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Everything posted by Woodog

  1. You are gonna LOVE them, especially with those tubes. Congratulations! Woo
  2. A very tired me went over to check out the latest at BS' home, and this Aragon amp works well in his setup. He should hold on to this and let this sound 'settle in' with his ears. (i.e. don't get rid of it!!). We listened to the Cornwalls for a bit and then hooked up the LaScalas. Once again, LaScalas win. :-) Getting back to the sound of Klipsch almost makes the end of vacation bearable. Woo
  3. Awesome work there, Craig! I think it is very cool that you have found work that you love and excel with. I enjoy your handiwork on a daily basis. Woo
  4. I've got a pair of Mark III's from autospec. Interesting enough, Erik Mandaville was the one who got them up on my radar screen. I have been delighted with their sound and looks. He does a beautiful job rebuilding these things from the chassis up.Not only is the work solid, but I love his design in moving all the connections to the back adding the faceplate to the front. Very nice guy, in addition to doing nice work. That makes at least four forum members with his gear. Erik and Born2RockU have both got his Baldwin amps. If those were the same Mark III's that you had in Hope last September... WOWZA! (that's wowza to the sound AND the look) Woo
  5. Smilin - Stop speaking in tongues. [:|] LMAO! That's too funny. Woo
  6. Great story. The smile won't leave your face. [] Woo
  7. yeah, those memories do that to me too. Woo
  8. I've been wondering which cabinets you are having made for those Tannoys. Sounds like you are going to be in audio heaven. Woo
  9. Gary's right. You'll end up with a Peach anyway. I've listened to BS Button's Peach on his LaScalas (driven by an SS amp, mind you) and it's FINE. He's offered to bring it over for me to audition on my khorns. I can't wait. I've already been musing nights lately thinking of what I have that I could sell that I own now plus how much $$ I would have to chip in to own a Peach. (I do NOT do credit anymore) what a sickness! Woo
  10. There's a world of benefit in weight lifting, if you can do it. The benefits go way beyond muscularity increased body weight. For cardio conditioning I recommend bicycling, but that will NOT help you gain weight. It will, however, condition your heart and get your cholesterol levels in a better place. If you have back problems, there are recumbent bicycles... very cool machines. Of course, if you just want to gain weight for weight's sake, you can eat a lot more food (any kind) as long as it is the 'kind to your heart' type food. Best of luck, Woo
  11. Wow, beautiful! I sure hope a forum member gets 'em. Woo
  12. I printed the guide for the various settings and left it behind the left speaker. Every once in a while I'll change the setting, mark the date and leave it there until the next time I want to tweak it a tad. The only settings I didn't like were at the extreme ends of the scale. I'm not sure what the current setting is; it might be time to change it to something else. My room does have some slight resonance at around 160hz... sometimes that bothers me if I let it. Woo
  13. LMAO! I don't care who you are... that right there's funny! Woo
  14. whew... to think I was about to spell it Daycart. [] Woo
  15. A three legged dog walks into a bar, and the bartender says, 'What can I get for you?' the dog says, "I'm just looking for the man who shot my paw" ------------ A unitarian, a priest, and a jew walk into a bar, and the bartender says, 'Is this some kind of a joke?" ---------- Renee Descarte walks into a bar, and the bartender says, 'Hey Renee, can I get you a beer?" Descarte says, "I think not" and then disappears. ------------ A string walks into a bar, and the bartender gets angry and throws the string out into the street, yelling 'we don't serve your kind here!' the string musses up his hair, ties himself up and goes back in. The barender looks at him and says, 'hey, aren't you that string that was in here a minte ago?' The string replies, 'No, I'm a frayed knot' -------------------- Woo (needs a drink)
  16. Well, I profess to enjoying hardwood floors mainly, although I have been known to enjoy a good throw rug on occasion! [] Woo
  17. walnuts, yogurt, and yummy yummy raisins mmmmm Woo
  18. That 'set up' was more like: * put reefer in the kid's brownies, and when he gets stoned, kick his *** (be sure to videotape) * rig the test for him to fail, ridicule him when he gets an F (be sure to videotape) * tie his shoelaces together at the B-Ball game, call him a loser when he falls on his face and bloodies his nose (be sure to videotape). Cruel is cruel. There is enough cruelty in the world already. You don't have to manufacture it. I hurt inside when I watched that. geez Woo
  19. At the forum gathering last year, when the LaScalas reached 121db (there's a pic somewhere to prove it), it was NOT enjoyable. at all. Woo
  20. I sold my Tannoys (vintage Monitor Gold 15"), but you are correct, with the correct cabinet (I've been told... I'm certainly not able to afford the better horn cabinets for them) they best the mighty Khorn. They are a truly amazing speaker. Nothing I've ever heard, even my Khorns, image as well. Woo
  21. Sorry to hear about your past misfortune, but good to know that things are back on the right track for you. It's been written on this forum many times, and for good reason, that a Scott 299-B (rebuilt) is a great little tube amp that won't set you back too many bucks. It should have plenty of power for the size room you are talking about. The best part is if you don't like it the sound, or want more juice, you can unload it for about the same price or more, as the 'secret' is out. Enjoy the process! Woo
  22. Seti, It's a hard choice... really difficult... but... ummmmm..... NO! [] Woo
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