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Everything posted by MD1032

  1. ---------------- On 8/23/2005 10:23:29 AM Hardhead wrote: "Dick Burns"? You're kidding, right? ---------------- Wow, that really is the worst name ever.
  2. It's from this Garfield comic strip, a classic!
  3. ---------------- On 8/15/2005 10:58:44 AM garymd wrote: I'd revise my Reserve to $7499 right about now. That isn't in good enough condition to go much higher. Stranger things have happened though! ---------------- Exactly. That guy is one lucky dude if he thinks he can get more than that for a piece of paper.
  4. Are you all sure that you've replaced your fuses with the right fuse?
  5. For the sake of your own hearing, you're not even supposed to go above 85 decibels!! For your own good, I advise you to stop, unless you don't want to hear for the rest of your life. Plus you're being darned inconsiderate.
  6. Those high frequency generators are horrible. We used to go over a friend's house who had one and they are loud and piercing. Then again, I do have some insanely good hearing, but trust me, if you have normal hearing, I can bet you'll hear this sucker and it will annoy you.
  7. Michael Jackson is something I'm not ready to openly admit in most musical conversations. He's unfortunately had a tough life and has done some questionable things I'm sure. But his music is great. I mean, seriously, what the heck kind of other music do you know that has this much BASS?! It's cool stuff, and I enjoy listening to it.
  8. Sounds like one of the channels is broken while both of your sattelites are working. I would check your source. Try plugging your PM's into a portable CD player or other device and see if you get stereo. If you don't, clean all of your connections and check your preamp (control pod) connection. If not, contact Klipsch for a warranty repair. Wrong forum, by the way.
  9. Sounds like a sheilding problem all right. I'd get a new monitor altogether unless you like pushing the degauss button every other second.
  10. Well today I put a 9 (wide) x 6 (deep) piece of eggcrate foam in my promedia 4.1 subwoofer. So far I like the results a lot. That boominess and port noisey crap has to be at least cut in half. The bass sounds more like a tone now and less like a "fart". I would say the bass sounds like it has less punch, but this is probably because I'm used to the "fart" giving the bass a little extra oomph - granted, a terrible-sounding oomph. I have to turn up the bass a little more as it is a bit muted, but overall I'm extremely pleased with what I hear. Taking apart the subwoofer was the easiest thing I have ever done in terms of taking big electronics apart. Unscrew the 8 screws, pop it out, and push in the foam. I actually cut an arc of foam away from each side, fearing the foam might come in contact with the woofers. At any rate, no melting smells yet or buzzing sounds, so I'm pretty sure it's OK. I'll take a sniff in the port later. I doubt my parents would like me to find out I used their foam bed cushion thing to dampen my subwoofer, but then again, it's been sitting in the basement for years and they'll never notice! I highly recommend trying this mod. I think at this point the lack of punch I described is a lack of upper bass, the result of the sattelite midbass drivers possibly being underpowered or just not being powerful enough themselves. I've noticed this before (listen to the high end of a bass guitar and compare it to the loudness of the low end...it's not balanced). Maybe it's time to build some cables. Pictures, if you're interested: http://photobucket.com/albums/y6/John9013/promedia41mod/
  11. ---------------- On 7/26/2005 7:13:06 AM Daddy Dee wrote: Here's Kitty! ---------------- That's saving to the hard drive, definitely!! I don't have a pic of my cat. He's actually a stray, but we feed him and he comes inside and hangs out and stuff. He's pretty psycho. lol
  12. If it's solid cherry, it would be worth the buy if only for the cabinets!!!
  13. PM Amy or call Klipsch. I'm sure they can help you out, maybe ship you something to remedy your problem. Is it under warranty? Other than that, if you're going to just throw them away (which you should not. Invest a little time and fix the problem, and you'll be happy), I would be happy to take them off your hands. I could surely use the parts for my subwoofer project.
  14. If you're going to throw them away, I'll take them!!! Actually, you'd be better off calling Klipsch. It sounds like you have a blown woofer and maybe a bad mute switch. They can repair these for you. Sound still comes out of my speakers with the mute switch but it is VERY hard to hear, and only comes out when the volume knob is high enough.
  15. All right. Well I have exactly what you describe.
  16. Pic I took last year in Maine of some wild flowers. Taken in macro mode on my dad's Canon A80 camera.
  17. Summertime music for me is tunes. Like good blues tunes. One of the CD's I own which is particularly good is Huey Lewis and The News's "Four Chords and Several Years Ago", which really breathes some serious life into some great old tunes. Amazing musicianship. When I'm not doing blues band stuff or listening to blues, you'll find me rocking out to Ozzy, Led Zeppelin, Dream Theater, or Kansas which seem to be my listening favorites at the moment.
  18. When I came here, I had Logitech Z-540's. In the time I've been here, I've managed to pick up a pair of PM4.1's, and by the end of the summer I want to upgrade to a pair of B3's, which will rule. Since I've been here, things have truly improved. When I first joined I didn't even like to surf the forums - they were that slow.
  19. Same here. And he's right about the surrounds - I've run some crazy bass tests through these and they can't seem to bottom out.
  20. So would someone mind explaining how I can get that 10% off on the B3's or sub-10? That's a pretty decent amount of savings.
  21. Does anyone have any Sonic Barrier or Polyfill they could send me so I could put some in my PM4.1 sub? I've never taken this thing apart, but its boominess is making me want to. I don't have any eggcrate foam or anything like that sitting around. I even checked my gigantic creepy basement full of random crap, and I don't have anything. I really don't feel like asking my dad to pay $7.00 shipping so I can get a sheet from Parts Express. He'll barely buy me a spindle of CD-R's for $8.00.
  22. ---------------- On 7/22/2005 9:59:30 AM InnovaZero wrote: I agree go the sub-10 or sub-12 route. It sucks you had a bad experience, but I can assure you they are quite something else..esp. the sub 12...that sucker has some grunt. However just to clarify, the 4.1's in no way reach 29 hz, not unless at an EXTREMELY low volume, or with a tone of port noise. They are good to abut 35hz in movies, and about 40hz in music. The sub can reach around 105db at max volume, around the ports tuning freq. which is I believe 50-53hz. MD, even though it's pretty much agreed that the 4.1 has the easiest going slope of all promedia systems (basically, they leak as far down as the 80hz area at higher volume, reason why the midbass drivers in the 4.1's always over excursioned at 100db or more). I'd still go for a seperate reciever or what not. Better quality, more freedom to do whatever, and would run cooler, more efficently. ---------------- Yeah, I'm saying I WANT usable bass down to 30 hz. The PM4.1 I've found has present and acceptable bass down to 40-35 hz. like I said, and after that you get seriously diminishing bass quality. So how low can the sub-10 hit? I'm actually not quite as concerned about depth as I am tightness. I want zero port noise. Nothing but what I need.
  23. The PM4.1's run pretty hot. In fact, they are warm all the time just sitting here. My biggest concern using the B3's with the PM4.1's, if I went that route for whatever reason, would be the limitations the amp would put on them. It just wouldn't drive them properly, and also there would be a crossover I wouldn't want in there.
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