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La Scala value?


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My brother has a chance to buy a pair of La Scala's locally for $1000. From what I know they are Birch w/ grilles from around 1980. The owner has finished them a dark walnut color, and they don't look bad. I would rate them about 8 to 8.5 out of 10. They have original drivers and crossovers.

Do you guys think $1000 is a fair price? I was thinking maybe a little bit lower sounded about right. Any thoughts?

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If they are truly and 8.5 out of 10, have grills and you can pick them up locally, $1000 is a good price. You can always try to offer less and see what happens but local LaScalas don't come up very often and you can easily spend $200 to $400 if you have to drive cross country or have them shipped.

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LaScala's are a funny item to sell or buy. There are cases of folks buying LaScala's for 500 bucks or less a pair and as much as 1800 doallors a pair. If you factor in what your saving for picking up locally then 1000 bucks may be OK, but it is kinda on the high side for 1980 models.

I bought 4 pairs of LaScala's in the last year. Paid $660 for a 1976 pair, $500 for some 1986 industrial versions, $550 for 1980 pair in raw birch, $1700 for a pair of 2004 laScala's in black Lacquer.

If I were to sell my older models I would be surprised to get more than 600 bucks a pair for them in todays market.

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If you like them enough and have the room for them, I agree. Locally, they never show up. I am of course a bit fond of them myself. What else out there can do the things the LSs can do, especially a 1K. Value must be determined by what you get, for what you spend.If they are right for you and in good shape, do it.

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that's a good price. You have to allow extra for a pair in good condition and also for location. I would never attempt to ship something as bulky as LS, therefore have to either travel a long way to pickup ,or just get lucky and perhaps give a bit more for local purchase.

For that price, I'd grab them if they are what he wants.


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I agree that the value on LS's are kind of quirkey. I offered a pair up here on the forum at a reduced price and even offered to drive them up to the Klipsch Gathering in Hope if someone wanted to pick them up there. They were 1990 model (we think) in average to good condition. There were some slight dings on the bottom, one of them had two ring marks on the top from drinks that I was able to almost completly remove with some furniture restoration liquid. They were laq. birch, not raw. There were no takers on here so I listed them on Austin Craig's list for $1,200 and they sold in a week. My view has always been that LS's in good condition are worth a $1,000 all day every day. If you can get them local it makes it all the better. Therein lies the problem, most people know they can easily get a $1,000 for them. Once you own a pair it makes it much easier to be picky about condition and swoop on good prices.

This pair went for $1,250 and, to me, did not look all that impressive http://cgi.ebay.com/KLIPSCH-LA-SCALA_W0QQitemZ150019666682QQihZ005QQcategoryZ61378QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

This pair was BB and went for $750 but hard to tell the condition and he was selling two pairs, local pickup only. http://cgi.ebay.com/Klipsch-La-Scala_W0QQitemZ170018728532QQihZ007QQcategoryZ61378QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

These were refinished by the seller and he had Bob rework the crossovers and they went for $1,300. http://cgi.ebay.com/Klipsch-La-Scala-speakers-LaScala-pair-LS-BB_W0QQitemZ290019088476QQihZ019QQcategoryZ61378QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


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1k good. Most of the reasons quoted too..

One thing is, as PWK said.. "If you do not like what is going in.. (crap music or equipment driving them..) your not going to like what comes out too." LOL. (something close to that have heard quoted several times and true too.)

They are very very revealing speakers..

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dwilawyer Great detail and sampling

I think those values are a fair representation of what things go for on a day to day basis. It boils down to is it worth more to have them now and listening to them, or worth $100 to $300 to by waiting three to six months to get that special deal. For me, once I heard them the decison was easy, I want them now. I think the cosmetic issue is the most important, if you are not going to be happy with their looks, and you don't plan on redoing them yourself you are not going to be happy with them and so pass.


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I paid $1300 for mine and drove close to 800 mile one way to pick them up. Lacquer finish, and I love them. I don't know what I would rate them at on a scale of 1-10. Doesn't matter. They are mine now and will remain so.

Had someone offer me a pair for under $500 in the past, but the timing wasn't right. Now I have paid more and I'm still very happy.


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I paid $1000 for my 1979 models which were in excellent condition, then added another $400 for Dean's Crossovers and $50 for glass tops and I'm set; $1450 for a 'new' pair of vintage speakers that will always stand the test of time and sonically can't be beat for anything close to its price.

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