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Most amazing speakers ever

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I was in a pet store and heard what sounded like some of the very best, and more than anything else, natural reproduction of real instruments I have heard. These were little things, shaped liked rocks, that were next to the reptile dept. I think they were designed to look like the stone reefs and outcroppings, crawling with iguanas, observed by Darwin when he was in the Galapagos.

Oddly, they fire downward, but I found if I attach them to a sort of sprung aluminum bar, bent to conform to the shape of my head, I can position the little speakers so that each fires down and across each ear. I suspended each plastic enclosure from the aluminum bar by shock cord, and this seems to have the added advantage of sound deadening -- I suppose not unlike what some of you have done with the metal Heritage horns to quiet that ringing (which I've actually never heard).

Despite the fact that the actual drivers look like they don't measure more than maybe 2 inches across, the bass is prodigous for such small speakers -- particularly with my favorite harp tracks. However, there is a larger speaker available, a real boulder of a sub, that could be worn with shoulder straps on the back. For serious organ music, this would probably be the way to go, but I haven't tried it yet.


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I think they are called "rockheads" although I've also heard them called "stoneheads." Sometimes afficianatos are just called "stoners" for short. The concept was developed by some folks who entered the doors of perception but never found their way out, but thanks to vulture capital, went nation-wide.

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I'm an art teacher, and I was being facetious. To find myself pondering Bose 901s and 1000 watt amplifiers is a rather foreign idea to me -- sort of like the bogus, rock-shaped speaker system to which I referred above, which would be much more at home on the canvas of some surreal or metaphysical painter. Salvador Dali comes to mind.

"I hope you are subject to Adequate Pegogical Oversight."

You do mean PEDAGOGICAL, do you not?


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Sorry about that -- it was really just me kind of poking fun at myself regarding this equally improbable audition -- or really appreciation of -- the Bose speakers mentioned in another thread. Virtually everything I have written about and in some cases defended on this forum has had to do with unusually low-power amplifiers coupled with speakers of extraordinarily high efficiency. In that thread, someone else posed a question along the lines of" "Erik, when will it end?" It was in light of that question that I wrote this, and I was just sort of poking fun at myself, as I said.

Even a digital amplifier I once praised very highly was met with equal skepticism, as was a little DIY project I tried and really liked: Klipsch's minibox. However, before and since then, quite a few people have tried and come to like both, although not necessarily in the same system.

To clarify: I'm not walking around the house with small, rock-shaped speakers dangling at either ear; nor am I wearing a boulder-shaped subwoofer like a back pack. Hopefully the confusion will be cleared up, and for those who really took this seriously, please accept my apology. At least I wasn't criticizing tastes in electronics or loudspeakers that simply happen to be different from my own. That tends to happen around here rather more often than stories about very unlikely and imaginary speaker systems

In fact, I essentially forgot about the 901s when I came home yesterday and listened to Julian Bream guitar on our Heresy/Dynaco 70 stereo system. Wonderful sound and great guitar playing.


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