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Local woman drives SUV off bridge.


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On 3/29/2005 6:44:35 PM boomac wrote:

Just today I saw a woman in a van with a little dog on her lap and a cell phone up to her ear. Kids jumping around in the back seat. I'd rather take my chances avoiding a drunk!


Aint that the truth.

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Is it just cell phones??? I mean, look at what a fighter pilot can do in the course of an aerial engagement. Not only does he have to control the aircraft, he's also working throttle, selecting armament, initiating electronic countermeasures, conversing with his radar man or other aircraft - there's a boat load of multi-tasking going on.

I think some folks are quite capable of multi-tasking and others literally have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time.

Maybe the real answer is better (mandatory?) driver training.


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But the fighter pilot's actions and focus are all related to a central and integrally related point!

With a phone you are engaging in two desparate activities, each of which require focused attention.

How well can you dial two different telephones simultaneously? (Try it! ;-)

The problem with folks is that even without cell phones most drive as if they are watching television, with so many already making sidetrips to the bathroom and the fridge while pretending to drive!

The problem with cell phones has nothing to do with hands free or not, it is the fact that your mind has checked out of the driving realm and is focusing on the conversation. It doesnt matter if you have 10 arms and hands - you only have one mind (and I would make a case that many do not even have that!, or if they do, they go to great lengths to hide the fact! ;-)

So just make sure you get out of my way as I am speeding as I talk on the phone and juggling my beer, Big Mac, and looking for something to write on/with as I swap CDs! Oh, and don't forget climbing into the back seat to find whatever it is that I need!

Of course if I was a female I could claim that I spent far too much time farding! 9.gif Look it up! It works even better when you speak it!9.gif11.gif

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The fighter pilot also has three dimensions of space to work in not two. No matter where the plane goes it is still in the air (assuming he is not hitting the dirt) there is no roads to drive off of and very few other planes to run into. He can crack his beer, drive with his knee, talk on the phone, shoot a missle and pick his nose all at the same time. If he drifts a little up/down, left/right, or rolls side to side no big deal.

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There are two factors:

The position and size of the buttons for dialing - add the fact that one must look at the phone to insure correct number

Whether on the phone, in person, a certain amount of body language or hand and arm gestures are used to accentuate a point. A person holding a phone will take hands off of the wheel, PUS have a mental reaction to what is being said, or they are saying. This distracts from actual driving when all focus is needed.

I have seen shattered windshields due to the driver becoming angry and throwing the phone.

If you ever notice, when you become irritated you tend to speed up.

What people are not realizing is that the drive home that used to calm them down a bit - or if in traffic they get irritated, talking about the lack of movement is an irritant.

I have no problem taking the hands free laws one step beyond, First Violation - tagged plus points on your license. Second Violation, tagged, fine, number suspended for 30 days (statewide registry) additionaql points, Third Violation, Tagged, Fined, Points, phone Confiscated.


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I realize that flies in the face of my admission of having used a cell phone while driving and it might even disqualify me from posting an opinion. Hell - truth be known, I'm just trying to justify what I do. I'm crazy like that you know.14.gif

And at the risk of sounding whatever....at least if a cell phone user hits you, you have that cage you're riding in to (somewhat) protect you. How do you think folks like John Albright & myself feel in traffic on a mo'sickle?15.gif

Anyhow, possibly my fighter pilot analogy wasn't the best, but the point I was trying to make was simply that some folks have the ability to multi-task incredibly well and some can't. I completely agree that having a conversation requires listening and comprehension which shuts down the information stream concerning the act of driving. However, in that case we're talking about active listening. Now, in the case of talking to your spouse, we know that active listening is replaced with the typical, "Uh-huh, yes dear, yeah, right dear, yes, yes dear" one-sided conversation. Certainly, it stands to rerason, that we can drive like Mario Andretti during that conversation. 9.gif

Oh....and as far as a fighter pilot having all that room in the sky to do his thing? Well, the two hours I had in an FA/18 simulator suggested otherwise. That sky got awfully small when you had someone on your as* getting ready to lock you up. I came out of the simulator with one of the biggest headaches in my life due to the stress and concentration.


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I generally hate ALL other drivers in front of me, regardless of the cell phones stuck in their ears, cause you can only go as fast as the slowest one in front of you.

No matter WHAT lane I happen to be in I ALWAYS seem to have a really, really STUPID person in front of me (usually in some GIANT SUV, empty by-the-way, and so large ((and don't forget the tinted windows that you can't see through)) that you can't see around it, going slow and obliviously because they (and their brats) are CLEARLY the CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE.

I especially like it when they ride the brake with their LEFT FOOT. Extra bonus fun!


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Ok, I have a problem with something thats being said here.

The hands free device frees up your hands to do the driving and I know we all of you use both hands while driving.

Heres my problem, if I use my hands free device I have a speaker in my ear and all I have to do it talk to the other person. If I want to make a call all I have to do is speak the name of who I'm calling or say the number. No looking at anything. Now if I am riding with someone in the car and we are talking I will look at the person from time to time taking my eyes and attention off the road. It is a normal reaction to look at somebody when they are speaking to you (something about being told that a million times while growing up). So IMO the hands free cell phone is LESS distracting than having a discusion with someone in the car.

And by the way I want to run ALL two foot drivers off the road......


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The problem with hands-free devices is that in order to properly and safely operate a motor vehicle, you need:

two eyes on the road and instruments (not glancing at phone for number or to dial)

two ears to listen for emergency vehicles (not plugged up with headset or otherwise engaged with a too-loud stereo)

two hands to control the vehicle and maybe use turn signals (not dialing, yes I know there are vox-controlled units, what % uses them?)

ONE BRAIN for all the above and more! that should have NO distractions inside the vehicle, particularly of the drivers making! Even if you have vox controlled, hands free cell phone, your BRAIN is paying attention to a conversation taking place in cell-land, which seems more distracting that just talking to the person in the seat next to you. If a traffic situation would arise, your passenger can shut up or help you out, person on the other end of cell phone just keeps chatting away, oblivious to your danger.

(Even though I do agree with CustomSteves arguement as well)

just my .02, I'm as guilty as the next guy, but NEVER use cell phone in heavy traffic, construction zones, or rush hour. Pay attention to what you're doing people- cause the other guy sure isn't.


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LOL D-Man. I too have found that wherever I have gone, bad drivers have been there waiting for me.

And Dodger, it occurs to me that taking away the whole phone might be a bit draconian. I have heard of cases with repeat DUI offenders where the court ordered a breathalyzer in-line with the starter. No blow or blow dirty, the car doesn't start. How about something analogous here? When the key is in the running position, a cell phone jammer with a 12' or so radius activates. Turn on the car, your phone doesn't work. Turn off the car, talk all you want. Remove the jammer in an unauthorized way, the device phones home and you go back to see the judge.

I know some rabid civil libertarians will have a problem with that, but I don't care much about the rabid portions of our population regardless of their orientation. I find it best to just ignore the 2% lunatic fringe completely, except of course for those times that I'm in it.

PS -- colter, I've sent you a PM.

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I read an article by Massad Ayoob several years ago detailing how speaking, and the related brain use and control to do it, slows one's reflexes. According to him, one has a greater chance of survival or taking control of an assailants gun if you can engage the perp in speach. You can prove this out with the use of a cap gun if you're so inclined.

For GAWD's sake don't try to demo w/ a real gun. I don't know how many of you have seen the film clip of this cop giving gun safety tips, telling everyone in the audience he's the only one present "professional enough" to handle a Glock 40 and promptly shoots himself in the foot.

Having a "hands free" cell phone buys you nothing, nor does running your mouth to a passenger unless you're mindful to just shut the hell up when the need arises.

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Just a warped thought intended to ellicit a grin...2.gif

Who? Me????

Maybe bridges (and all the other nifty devices) are just tools that the omniscient eye in the sky uses to thin the population and remove certain elements from the gene pool. If this is the case, I might suggest that they need to pick up the pace a bit!9.gif11.gif2.gif

...A bit of social Darwinism. Sort of like witches and houses that fall from the sky....

But then, many a truth is said in jest!6.gif12.gif

Who? Me???

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On 4/1/2005 11:43:46 AM Tom Adams wrote:

Yeah....well....I'd sure like to follow all you pontificating sons-a-guns for a week and observe your driving.



I would have no problem with that.

I usually don't carry a cell phone anymore. Talking with passengers is and and has been taking place for as long as there is more than one person in a vehicle.

I'm too cheap to pay higher insurance rates. Some of what I noted is my State's mandatory hands free Law. Some is what I have been trained.

Driving is a privilege, not a right. I only look at things from a safety perspective - no eating, drinking, map reading, book reading, cell phone not just for the reasons I noted, but because hands free is the Law.

I'm behind the wheel of 3000 pounds that could kill or maim someone else. I have to take that seriously.



If I may note teen drivers or one and also second note road rage.

When I get a new car I keep the speed down for the first 1000 miles. I have cars and trucks crawling up my bumper.

A teen doing the speed limit has cars and trucks crawling up his/her bumper, blowing horns, flashing lights - no matter the lane. Even at 10 miles over the same thing happens. What are we telling that driver? Granted, there is not the control of the vehicle, but when they are trying to act responsibly and the adults are not, what does that say to them?

Road Rage:

Computers, info retrieving, telephone menus and placed on hold, customer service reps that are slow, changing words into telephone numbers, etc.. We are used to getting information fast - DSL, Road Runner, we hit road blocks beyod our control. We leave work, we have control of the car, slow driver in front? pass them - bad day, your driving reflects that.

The one thing you control, barring Police Presence, and some DARES to hold you up, slow you down, you can actually complain to this person. You don't think about later, it's NOW. Just a thought END EDIT

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On 3/31/2005 5:51:54 PM Olorin wrote:

I know some rabid civil libertarians will have a problem with that, but I don't care much about the rabid portions of our population regardless of their orientation. I find it best to just ignore the 2% lunatic fringe completely, except of course for those times that I'm in it.


Yup. I agree, but they will be pissing and moaning when someone crashes into them because that someone was talking on the phone.

However, and it may have been said already by someone else (i havent read everyones repose yet), what about the passengers. If you disable the phone, then nobody could talk.

I'm not against talking on the phone in the car as much if someone is not holding the phone, hands free if you will. If they have a hands free phone where.... WELL... I dunno... Doesn't make much difference I guess? Your still not paying attention to the road if your holding the phone or not.

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On 3/31/2005 6:24:31 PM Rockets wrote:

For GAWD's sake don't try to demo w/ a real gun. I don't know how many of you have seen the film clip of this cop giving gun safety tips, telling everyone in the audience he's the only one present "professional enough" to handle a Glock 40 and promptly shoots himself in the foot.


YEP! Seen it. Funny as hell. What a bafoon.


On 3/31/2005 6:24:31 PM Rockets wrote:

Having a "hands free" cell phone buys you nothing


I agree

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Noting guns, bb & pellet Pistols are supposed to have an orange circle at the end.

Numerous were produced prior to that mandate.

There have also been some reports of real guns having orange at the tip. Some who would risk coming toward a bb or pellet may risk facing a more deadly force.

Others hear a noise downstairs or in another part of the house go check with an unloaded firearm. As soon as that is seen by an intruder more than likely they will shoot and run.

If you hear noises, barricade your door, call 911 or if that is not in service, your Police. I always recommend a hard wired non-electric phone in the bedroom along with bringing your cell-phone into your bedroom each night.

If you do play Rambo and check yourself, make sure your weapon is loaded and you shoot to kill - if the person has a deadly weapon.

The timing to assure what weapon there is is the time spent training by your Oficer, or they send a K-9 in. Doors, windows, possessions can be replaced - you can't.

Always treat a Firearm as Real. Always treat it as if fully loaded. You can't see the bullet in the chamber.

You can laugh about who is trained to handle them. You're here.


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