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O/T Looks like I'm getting a cat

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When couples are coming to my gallery, I'll ask them if they are allergic to cats. If not, I'll arrange for a 'walk-by'. I'll have one of my kitties in the house and the gallery door open. It's a test to see who the warm and fuzzy people are to see if they will respond to the cat, call to it and/or pet it.

I also put the bride and groom on an 8' sofa to see how close they sit to each other.

In my business you have to know when to say 'no'. I don't work for attorneys. Ever.


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the only good cat is a dead cat. (yrmv)

What a brilliant statement to make on a thread devoted to many who love their cats. Really shows a mark of intelligence and good upbringing on your part. Your poor mother must really be proud of you...

So what's your point exactly? You obviously don't like cats...that's fine. I'm not a real big dog fan myself, but I have nothing against the animals themselves; I just choose not to own one anymore (and I have in the past). They were great, well behaved dogs (a terrier and a beagle), just too much maintenance for me as far as washing and walking them daily and letting them out to do their business at 3 in the morning...I personally don't care to spend my free time walking a dog or scooping their crap out of neighbor's yards, but that's just me, and I have no ill will towards dogs or to those who love and devote their lives to their pets.

But I won't post on a thread devoted to dog lovers and proclaim that the only good dog is a dead dog...that's just plain rude, totally assinine, and uncalled for!

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Dogs are cool! One of my bro's lived in Orlando for years and he had two dogs that were loads of fun; one in particular was extremely playful...I personally didn't care for when one of them would get the notion to hump my leg at times, but then who does? He also lived with his girlfriend for awhile who owned a cute li'l min-pin...that dog was really great and loved people!

But I'm lazy and cats are pretty self-reliant and low maintenance...I don't have to wash them or walk them or let 'em outside to poop, et al. As long as I feed 'em, take them to the vets, and clean their cat boxes daily, they pretty much entertain themselves. It's always loads of fun watching them play together, and there's never a dull moment in our house with five of 'em![:)]

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I truely believe, unless a person is home all day with them.... cats do better with at least one other cat in the home. Just for the snuggle factor alone. Besides, once you have a litterpan going - might as well go for it. (hopeing people will get more cats). :)

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Well, five's my limit!

Just this morning I took our oldest cat to the vets for his annual checkup (he's A-OK), and in the lobby is a huge multi-staggered holding cage for kittens to be adopted (two of our cats came from that very cage). As Rusty and I were watching the kittens play (before his checkup), one of the assistants asked if I wanted to adopt a new kitten.

It's hard to say no (I'd take 'em all if I could), but I can barely afford the five I've got! I know they all eventually get adopted and go to good homes.

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:) Cool jt1!

Since this thread got me thinking about SOME dog people (usually the kind that hate cats)....

RANT: Almost everytime I go to the vet someone (especially those with big dogs) decides to do a "Oh, there's a cute kitty in the cat carrier - do you want to see the kitty?" And proceed to allow and ENCOURAGE the dog to walk up to the carrier for a look-see. For the dogs amuzement. Can you imagine any animal lover or even a thinking person doing that? They do. Constantly. The moment I lift the towel covering the front to check & talk to my cat. Boy do I ream them a new one.

Dog people, if you're reading, have some consideration and keep a short leash at the vets and stop terrorizing sick, scared cats, birds, etc! And cat people.... never put the carrier on the floor. Put it on the chair next to you or better yet, in your lap. More chance of fleas from the floor from the dogs. And never let any animal on the vet table unless you know it's been thoroughly disinfected.

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I agree about cat people loving more than just cats. I've been around dogs all my life and love them, but I like cats also and always wanted one so when I met one with such a sweet personality I took the plunge.

Heck I like any kind of animal. Along with the new kitten I have two shi tzus, one is 15 and the other is 17 and a parrot I've had for 15 years also.

Here is T'elvis after just breaking the coffee table centerpiece. Now just how mad could I get at the little guy?[:)]


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I have been around cats my entire life, and I think they are great pets. I always keep mine inside and have never had any problems because of it. If you let it run outside you take the chance it will be hit by a vehicle, killed by dogs or other creatures, catch diseases/fleas, get poisoned, get shot, get abducted by loonies who sell them to labs for experimentation, and other sundry niceties. Their natural inclination is to hunt, and if it can get outside you will find that it will end up chewing on mice, birds, etc. If you feel you must get it declawed, at least just do the front claws. Those are the ones that they use for scratching. Be careful about food. I always feed mine the dry stuff. The canned stuff is like McDonalds junkfood, full of fat and makes them get overweight if they don't get enough exercise. Be careful about houseplants. Cats like to chew on them, and many of them are very poisonous to cats. Especially dieffenbachia (dumb cane). If you have large potted plants, cover the topsoil with stones, etc., or the cat will dig it up. If you have a problem with it jumping up on things you don't want it on, just make sure to put something where the cat would land. They won't jump anywhere unless they know there is a "clear" landing zone. Also, they HATE walking on aluminum foil. It will usually keep them backed off. Get it chipped, tattooed, or put an ID collar on it. Occasionally, it may get outside, get scared, and run off. This way you can be contacted if someone finds it. They like height. Give it a nice soft enclosed (so it feels like it is hiding) bed that overlooks the main room, with possibly an outside view from a sunny window also. If it is going to be left alone a lot, consider getting it a cat buddy to play with. It will help keep them out of trouble too! Good luck!

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I posted of one of our cats back on page 1. He was fat. But all we fed him was high quality, dry food. He was just a big bag of jello in a cat suit. He wasn't really way overweight, but pretty plump. He loved people, and was great to have in the lap on chilly evenings. As I mentioned, we had him 13 years, and the vet thought he was close to 5 when we adopted him (he showed up at the house with a gash in his leg).


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Bruce, I adopted a cat from my g/f that weighed almost 20 pounds. It had been given a straight diet of the expensive canned foods. She said "He won't eat the dry stuff." The hell if he won't. All you have to do is put it out and when they get hungry, they eat it. The cat went down to about 14 pounds after about 4 months, and was much more active than he had been previously. Cats are like people, some can eat whatever they want and be in good shape, while another will get fat on the same diet. But most of the canned food has way too much fat and empty calories in it, and it usually ends up as excess fat on the animal. The hard stuff keeps their teeth cleaner also. If you don't take good care of your kitty he may end up looking at you like this:


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Remember guys, the canned food stuff that is mostly meat is the stuff rejected for human consumption..... Well atleast grocery store sections, when growing up sometimes I questioned the meat quality of the gradeschool lunch...... Meh I never saw grade B meat though......

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IDK - There's some good quality canned food available now via the internet and better pet shops. Not all beaks & hooves anymore. There's also alot of crappy dry food out there. Cats need much more protein than dogs (I hear). My cats are currently in picky mode over dry food. I'm testing them. 2 bowls of 2 different kinds - one bowl is ignored. Perhaps they get bored with the same food over & over and need a change. IDK, but they sure have preferances. Since they pretty much sleep, play, poop/pee, eat - I can control the eat part. It's the highlight of their day so I try to make them happy. Some people, the hard cord holistic types feed 'raw' and even buy frozen or freeze dried organically raised mice. No lie. I know my cats would never eat such a thing.

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Cats are straight up carnivores . Pieces of beeks and other things are likely fine with them . My poor cat had periodontal disease when I got him . When he was 2 years old I had all his teeth except his cannines pulled . I still feel terrible about it but it had to be done . I feed him wet and dry food . Sometimes the dry food spills from the side of his mouth , after all he is just swallowing it , no side teeth to break down or contain it . He weighs 14lbs which is normal for his breed , "British Shorthair" , and is healthy and active . I feel that as long as you use restraint you should feed your cats wet and dry food . It makes them happy .

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