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Everything posted by lovemyhorns

  1. Khorns since 1985, woofer failed first year, about a week to get replaced, working fine ever since.
  2. For $500 you can get the Transcendent Sound Grounded Grid preamp in kit form, not only do you get a quiet tube preamp, you get to build it too!
  3. You may also want to check your DVD player and see if it has a dynamic compression mode, my Panasonic does, and it does help a little.
  4. I used to have a Phase Linear amp, the 120w/ch model and to best describe the sound would be 'cold & clinical', just my opinion. For SS, I liked my McIntosh a whole lot more... Another note is that I had bought this amp used and when I opened it up, one channel of finals had been replaced, so I guess at one time, the amp burned itself up. I also have a Phase Linear preamp & still use it, the P3800. this one is actually a Jensen with the PL tag. It has been mucho modified, the bipolar opamps have been swapped out with FET opamps, all the P/S caps changed out to low ESR caps, all the signal caps changed to polyprops and almost every resistor changed out to the Dales and the balance control bypassed. It has a pretty good volume pot. It is now a pretty decent FET preamp. This preamp was also the first 'seperate' I ever bought!
  5. I had the same problem, seems to be better today. Probably a carrier router having probs somewhere.
  6. These message boards DO provide brand recognition...if you weren't here you would be posting somewhere else. the internet is very competitive and it is all about advertising and sales... seven years ago you could go into a searcher and actually get useful info, now it as all ads... You are doing Klipsch a favor by posting here, mostly promoting the 'greatness' of their products (how often are there Klipsch s*cks posts?) Notice my username, there is nothing better for the buck (well, maybe MCMs ) Forgot to add - I do agree about keeping the language 'clean' though...
  7. I was wondering if anybody has figured out how to make this split coil into like two air core coils, or would this be a bad idea?
  8. I got 12+1 uF for the 13, but have not installed them yet...
  9. I almost bought a pair of the full setup of the MCMs. It was a couple months after I got my Khorns, went to the dealer to check out things, and he had a pair on consignment for $4000. Glad I didn't, they are HUGE!
  10. It won't work without an active crossover, you'll be sending full range sound to both inputs (i.e. bass to the mid/tweeter and highs to the woofer. The passive crossover works because the various frequencies seek paths of least resistance/reactance, if there is only one path, that is least resistance/reactance. What you want to do is a good way to blow a driver at volume.
  11. many years ago I biamped the Khorns, I used an Ace Audio active crossover. It worked OK. I reduced my component count and went back to one amp per speaker. I have no future plans to biamp, the system works fine without biamping.
  12. "but they are just too big" That is why I like the Klipschorns, just hide them away in the corners of the room and nobody will notice!
  13. My first CD player was a Yamaha CD-X1... it eventually broke, but it lasted for a little over 10 years of extensive use.
  14. I read the reviews and they were pretty much positive and indicate a balance between tubes and SS and I think that may be the sound I am looking for.
  15. Anyone try the Khorns with the Jolida 1501 hybrid integrated amp? (the one with 12ax7 pre and MOSFET finals) Does it offer a compromise of tube soundstage with SS punch and slam (yes, I want the best of both worlds
  16. Whatever happened to traditional hole flow, these days, everybody is so darned worried about those electrons! Unless there is some design/mechanical difference from one end to the other, IMO cables are not directional. ] Note: I did follow the arrows on my cable, but only because they were there, not because I was expecting to hear a sonic difference...
  17. I used to have the series III arm and used it with the Shure IV..also used it with a Stanton MC and a Grado. the arm worked great for me...
  18. Out of those choices, I'd go Cornwall all day long... the Cornwall's were the runner-up choice to my Khorns, I liked the Cornwalls a lot.
  19. I use a FET preamp with tube monoblocks. The soundstage with tubes is amazing and the instruments sound like instruments, vs. SS(the 200w/ch McIntosh I had) which sounds like a reproduction now that I can compare. One thing I will admit is the SS had more punch and slam, especially for R&R. I am not saying the sound is bad with SS, it is just my opinion the sound is sooo much better with tubes.
  20. For a few more bucks, look at a McIntosh 50 watter w/autoformers, McIntosh & Klipsch sound really well together.
  21. Anybody using the Khorns with the McIntosh MC2100 (105/ch autoformer, last of the ugly chrome chassis amps?)What is your opinion? Note: many moons ago I had a mac 2200 and was wondering if it was similiar?
  22. ...and all this time I thought it was the first watt that mattered most! I went from a 200w/ch McIntosh to an 8w/ch tube amp... my wife claims the McIntosh and more punch and slam. I agree, but the tube amp sounds better with a whole lot bigger and better presence and has more of a "real' sound than the SS "reproduced" sound. At this point in my life, 8w/ch is more than enough. Fact is, if you play loud, you need the power... don't let anybody tell you otherwise...
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