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Everything posted by GRB

  1. LOL. Then try the Clapton. Some old stuff (Cream, Derek & the Dominoes) and some new. Great 5.1 sound and some great arrangements of the old stuff.
  2. The James Taylor is good. Try the "One More Car, One More Rider" from Clapton. Better. It might even pass the W.A.F.
  3. GRB


    LMAO. Surely someone needs part of what may have been a k-horn at some time. If this guy sells this thing then I have a whole basement full of junk going on e-bay immediately. Unbelievable!
  4. The 1095 is a 5x200 watt, but no expansion to 7.1. It does however, pump.
  5. Ok guys,check this one out on e-bay. I may have seen it all now. Item number: 2228535718
  6. Just my humble (and biased) opinion, but a Rotel RMB-1095 would suit your needs well. Very clean and plenty of headroom. No noise from surrounds when running 2-channel. You could pick up a used unit on Audiogon for $1400 - $1500.
  7. I'll take a Dodge SRT-10. With 500 hp I can get those bags of Scotts weed 'n feed back from Home Depot in 2.2 minutes.
  8. Hey Steven, Cool pics. I live in Mt. Airy, MD and have heard about this on the local news. I am surprised they let you guys get as close as they did. I'll bet it was awesome to see in person.
  9. Go Fini. What is this guy's deal? Norah Jones may not be the smartest person to walk the planet and may even be a little off bubble (what highly talented artist isn't) but, whoa nelly is this guy giving off a negative vibe or what. My advice would be, if you don't like Norah Jones, then don't listen to her music or read interviews with her. Get a grip pal.
  10. Mike, e-mail me, PM me or reply here. I have a C-5 I could part with.
  11. Float - PM me. I may have one for you. Mike, if you don't know how to use the private message function just reply to your original post.
  12. Griff, I agree. Particularly if 5.1 music is on the menu, I think the headroom in the back is a must. I know it is for me.
  13. Mandi, As an also newbie, I do a lot of "listening" on these boards and have learned a lot. Don't know jack compared to some of these guys but as you found out, they are also very willing to pass that knowledge along if you just honestly ask. Great thread by the way guys. One quick additional point. I too got my first Klipsch experience with Klipsch from a great friend (also my Brother in Law) who has a set of K-Horns. We had some parties that were outta control in college with those horns. Actually got the cops called one night and they were going to write us a ticket for having a live band in the back yard, until they figured out it was just his K-Horns! Then they actually asked to come back and listen for a while because they couldn't believe it. They eventually told us to turn it down and left us alone. I think I became sold on Klipsch that night. I'm with you, I don't know much, but I know what I like. And I do like to dust off the furniture occasionally with the Klipsch.
  14. Steve, Just goofin' on you. LOL. I just didn't want to go anywhere with that question.
  15. Nice Steve. Are you sure you are not in politics?
  16. Hey Fini, quick question. I think Keith told me you are running KSP's all around. Is that right and if so, what amp do you use? I am sort of sniffing around for an upgrade and am curious if you don't mind.
  17. Shload, did you forget to get on that do not call list again? LOL. Don't you just love tele-marketers.
  18. Mandi, BTW - for someone who claims to not know much about audio, you have a pretty nice rig there.
  19. Yeah, that is a great DVD. Actually picked it up for my son for X-Mas. Of course he wanted to watch it on the "old man's" HT, so I got to see it with him. Vai is an amazing guitarist. Almost inhuman with his speed. Anyone seen the (I think fairly new) Eric clapton "One More Car, One More Rider" DVD? Recorded in HD and 5.1. in L.A. in 2001. Just picked it up over the weekend. Some old stuff (Layla, Cocaine, Wonderful Tonight, Badge, Sunshine for Your Love) and some new stuff (My Father's Eyes, River of Tears, Reptile). Outstanding recording and video. Billy Preston on keyboard and Steve Gadd on drums.
  20. John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman. Hartman's vocals and Coltrane's horn...too much. Makes the hair stand up on your arms. Sorry, was that too much information?
  21. Greg, I agree w/ jazzman. Looks like the original I also have. One of my favorites.
  22. Hey Griff. Congrats on your new venture. Please pm me with the web site so I can check out your gear. I need some interconnects and speaker cables.
  23. Thanks for the input guys. Keith, I went looking and found the owner's manual on the net. It is somewhat poorly written however. It recommends that you contact your stereo dealer to discuss bi or tri wiring. Great help. I did get some better direction speaking to Frank @ Signal Cable. Great guy with lots of info. I think I found the solution to my issue. His company makes a tri-wire speaker wire set for about $250 for a pair of 10' runs. There were some previous posts extolling the virtues of Signal Cable so I went to the web site. Their stuff looks like quality and the reviews are outstanding. I think I'll give them a try. Thanks for the help guys. I will post a review of my own on the forum once I get them.
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