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Monster Power guarantee...I'm impressed


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Last night I went downstairs and tried to power up my projector to no avail. I thought it was the remote and walked over to the unit and hit the power button that's on the actual projector, still no luck. I had power indicated on the front panel of my Monster Signature HTS5100 so I thought that perhaps the unit needed to be reset. Well, I pulled my rack away from the wall and hit the reset.....still nothing. This was really stumping me as I could see both the voltage and amperage indicators lit up on the front panel of the unit but no power was being sent out to anything in my rack. Weird.

So to the point...

I contacted my dealer who asked me to bring the unit in. I figured that they would have to ship the unit to Monster to get it repaired and estimated being without it for at least a couple of weeks. Much to my surprise, he made a phone call to Monster and I walked out with a brand new unit. I must say, I'm impressed. I just wanted to give Monster some kudos as they are certainly well deserved.


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OB: What do you mean refreshing? Due to the huge markup on their products and services they can afford the hit in replacing all those other items. Think of it as purchasing your product with insurance included instead of an extended warranty plan with the idea that few to none will ever cash in. Greed... probably.

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Due to the huge markup on their products and services they can afford the hit in replacing all those other items

We are talking about audio cable purchased in the mid-80's, I have no receipt, they will exchange, NO QUESTIONS asked, because they turned green. That to me is pretty refreshing ................ I wouldn't do it, would you ? They are 2 - 20 foot lengths of the big thick, jumper cable type cables , I am stunned that it was so easy, speaks volumes for that company, and their owners.

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Due to the huge markup on their products and services they can afford the hit in replacing all those other items

We are talking about audio cable purchased in the mid-80's, I have no receipt, they will exchange, NO QUESTIONS asked, because they turned green. That to me is pretty refreshing ................ I wouldn't do it, would you ? They are 2 - 20 foot lengths of the big thick, jumper cable type cables , I am stunned that it was so easy, speaks volumes for that company, and their owners.


I'm with you on that....buy used cables on ebay for 10 bucks......get new ones from monster if defective for free.

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That is really great to hear, since I have purchased two sure protectors from Monster. I just recently purchased the 5100 Signature Pro and had the HTS 3500 for about two years now.

I am looking to purchase two more for the two different 2-channel set ups that now have.


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I'm with you on that....buy used cables on ebay for 10 bucks......get new ones from monster if defective for free.

I want to make something clear here, that is not what I did, that is not what I am about ........ If you think that's what I have done, you are wrong ... I am offended by that accusation ............... that is very unfair !!!!!!!

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OB...I think SpeakerFritz just meant that this might be a way for someone to get some new wire for very little green...not you buddy...I agree that this is nice to know about Monster...I have one HTS 3500 mkII and like it better than the Panamax I have that was more than twice the price...I have some nice Monster wire I picked up when Radio Shack was blowing it out...it made the price much more palatable for me since I didn't really need any more wire but heck...I don't really need all the speakers and amps and...[:D]...the price for being firends with everyone here...remember when you had one set of speakers and maybe a receiver???...


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Sometimes printed words don't get read the way the poster meant them, had those words been spoken, it would have been better understood. That is not my MO Silversport, I know you know that, but others here don't have a clue about me, and I couldn't let that pass. When you get my age, your word is all you have, and I just couldn't let others think that's what I did. Yeah, I do remember, 1 set of speakers, one receiver/amp, and 1 turntable, and a bunch of records ..................... Long Ago with NO gray hair .......... Young, Dumb, and full of .................. EH !!!!!!!!

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I actually like monster. Their product is somewhat expensive but they take care of any problems that might come up with no hassle.

Can I get good 12 gauge wire from Home depot for a lot less? Yes. Could I get Home Depot to replace it if it turned green? not on your life.

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I actually like monster. Their product is somewhat expensive but they take care of any problems that might come up with no hassle.

Can I get good 12 gauge wire from Home depot for a lot less? Yes. Could I get Home Depot to replace it if it turned green? not on your life.

True enough, although you could probably replace your HD wire a few times for what you may pay for Monster up front. Just MHO.

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