mean to start anything between you guys. Just asked an innocent question, and sincerely appreciate ALL the responses that I've been getting.

Now that that's out of the way....

The good news is that I've decided to buy them. Going to go over with the cash on Sunday. Pray and wish me luck...

And to all forum members: Get ready for an onslaught of (mostly) stupid questions. If I start any further flame wars, I apologize in advance!! 9.gif

Excited, I remain,


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(scratch) (scratch)

The fur's a' flyin'!!!!

Don just raked a clump outta Craig's hindquarters!!

But Craig has the look of Death in his crescent-shaped pupils so I'm sure Don's in for a savage return clawing!!!

Quick - somebody call Jerry Springer!!





But seriously, this sort of stuff CAN provide some much needed levity in this place. It just got me grinnin' like the proverbial chesire cat. 9.gif

Thanks! 2.gif

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Way to go Fauzi,

After all - who are you going to believe? The magnificent bretheren on the Klipsch forum with all their hundreds of years of experience in tubes (cummulatively speaking) or your lying ears.

Just kidding - remember if it doesnt work for you selling will be VERY easy.

I think, however, it might.

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Yup everyone I'm headed to the Trump mansion any day from my profits in fact old Trump called me the other day and asked if I would like to be on " Apprentice " since I'm such a shrewd bisiness man. Don put up the invoice and show me where I charged $12 for a 50 cent resistor or do the smart thing and shut your lying mouth. You get banned from more audio forums then anyone I know! How longs it been since you been allowed on AK ? What a troll.


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Here is a copy of old Bigbusa Invoice funning I don't see anything for $12 LOL !!!!!! Since when does someone in business sell something for the same price as they buy it? Surely wouldn't be in business long that way.

Invoice for Don 340B

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

1- NOS 6KE8 tube 14.00

9 - .1uF Russian Film & Foils 4.75 each 42.75

4 - .033 4.50 each 18.00

2 - .022 4.25 each 9.00

1 - 4A 800 Piv Bridge rectifier 4.89

1 - 24 Ohm 1watt resistor 1.00

1 - 40uF @ 500V Atom 10.89

2 - 10uF @ 250V Atom 4.99 each 9.98

1 - 25Ohm 25 watt cement power resistor 4.89

2 - 10Ohm 5Watt 1% Vishay Dale 6.60

8 - 1 watt Plate resistors 8.00

1 - 100uF @ 100V Atom 4.49

2 - 50uF @ 50V Atom 3.99 each 7.98

Parts Total 142.47

Labor 150.00

Shipping 12.00

Total 304.47

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this spoken from a man that actually used a pair of Dynaco 400 bridge to 400 watts a channel on his Khorn's in a 4'X4' closet. You really can be ridicules sometimes. Don really what you think means absolutely nothing to anyone around here.



Craig, I can understand why you might have lashed out at me like you did. Afterall, your opportunistic business can only survive if people continue to search for that mystical, angelic, full, rich, warm tube sound ...which doesn't exist.

I'm not going to run down the whole list but here's just a few examples of how I personally felt gouged by you.

6KE8 GE, MAG, RCA, S NOS $2.33---- your price $14

24 Ohm, 1 Watt Resistor 12 cents each - - - your price $1 each

25Ohm 25 watt cement power resistor $1.79 ---- your price $4.89

1 watt Plate resistors 49 cents each ---- your price $1 each

Maybe your other customers are ok with those rediculous mark-ups but I wasn't. I didn't say anything here or to you because I figured I had just learned my "warm tube sound" lesson the hard way.

Luckily for you, "what I think means absolutely nothing to anyone around here."

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way to go 9.gif and although the amps are not with you yet, remember that tube rolling can improve their performance noticably. As stated in a previous thread some days ago, I am very happy with my cryo Valve Art KT66 as output tubes. They have increased the amps' soundstaging to a degree that I wouldn't want to miss 3.gif .


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On 3/11/2005 2:22:19 PM ben. wrote:

If Craig is such a rip-off artist, you'd think we'd have heard about it by now from someone more credible.


Ben, feel free to price the parts from the parts list yourself. I don't know how credible someone has to be to do that? It's all there in black & white. My credibility or lack thereof, has nothing to do with the situation.

1 - NOS 6KE8 tube 14.00

9 - .1uF Russian Film & Foils 4.75 each 42.75

4 - .033 4.50 each 18.00

2 - .022 4.25 each 9.00

1 - 4A 800 Piv Bridge rectifier 4.89

1 - 24 Ohm 1watt resistor 1.00

1 - 40uF @ 500V Atom 10.89

2 - 10uF @ 250V Atom 4.99 each 9.98

1 - 25Ohm 25 watt cement power resistor 4.89

2 - 10Ohm 5Watt 1% Vishay Dale 6.60

8 - 1 watt Plate resistors 8.00

1 - 100uF @ 100V Atom 4.49

2 - 50uF @ 50V Atom 3.99 each 7.98

Parts Total 142.47

Labor 150.00

Shipping 12.00

Total 304.47

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So what exactly are you trying to say? If Craig paid $80 for those parts, I'd say that would be a fair mark. I'd guess he's got more than $100 into parts there, not that it's any of my business...

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As Mike rigthly so said, if you ar not happy with the prices, do it yourself then. You'll save some money on the parts.

But the mark-up Craig have on his parts is definitively not excessive. Don't forget he have shipping cost, he also have to spend time in order to manage his inventory. He also have the right makes a few bucks for his effort.

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PR, I'm not sure I understand what you said about the shipping. I paid shipping both ways. It wasn't included in the job.

You're right, I wasn't happy with the prices. How is someone supposed to know the prices they'll be charged beforehand?

Ask??? "...exactly how bad am I going to be gouged for the parts my fisher needs?"

I'm done saying anything. My point has been made.

I didn't start this little argument.

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On 3/11/2005 2:26:20 PM D0N wrote:


On 3/11/2005 2:22:19 PM ben. wrote:

If Craig is such a rip-off artist, you'd think we'd have heard about it by now from someone more credible.


Ben, feel free to price the parts from the parts list yourself. I don't know how credible someone has to be to do that? It's all there in black & white. My credibility or lack thereof, has nothing to do with the situation.

1 - NOS 6KE8 tube 14.00

9 - .1uF Russian Film & Foils 4.75 each 42.75

4 - .033 “ “ “ 4.50 each 18.00

2 - .022 “ “ “ 4.25 each 9.00

1 - 4A 800 Piv Bridge rectifier 4.89

1 - 24 Ohm 1watt resistor 1.00

1 - 40uF @ 500V Atom 10.89

2 - 10uF @ 250V Atom 4.99 each 9.98

1 - 25Ohm 25 watt cement power resistor 4.89

2 - 10Ohm 5Watt 1% Vishay Dale 6.60

8 - 1 watt Plate resistors 8.00

1 - 100uF @ 100V Atom 4.49

2 - 50uF @ 50V Atom 3.99 each 7.98

Parts Total 142.47

Labor 150.00

Shipping 12.00

Total 304.47



Did you ask for a break down in cost parts & labor and aggree to those parts prices before the work was performed?


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